Nothing personal mate!

Huh? You can jump, block, press a button, etc to stop running. Unless I'm just not understanding what you're saying.I'd go for both Run and Dash, since I'm used to them from anime FGs, but since it's a poll I chose "Run".
However, they need to do something with how to stop the running. Once you input it, your character keeps running till the meter is completely depleted. I hope they fix that by inputting the stopping animations.
Leave the roll for the wakeup options.
That's true that you can do them all, but I wanted it to stop running from ground without block, jump and duck, but not from releasing the run button. :/Huh? You can jump, block, press a button, etc to stop running. Unless I'm just not understanding what you're saying.
OHH I understand nowThat's true that you can do them all, but I wanted it to stop running from ground without block, jump and duck, but not from releasing the run button. :/
In anime FGs, if you input and hold the run input, your character runs, and if you release the very same input, your character stops.
This is what's missing from MKX. I hope they fix that in MK11.
Honestly, I am not sure, I actually trust NRS to use a mechanic that fits the gameplay style they intend.Ok, but which do you want? Some like dash's, rolling or a run mechanic.
Yeah I hear ya, well I definitely think MK's movement of late has been better than say the 3D games. I personally like the dash mechanic in MK 9 or even if they went with a regular dash block cancel option, and enhanced dash that got you farther across with a little armor but at the cost of 2 bars. I just don't like the run at all, in MK X is was too much, and the fact that we got penalized for backdashing annoyed me honestly. It was obviously a pro aggressive/in your face game. I prefer defensive options and the ability to turtle, zone, get space if I need to.Honestly, I am not sure, I actually trust NRS to use a mechanic that fits the gameplay style they intend.
When I first played MKX, the run mechanic was so different to me, It was fun discovering and learning its uses. The problem was not so much the run as it was its implementation. The way the stamina bar worked, was a pain that didn't even fulfill its purpose of balancing the offense and actually hurt defense options like breaking and back dashing.
If I had to choose, I'd maybe go with dashing because it seems easier to balance?
What I definitely don't want is the "walking tea-bag" for optimal movement we see in games like Tekken, I think it's stupid.
If the game must have running then yeah def agree. Much prefer a umk3 run button.I’m perfectly cool with Run if it’s its own damn button this time around and not some convoluted hold block after dashing bullshit again.
What you're referring to is crouch dashing.What I definitely don't want is the "walking tea-bag" for optimal movement we see in games like Tekken, I think it's stupid.
Lol, I wasn't very elaborate on what I meant. Firstly I don't know it only as that, I called it that because I did not remember the term, so I tried, lazily, to convey what I was talking about, and I was actually not commenting on the gameplay aspect there. I can see how it seems that way since that is how I approached the run mechanic.What you're referring to is crouch dashing.
It's hardly "optimal movement" in Tekken when; 1) roughly 10 characters in Tekken 7 out of 40+ can crouch dash. 2) crouch dashing is used to have simultaneous access to moves with a crouch dash input such as EWGFs, Hellsweeps, command throws, and a couple of other character specific things whilst moving forwards. It's not inherently optimal movement on it's own.
Just because you only know it to be a "walking tea-bag" doesn't mean it's stupid. Slow down there buddy.
On the contrary, given that NRS/Midway didn't try to implement anything like that in the 3D MK games, the chances of it being in MK11 is extremely slim. So either way I think your wish will be granted.
The visual is what NRS cares about, though. They are not going to do an all-new graphical engine and then have the characters sputtering around the whole match doing weird dash block cancels. It clearly wasn't what they intended MK9 to look like in motion, and they made absolutely certain MKX wouldn't have that weird herky-jerky quality to an audience.mk9 style was better, i hope dashing is back. it didn't look like an actual fight with all these dash cancels but it felt better imo