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Pokemon X and Y - Discussion/Friend Code Exchange


gotta stay sharp!
@bdizzle2700 GG, but I feel so bad cuz I haxed the SHIT out of you :(

That Thief on Machamp is awesome though haha. Delphox stole the Leftovers and Machamp took them right back XD
haha dont man. I'm just glad that game was so good haha. I was surprised cause I feel like my style is unorthodox haha. :D and its not a very top tier team. I think the had had to happen cause I set up my poison spikes. And its what I deserve haha. But gg!! It was so good!


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
haha dont man. I'm just glad that game was so good haha. I was surprised cause I feel like my style is unorthodox haha. :D and its not a very top tier team. I think the had had to happen cause I set up my poison spikes. And its what I deserve haha. But gg!! It was so good!
Ahhh T-Spikes ain't so bad. Generally speaking stage 1 poison (not toxic) is typically the worst of all status conditions because it just deals 1/8 damage a turn. It doesn't slow them down (paralysis) or cut their attack (burn) and the damage doesn't increase over time (toxic). It does have use though. First turn Toxic only does 1/16 and then second turn it does 1/8, so if you're opponent is switching a lot 1 layer of T-Spikes is actually better. But it ain't OP ;)

But yeah, it was a very good game. I'm just happy I was able to actually use my Drifblim :D


gotta stay sharp!
Anybody want to hop on for a quick UU battle? I got some gimmicky things I want to try :)
just saw this. Haha makes sense why it was good cause I just happen to di
Ahhh T-Spikes ain't so bad. Generally speaking stage 1 poison (not toxic) is typically the worst of all status conditions because it just deals 1/8 damage a turn. It doesn't slow them down (paralysis) or cut their attack (burn) and the damage doesn't increase over time (toxic). It does have use though. First turn Toxic only does 1/16 and then second turn it does 1/8, so if you're opponent is switching a lot 1 layer of T-Spikes is actually better. But it ain't OP ;)

But yeah, it was a very good game. I'm just happy I was able to actually use my Drifblim :D
got ya! Well now I know haha. I can't believe I got taken out by destiny bond. Just ridiculous haha. Question? How can I check out my pr video?I saved it since it was my first 6v6 battle and I actually did ok haha. I want to check it out to kinda see what I can do differently.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
just saw this. Haha makes sense why it was good cause I just happen to di

got ya! Well now I know haha. I can't believe I got taken out by destiny bond. Just ridiculous haha. Question? How can I check out my pr video?I saved it since it was my first 6v6 battle and I actually did ok haha. I want to check it out to kinda see what I can do differently.
Care to finish that first sentence? :p

And yeah, my Mega Banette's only purpose is to take out a pokemon with priority Destiny Bond :D So good. As far as viewing the video, I have no idea. I don't think I've ever saved a video and I don't recall even seeing where to look

DJ L Toro

I don't think anyone here does, but I believe I have a HA Cloyster that I can breed for you
With overcoat? sweet, i would appreciate that very much. All i would need is a female one with it (dont worry bout IVs or nature, i can take care of that), and i can breed from there.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
With overcoat? sweet, i would appreciate that very much. All i would need is a female one with it (dont worry bout IVs or nature, i can take care of that), and i can breed from there.
Well if you want it to be Calm or Timid I gotchu :D

Also, I don't think I have you added. My code is 3926-6343-4094. I'll also be available the rest of the night so just let me know when you can get on. I'm also not looking for anything in particular other than a HA Garbodor (preferably with Drain Punch as well), but if you don't have that you can just give me anything :)

EDIT: Female Shellder with Overcoat ready to trade sir
Last edited:


gotta stay sharp!
ok for sure haha. And if you challenge some some the levels still don't set to 50 right? They only lvl down not lvl up


gotta stay sharp!
GG dude, but I have to ask... i noticed that it said you haven't hatched any Eggs. Do you breed your pokemon for IVs and EV train them and all that?
I actually dont know what that is haha. I'm kinda new to the competitive aspect. I just get a Pokemon I want and build a team around them.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
I actually dont know what that is haha. I'm kinda new to the competitive aspect. I just get a Pokemon I want and build a team around them.
Everyone starts somewhere :D I mean, this training thing isn't necessarily something you HAVE to do, but if your Drapion had been trained correctly it would have done WAYYY more than 45% to my Florges with that Poison Jab :p

Basically IV's are the "DNA" of the pokemon. Each pokemon has 6 stat categories: HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed. When a pokemon is found in the wild or just hatched from an egg, it's "born" with anywhere between 0-31 IV's in each of those categories (31 being considered "perfect"). Basically, the higher an IV is, the more points go into that pokemon's stats when leveling up. For example, a pokemon with a 15 IV in HP will gain 2 more HP when leveling up, where a pokemon with a 31 will gain 4. It adds up. You can actually effectively ensure that your pokemon have 5 perfect IV's through breeding (which I made a giant post about in here a while ago that I'm hoping I can find....).

EV's are something that your pokemon gain through battling. I don't feel like explaining that so watch the first half of this video :D

Horde battling makes EV training a WHOLE hell of a lot less grindy though. I can explain how I do it if you're interested as well.

Here's my attempt at IV breeding and how it works lol.

Think of IV's as DNA. A pokemon with a perfect IV (31) in ATK is going to gain points in ATK at a faster rate then a pokemon with say, a 15 as it's ATK IV (Maybe it'll get +4 in ATK instead of +2 when it levels up). So even if they are the same pokemon with the same level, the "perfect" pokemon will have a higher ATK then the other one (not taking into account Natures and EV's, which are different topics). IV's, just like your DNA, are determined from birth, be that from a pokemon hatching or spawning in the wild when you battle it. There's really nothing that you can do to determine what those IV's are exactly, but you can "influence" them by breeding.

Say you have two pokemon that you want to breed, a Pinser and a Ditto, and their IV spreads are (following the "HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe" format):

Pinser - X/X/X/X/X/X
Ditto - y/y/y/y/y/y

Assuming one pokemon is holding a Destiny Knot (which I would recommend for ANY breeding session), 5 IVs are going to be passed from parent to child. If neither is holding a Destiny Knot, only 3 IVs get passed down. Which IV's get passed down are completely random. So say you hatch an egg. The baby Pinser's IV spread could look something like this:

Baby Pinser - X/y/y/#/X/X

(The capital "X's" are passed from the Pinser and the lower case "y's" are passed from the Ditto. However, because only 5 IV's get passed down, the 6th IV (the "#"), is randomly generated. Keep in mind that the specific stat IVs that get passed down are random too. In this example, everything but Special Attack was passed down, but that's not always going to be the case. I also don't believe that all 5 IVs will ever be passed down from the same parent, but I'm not entirely sure on that.)

This is why having a 6 IV Ditto is ideal. It can breed with any pokemon, and the chances of passing a perfect IV are much greater. If we're breeding Pinsers again:

Pinser - X/X/X/X/X/X
Ditto - 31/31/31/31/31/31

The baby might look like this:

Baby Pinser - 31/X/31/X/#/31 (It got 3 perfect IV's from the Ditto, 2 not-perfect IVs from the Pinser, and a random IV)

Now this is where incest kinda comes in lol. If you replace that Pinser with your new Baby Pinser, the chance of getting a Pinser with 5 perfect IV's increases dramatically, because there are more 31's to pass down.

Baby Pinser - 31/X/31/X/#/31
Ditto - 31/31/31/31/31/31

And so on..... You certainly don't NEED a 6 IV to breed a perfect pokemon. You can breed two Pinsers with 1 perfect IV until you get a Pinser with 2, and then keep breeding and breeding and breeding until you get good parents, but having that Ditto eliminates HOURS of work.


As far as Natures go, they are randomly generated upon birth as well, but this can also be influenced with an Everstone. Say you want your Pinser to be Adamant. If your Pinser or your Ditto is Adamant then you're good to go. Just make the Adamant parent hold the Everstone and every baby will be born Adamant, since the Everstone ALWAYS passes down that parent's nature (and make sure to make the other parent hold the Destiny Knot). If you don't have an Adamant parent, then you can do three things:

1. Keep breeding Pinsers until you happen to get one with an Adamant nature
2. Breed a male Pokemon that is Adamant and in the same egg group as Pinser (you can find that info on Google) with a female Pinser. (When breeding two different pokemon, the baby pokemon will always be the same as the mother).
3. Trade for an Adamant Pinser :p

Wow that took a lot longer to write then I had originally anticipated and someone has probably already explained it to you more concisely *facepalm* Oh well :D


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
Does anyone have a Swinub/Piloswine/Mamoswine with Stealth Rock?

And while we're at it, anyone have a Sandshrew/Sandslash with Knock Off?

IVs/EVs/Nature do not matter at all. I just need them for breeding :D