The Ignore Button Is Free
Yes it's sitting in my box.![]()
Wanna trade in about 5 mins? Fighting Serena atm.
Yes it's sitting in my box.![]()
Gimme like 45 minutes I'm at work and then I will break it down easy as fuck it's really complex but not hard to understand if you know how to explain it right I could probably have you understanding it all tonight. It is absolutley essential to being good at competetive battles. Natures are minuscule compared to IVs (natures are hella important too though don't get me wrong) breeding is an art.I'm very confused about IVs right now. It must be a good thing if everyone is going crazy about those ditto, so I guess I should play it safe and get one as well.
But yea, I'm a little lost. Help?
What's your ign?Haha if it's going to cause issues then don't worry about it. I was mostly kiddingBtw, you have been added. I'm 3926-6343-4094
I'm pretty sure action replay got patched at least the ones I knew did they're trying to block all that shit outAlso, this may be a bit too outlandish since idk of you guys ever used Action Replay, but does anyone have and Lvl1 Legendaries they dont want?
AddedI have you added.
IGN: Buzzard
Oh, it's Shadow.What's your ign?
Basically when a pokemon is caught or is hatched it is given certain IV's. Individual Values. Based off of the 6 stats a pokemon has. There is a chance based on a number scale of 0-31(I think it was) 0 Being worst and total shit stat. 31 being the highest. The number that the pokemon gets can be between 0 and 31. When breeding a pokemon if you give them the item Destiny Knot up to 5IVs will be transferred from that pokemon to its child. Hence the want for a 6IV ditto. It would transfer 5IVs that you want on to a pokemon. You would give the last IV the on that is not high to a stat you do not care about depending on the pokemon. So having a Perfect 6IV ditto is wanted. Basically it increases the Stat of a pokemon more so. So an example would be a Garchomp with no Max IV's on any of its stats would have as an example 100 for each of its stats. If yuo have one with The highest IV the stats would then increase to 125. The math is wrong but this is an example. Hopefully this helps. Nature then increases it more. Jolly Garchomp would increase the Speed as an example to 140. As an example to make it faster. Although it would lose stats in Special Attack. Which is fine since you usually want an attack heavy garchomp.I'm very confused about IVs right now. It must be a good thing if everyone is going crazy about those ditto, so I guess I should play it safe and get one as well.
But yea, I'm a little lost. Help?
They tried too but there are ways around it. A lot of hacked pokemon still get through Pokebank. And there are ways to hack Pokemon X and YI'm pretty sure action replay got patched at least the ones I knew did they're trying to block all that shit out
Basically when a pokemon is caught or is hatched it is given certain IV's. Individual Values. Based off of the 6 stats a pokemon has. There is a chance based on a number scale of 0-31(I think it was) 0 Being worst and total shit stat. 31 being the highest. The number that the pokemon gets can be between 0 and 31. When breeding a pokemon if you give them the item Destiny Knot up to 5IVs will be transferred from that pokemon to its child. Hence the want for a 6IV ditto. It would transfer 5IVs that you want on to a pokemon. You would give the last IV the on that is not high to a stat you do not care about depending on the pokemon. So having a Perfect 6IV ditto is wanted. Basically it increases the Stat of a pokemon more so. So an example would be a Garchomp with no Max IV's on any of its stats would have as an example 100 for each of its stats. If yuo have one with The highest IV the stats would then increase to 125. The math is wrong but this is an example. Hopefully this helps. Nature then increases it more. Jolly Garchomp would increase the Speed as an example to 140. As an example to make it faster. Although it would lose stats in Special Attack. Which is fine since you usually want an attack heavy garchomp.
Added you BTW. Gamer-XAdded
Sorry just saw this. Yeah if yer still able ill get it to you.Wanna trade in about 5 mins? Fighting Serena atm.
The numbers that i gave was just an example except for the 0-31 Scale. Base Stats are not IV's. IV's are like EV's. Except IV's are random unless breeded with the method that i explained. Some pokemon will have 0 for each of their IV so they will not have anything special about them. It basically makes them the Top percent of Pokemon.When people say 6IV ditto it mean a ditto with all the IVs Perfect. IV's will help to increase their Stats more depending on how high the IV's Are. Just like EV's(Effort Values). But IV's are random unless they are transferred over through Breeding. So when your pokemon levels up if they have Max IV's they will get more points when leveling up then a pokemon with shit for IV'sSo this is like base stats, right? If I sam getting this right, you are saying IV basically improve each state by 100 pts, and when you train them, they will grow stronger based on the IVs, correct?
Now, is there a way to specially give an IV to a stat or is it completely random?
And I'm guessing breeding with 6IV ditto is the way to go huh?
Added you BTW. Gamer-X
Sorry just saw this. Yeah if yer still able ill get it to you.![]()
Np man. Anything you need let me know.Thanks man!!
The numbers that i gave was just an example except for the 0-31 Scale. Base Stats are not IV's. IV's are like EV's. Except IV's are random unless breeded with the method that i explained. Some pokemon will have 0 for each of their IV so they will not have anything special about them. It basically makes them the Top percent of Pokemon.When people say 6IV ditto it mean a ditto with all the IVs Perfect. IV's will help to increase their Stats more depending on how high the IV's Are. Just like EV's(Effort Values). But IV's are random unless they are transferred over through Breeding. So when your pokemon levels up if they have Max IV's they will get more points when leveling up then a pokemon with shit for IV's
Np man. Anything you need let me know.![]()
Yes. Exact numbers would be. For a level 50 AlakazamSo a modest alakazam for example, he already has high Sp.A. IVs will make them even higher, alongside his high speed as well?
Ok I'll try to make this as simple and accurate as possible lets say I have two pokemon of the same breed identical in every way except for their IVs which are Inherited Values basically Lebrun James has 6 perfect IVs to my 0 if the were talking about basketball.So this is like base stats, right? If I sam getting this right, you are saying IV basically improve each state by 100 pts, and when you train them, they will grow stronger based on the IVs, correct?
Now, is there a way to specially give an IV to a stat or is it completely random?
And I'm guessing breeding with 6IV ditto is the way to go huh?
Added you BTW. Gamer-X
Adamant mawile, drillburs, dratini and sliggoo. im working on schyther,magikarp and talonflame.Lol go a page back and read about my Adamant/Modest post. If you have any noticeable ones, let me know!
What was your FC I couldn't find itSo this is like base stats, right? If I sam getting this right, you are saying IV basically improve each state by 100 pts, and when you train them, they will grow stronger based on the IVs, correct?
Now, is there a way to specially give an IV to a stat or is it completely random?
And I'm guessing breeding with 6IV ditto is the way to go huh?
Added you BTW. Gamer-X
Adamant mawile, drillburs, dratini and sliggoo. im working on schyther,magikarp and talonflame.
Modest abra, deino, gengar, frillish, togepi, charmander. Working on larvesta.
Im down to go a couple. My FC is on the front page.If anyone wants to test some stuff out I'll probably be online for a few hours I'd love to try a few teams out.
Just added you I added the wrong joker when You told me to add you last week. send the invite whenever Ill whip up a team quick.Im down to go a couple. My FC is on the front page.
It depends on the goodra you run to be honest, he has quite a few specific niches. Yeah I'll get you them. The iv's aremt the best, but could be worse lol.I have an Adamant Mawile and Dragonite. I see Goodra more as an Mixed attacker tho, especially with Assault Vest or Weakness Policy. I dont have a drillbur tho
I dont have ANY of those modest Pokemon except Volcarona (who is gdlk BTW, but that damn stealth rock).
can i have them?![]()