Here is the main reason that I see this as a big deal.. characters like Kitana, Cage, etc. Think about Cage on side 1, f3 recovers at 0 which means that he will always d1 your d1 or d3 your d3.
Kitana strings like 21, b21, cutter, etc.. they recover at 0, if the Kitana player is on side 1 then they can d1 you for free every time. Even worse, if you both try to jump over punch at 0 after these strings are blocked, Kitana wins the trade and goes into a juggle.
LOL take Smoke's 3d12 string. VS a character that has a 6 frame d1, Smoke can always d1 after the string is blocked on side 1 and win but will get interrupted if the player is on side 2. Side specific frame traps? Come on now, this is kind of ridiculous.