The better the players become the more lop-sided matchups will become, the more the game is fleshed out the more specific advantages start to make a big difference because the players understand every situation and fully exploit game mechanics and their skills begin to stalemate. Right now players are all over the place and don't fully exploit every matchup or character towards their fullest potential.
The more and more players in anything begin to achieve perfection systematic variability becomes more relevant. Chess is won in competitive play by white 55% of the time or something like that. Compared to street fighter, injustice has a shit load of variables. Increase of variables in anything reduces performance as a rule of thumb. In this scenario the balance of the game is being reduced by the number of variables in the game. This means that injustice in the long run is going to be extremely based (and already is) on character exploitation. Street fighter is highly rewarding to the player because it is designed with a small number of moves, each one intelligently balanced with meaningful risk reward. 6-7 years into that game it will still be more and more about characters because players stop growing.
Tom brady has to be smoking crack when he says feels like he is playing the player more in this game because i believe in injustice might wind up being even worst then mk9, even though netherealm did a better job attempting to balance in some way. He has selective memory of getting bopped by kenshis, now he is the one who mains kenshi. If anything this game is even more about playing against the character and more about abusing matchups, due to the restricted footsie game and excessively dominating options like doomsday's mb venom and zods trait and batmans trait and sinestro's trait and batgirls mixups and martian's tele. These options bottleneck players spacing games and the majority of damage is decided by brutal guessing games. The only thing that balances this game out is the brokeness and difficulty of dealing with every characters options. You can lose to shazam with one boneheaded mistake but he will never TOUCH you once if you play the matchup correctly the entire game. If this game was more about the player then people like noobe wouldn't be beating people like reo, who are far more talented. Mk9 was more rewarding to the player because we saw more consistent tournament results. This game is almost purely about character exploitation, just look at doomsday. Any1 who truly understands fighting games should see that by now, and it is only going to get worst.
This game has extremely slow walk-speed and punishable dashes, this is becoming more and more exploited by top players by punishing dashes on reaction, characters with safe fast relatively far reaching normals have a serious advantage to the point where it renders other characters footsie games useless, especially when they are on the defensive. One of the big reasons this game has so much randomness in tournament performance is because even the worst characters like shazam have brutally unfair guessing games and making one mistake fucks you over. Along with it being 2 out of 3 better players can get randomed out of tournament. So you can call that "balance" or you can call it an "injustice" too talented and thoughtful players