Look at the numbers that MK sells.... then look at the numbers of tournament entries (even combine all the tournies if you want).and they've been showing us nothing but custom builds for a game where customization isn't legal in competition...that's preeeeetty fucked up.
Do you see the HUGE discrepancy between those numbers?
Well the majority of that huge number is the people that will be playing the game with the customisations, and that is the crowd that NRS is catering for.
To appease the small number on the right they're adding pre-set variations.
They've said from Day1 that they're still tinkering with ideas for tournament play and they'd announce it at a later date.
Just because there's been so much talk of customisation and people thought and wanted it in tournament play, it was never, ever explicitly stated that would be the case, and now everyone has the shits because of something they created in their own head.