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Online Tournaments Abroad Have Begun to Ban Jacqui

Should Jacqui be banned from online tournaments?

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Zoning Master
Please look at the advertisement below for an online Russian tournament.

The tournament and "Ban Jacqui" movement have been supported by players like Tekken Master and ArnKratos.

REO has just uploaded a brief video addressing this issue.

What do you think?

I am honestly creating this thread to expose this insane mentality before it migrates to the online scene in the United States.

Edit: I apologize for missing @John Grizzly 's thread on the same topic. Moderators, feel free to merge.
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Nah, but I might be biased I feel like dirtbag kano doesnt have that hard of a time against her. I just stay nuetral ducking, and if she moves forward instead of leaping I'll use my longer range buttons.


Administrator and Community Engineer
This is completely ridiculous. I don't know why anyone decided that banning top tier characters is the answer for fighting games. And no one is winning anything with Jacqui -- which doesn't always tell you where a character stands, but it at least gives you a better case for your making your point, if your point is that she's ruining the tournaments.
While I don’t agree with banning her, I do agree with discussing to normalizing her. How? Beats me, but definitely needs to be more in line with the rest of the cast. She’s playing a completely different game than the rest of them.
Banning someone because of their story mode is certainly a new one.
Im not saying she should be banned for story ( but i guess ur dumb enough that u think someone would make that type of argument) , im stating that she gets protection ON ALL FRONTS . Check some patch notes , Tell me how many nerfs did u see to upgraded ? How about ners for her in general ?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

There's no reason on Earth to ban her when the community hasn't banned the more insane characters in the past.

That being said, there also isn't another character in this game who's as complete and well-put-together across all three variations as Jacqui is, and yet she's barely been touched while Geras, Cetrion, Cage, Liu, Scorpion, and every other character who was the focus of everyone's anger at some point or another have all been knocked down a few pegs.

This is not a banworthy situation at all, but there's no good reason why one character should have such an opulence of options compared to everyone else on the roster.


Zoning Master
She’s playing a completely different game than the rest of them.
She is not playing a "completely different game" from other characters. She is just very good at the game.

Besides, such arguments are subjective. If I am using a zoning character and fighting Scorpion, he is technically playing a different game because I cannot apply traditional zoning strategies. Honestly, this argument is nonsensical.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Jacqui is, and yet she's barely been touched while Geras, Cetrion, Cage, Liu, Scorpion, and every other character who was the focus of everyone's anger at some point or another have all been knocked down a few pegs.
Jacqui has been nerfed a couple times, at least as much as Cetrion has. That's not to say that she's perfectly balanced, but she's definitely not going untouched.

I don't think there's a single top tier in the game that's gone untouched so far. It's just a slower and more measured process than the old games where someone would get instantly hammered to low tier.


Lord of embers
There's no reason on Earth to ban her when the community hasn't banned the more insane characters in the past.

That being said, there also isn't another character in this game who's as complete and well-put-together across all three variations as Jacqui is, and yet she's barely been touched while Geras, Cetrion, Cage, Liu, Scorpion, and every other character who was the focus of everyone's anger at some point or another have all been knocked down a few pegs.

This is not a banworthy situation at all, but there's no good reason why one character should have such an opulence of options compared to everyone else on the roster.
I want to state I agree with this 100%.

The contrarian view point would be mk11 as a base game has much shorter rope for competitive error. You only win in this game by dominating with footsies much more so then other games so comparing jaqui to alien tanya or deadshot isnt honest. Jaqui breaks the games laws on a fundamental lvl especially with upgraded her removal brings balence back to the game.

Or soemthing like that


No. It's counterproductive. By removing a character from competitions, you're giving developers the message that they shouldn't bother looking into balance adjustments because you'll just remove the character from the equation. You need to let people get data about balance problems so that there's incentive to fix it. It also opens the door for knee-jerk bannings when people don't know how to play against the character.