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one of the greatest matches I have seen in MKA


Zoning Master
Too bad our connection has always sucked. It's always been around the 0-2 mark. Otherwise, you would have seen even better fights from Check and me. I wish he and I could record some off-line fights... :D

But thanks for the nice comments.
ingiz, did all the chasing. how irriating. i hate how the mk series has gotten away from the fight. too much room to run. gay and boring. i figured that out in mkd and them some in mka. my hands get to tired doing that thus happyly thanking them for releasing umk3 on xbla.


Zoning Master
TheRagingStorm said:
these are really good matches.
were these done online? because the fight was wierd, and awesome.
Yes. Online fights. Sometimes it gets tough playing online for both players because of the severe lag. Nonetheless, I still enjoyed playing Check. I assure you that our off-line fights would be twice as good, though.
