Alrighty guys. Remember the tournament idea that has been brought up? Its time! So before I make a thread for it, I want to get your thoughts on a couple of things:
Format - Double Elim or Round Robin.? On one hand double elim is better to prep for tournament settings offline, BUT round robin is better to learn match ups and get everyone more acquainted with one another. I am leaning towards round robin, what do you guys think?
Frequency - I am thinking every two weeks we can have a new bracket. I think this way, we will have matches always going on and plenty of interaction between team mates and such. Thoughts?
Stream - I dont know the logistics of how to make this happen, but I would like to start streaming high level NRF play and uploading them, either in tournament or just sets. Need an expert to chime in here.
Additionally, I really want to see hella activity in this thread.

I luv you guys, and I would hate to see our thread just be business talk. (I'm guilty as well)With our current roster more or less set in stone for the time being, excepting special cases, we don't have the craziness of prospecting to get in the way of a little friendly conversation. Get to know your team, fellas. I feel like I still have not talked to a bunch of ya. That makes me a sad panda as I like knowing you guys as people, not just players.
Also, if you have any ideas on cool things we can do as a team to get our names out there as players; pod casts, tech vids, weekly match up focus, being friends on facebook, face book group..whatever..throw em out. We are all equals here and I want us all to beast it out more and more every day. Okay enough rambling from me