I've spent over 50,000,000 koins in the Krypt.
I've refilled the Krypt over 10 times and snatched every chest.
I dug for gear in every chest possible, including Kenshi.
Krypt gives me nothing anymore.
I'm missing the usual: Edenian Blue, Kano's MK3 costume, MK11 Shao Kahn costume, Kabal's Klassic Mask (I have the dark version of it, but this isn't the same), Kano's classic metal facing. And the rest.
No Tundra either.
This shit is rigged as hell.
I stopped giving koins to it because it's clearly impossible to get certain shit.
I'm lucky I got the Rain costume for Sub-Zero.
I'm missing Cryomancer mask for Sub-Zero, I want it so I can mimic the Reptile costume he used in the Gauntlet.
Oh well.
I'm close to demi-god, once I get that, I'll take a break until they stop wasting my time in this game.
I'm a completion-ist, it's kind of hard to complete the game when it's rigged the other way.