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NRS working conditions - This NEEDS to be discussed

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I came from a lower income family. Both of my parents were felons. My grandparents raised me with what little money they had to spare. Went to bed hungry on many a night, on some occasions only thing to eat was sugar with melted butter on a piece of white bread. There couldve been more money to eat if my mother and addict Uncle didnt threathen and harass my grandparents into coughing up what little food money we had to score another dime. House was a stye with needles under the couch. Fun discovering them as a kid when youre playing with your plastic army men. Merely tip of the iceberg, please spare me the "woe is me, lower income household," bs.

Guess im in no position to speak, even though I got away from that mess and live a life of contentment in this " timeline." I harbor no resentment from that upbringing. It was what is was. Only way out was to work hard or suffer a similar fate.

Continue to think the world owes you something dear sir. Change comes from within, nothing will be handed to you, a victimhood mentality will simply anchor you to the environment in which youre reared. All I have to say on this matter. I come to this site for tech n tips, not to change the world for aspiring game devs who chose their profession, then woefully regretted it thereafter.
Once again, I am by no means trying to take away from your accomplishments and hard work to get yourself where you are. That sounds horrible and I wouldn't wish that childhood on anyone. That being said unfortunately your own life experience is still completely anecdotal evidence. The discussion here is much more big picture and the numbers tell a different story.

I also want to clear up that I am no victim here. I am from a middle class white family and go to school for music education at a private university. I am incredibly privileged. I am not complaining here for myself. This is a fight from empathy, not victimhood.

I also made no argument that it is impossible to transcend those circumstances. You are living proof that it is. My argument is that it isn't entirely merit based. You can give all the tips you want about not living with a victim complex, and maybe they are even helpful, but they are not sufficient arguments against the fact that it has become increasingly difficult for people to move upwards in our society and business practices like the ones NRS are being accused of here contribute to those circumstances.

Nobody is arguing that you shouldn't have to work hard to be successful in your field. What we want is fair compensation for that hard work and equal opportunity for people to move even more towards this meritocracy you believe in. Because numbers wise it is a rigged game and NRS is showing to potentially be an example of why.


Vampire mommy simp
I feel like every comment I reply to I try be as respectful as possible and have a discussion on decent terms. I hit reply and I look and someone above me replied just SWINGING lol.

Not a criticism, I love it. Just funny.
xD it's just that I've heard that all before. I think that the worst thing that can happen to someone who had to struggle to earn a decent life is to become unwilling to help those in the same situation. You know, becoming desensitized.
I see a lot of that among Medicine residents. Doctors treat residents like trash and pretty much make them slaves, at least in my country. You think they'd want the next batch of residents to have a better time, but nope. It's that awful "we went through this shit, so they should, too."
You overcame a shitty past to be where you are, good for you. Doesn't mean it's right that things should be this way, and doesn't mean you're better than anyone who doesn't make it.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
xD it's just that I've heard that all before. I think that the worst thing that can happen to someone who had to struggle to earn a decent life is to become unwilling to help those in the same situation. You know, becoming desensitized.
I see a lot of that among Medicine residents. Doctors treat residents like trash and pretty much make them slaves, at least in my country. You think they'd want the next batch of residents to have a better time, but nope. It's that awful "we went through this shit, so they should, too."
You overcame a shitty past to be where you are, good for you. Doesn't mean it's right that things should be this way, and doesn't mean you're better than anyone who doesn't make it.
I one hundred percent agree. I see the exact same phenomena in the music field. Music education degrees are a nightmare and a real struggle for people just because of the sheer number of credits (I did 24 a semester) on top of performing engagements and what have you. Obviously maybe a different kind of stress to the medical field but still really rough. And instead of trying to make it easier and less horrible for new students professors and older students alike somewhat relish in it, like it is a rite of passage. Somehow how horrible it was for them to pull consecutive all nighters for however many days becomes funny or something once it another person is going through it. It is an interesting but understandable complex I guess.