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NRS working conditions - This NEEDS to be discussed

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
So people are starting to come forward with stories and info about what it is like to work at NRS. Namely two twitter threads I have seen.


Stories from people who have worked at NRS in the past.

Crunch in general is a big talking point in the games industry and I am disheartened, although not surprised to hear just how bad it is at NRS. Not to mention the extreme issues with the culture the second thread brings up, the EXACT kind of stuff people were complaining about with Riot Games and there was a huge blow up about it.

As a community, what can we do to help support the people that make these games we love and condemn these predatory practices?


Resident Cynic
Jason Schrier is already investigating.

In case you didnt know, he was the one who write the bombshell expose on Bioware.

There are several threads on twitter from temps and devs who have had an unpleasant experience at Nettherrealm.

Sadly, most people dont care as long as they get the product they want. Even people here on TYM will likely not give this thread a second thought.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Jason Schrier is already investigating.

In case you didnt know, he was the one who write the bombshell expose on Bioware.

There are several threads on twitter from temps and devs who have had an unpleasant experience at Nettherrealm.

Sadly, most people dont care as long as they get the product they want. Even people here on TYM will likely not give this thread a second thought.
That is good to know about Jason Schrier. Hopefully something comes of it.

I agree people on here probably won't care but I will still try my best. Don't really use much social media anyway so if there was a place for me to try to spread the word about this it is pretty much only here lol


Dojo Trainee
This is absolutely worth condemnation, boycott, and whatever else. It's why I think it's important to not be too hard on people like Tyler and Derek for the clusterfuck that is the game's currency situation. They have next to no control but almost 100% of the responsibility. Unfortunately, it's a super uphill battle right now, but these things always are. The more companies that are exposed, the easier it gets, till eventually there's enough momentum to initiate real change. It's really nice to me to see the player base actually gives a shit. That's great. Ten or twenty years ago that wouldn't have been the case. Let's keep this discussion going as long as possible to drive some support up the chain.


This "worker" choose to stay though. The complaints don't seem like anything worth complaining about either. Has this person traveled outside of the U.S.?


Smoke & Noob & Rain
This "worker" choose to stay though. The complaints don't seem like anything worth complaining about either. Has this person traveled outside of the U.S.?
As someone, who works in the creative industry, I can tell you from experience that too many companies prefer to look for interns than actual workers. Interns are cheaper and can get the basic stuff down to an acceptable degree. You have to be talented and capable beyond belief to have people beg you to work for them.
In the biggest part of the creative industry, you also often have to start out small. Getting work at a company like NRS or Rockstar or whatever looks very good on the resumee, so many people still do it - even though it pays like shit and is tough as nails, since these companies have certain standards to fulfill.
On top of all that, creative jobs are in big demand right now, since our generation is into gaming, movies, music and much more. There are a lot of people, who want to become game designers. So even if you want higher standards for yourself, most of the time you are not in the position to fight for those standards. You simply get fired, since there is a long line of other people, who want the chance to break into the industry and make a name for themselves.

All of that is why it's especially disheartening for me to read this about NRS. I always thought that Ed Boons positive demeanor affected the work environment at NRS. I know how unthankful and demanding creative jobs can be. So to provide a healthy and positive environment for the employees should be the least problematic thing. No matter if these employees work full time or part time or are mere interns.

I'm still optimistic for now. I do hope that NRS does it better. And I know that I've been in companies, which were actually pretty cool... but when someone got (rightfully) fired, they were still talking mad shit about the company. Maybe that's the case right now. Maybe this person didn't fit into the team and had to go. That's not the companies (NRSes) fault.
So I'm looking forward to Jason Schriers article - if he figures things out and makes one.
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HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
This "worker" choose to stay though. The complaints don't seem like anything worth complaining about either. Has this person traveled outside of the U.S.?
A lot of people in these positions don't really have much of a choice but to stay. They spent a lot of money on education to get to the point where they can get this job, and just like the second thread said, now they need the time and a half to pay bills. And they have nowhere else to go in chicago really for a job in their field.

Idk how you could view these complaints as nothing to complain about so I don't even have a response lol.

I am no expert but from what I hear I believe working conditions are considered much better in a lot of Europe than the US in general. Maybe not in the games industry? Of course maybe compared to other places in the world this isn't as bad. That doesn't mean it definitely still isn't under-appreciating and taking advantage of these interns and workers and we shouldn't be pissed that a company that makes a lot of money on each game is pulling a stunt like this.


Positive Poster!
As someone, who works in the creative industry, I can tell you from experience that too many companies prefer to look for interns than actual workers. Interns are cheaper and can get the basic stuff down to an acceptable degree. You have to be talented and capable beyond belief to have people beg you to work for them.
In the biggest part of the creative industry, you also often have to start out small. Getting work at a company like NRS or Rockstar or whatever looks very good on the resumee, so many people still do it - even though it pays like shit and is tough as nails, since these companies have certain standards to fulfill.
On top of all that, creative jobs are in big demand right now, since our generation is into gaming, movies, music and much more. There are a lot of people, who want to become game designers. So even if you want higher standards for yourself, most of the time you are not in the position to fight for those standards. You simply get fired, since there is a long line of other people, who want the chance to break into the industry and make a name for themselves.

All of that is why it's especially disheartening for me to read this about NRS. I always thought that Ed Boons positive demeanor affected the work environment at NRS. I know how unthankful and demanding creative jobs can be. So to have provide a healthy and positive environment for the employees should be the least problematic thing. No matter if these employees work full time or part time or are mere interns.

I'm still choose to be optimistic for now. I do hope that NRS does it better. And I know that I've been in companies, which were actually pretty cool... but when someone got (rightfully) fired, they were still talking mad shit about the company. Maybe that's the case right now. Maybe this person didn't fit into the team and had to go. That's not the companies (NRSes) fault.
So I'm looking forward to Jason Schriers article - if he figures things out and makes one.
You said it all and said it well.
This is why I'm making most of my income through alternate means and choose who I'll do art for.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I think it’s worth getting more information. The reason is that most game companies have extremely high turnover/churn rate, with people quitting or burning out frequently. NRS is the only AAA company know where so many people who are were working on Mortal Kombat games 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 7 years ago are still working on the games today. I get the impression that things feel like a bit of a family in the office, which is rare, and very different from a Bioware corporate overlord situation where the best people are quitting left and right.

Anyway, I think it’s worth getting both sides to this story before anyone boycotts or jumps to huge conclusions.

Syd Barrett Lives

Italian Psychopath
I am no expert but from what I hear I believe working conditions are considered much better in a lot of Europe than the US in general.

I'm italian and I can assure you the working conditions described in the NRS intern thread aren't that different from many job positions here in Italy. Dare I say MOST regularly declared jobs, not to mention undeclared ones (I don't know how you call them), which are still pretty common here.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I think it’s worth getting more information. The reason is that most game companies have extremely high turnover/churn rate, with people quitting or burning out frequently. NRS is the only AAA company know where so many people who are were working on Mortal Kombat games 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, 7 years ago are still working on the games today. I get the impression that things feel like a bit of a family in the office, which is rare, and very different from a Bioware corporate overlord situation where the best people are quitting left and right.

Anyway, I think it’s worth getting both sides to this story before anyone boycotts or jumps to huge conclusions:
I definitely agree. It has been mentioned that journalists are looking into it so hopefully we learn something. I would be extremely relieved to find out this is false or a misunderstanding or whatever. Let's hope for the best!

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I'm italian and I can assure you the working conditions described in the NRS intern thread aren't that different from many job positions here in Italy. Dare I say MOST regularly declared jobs, not to mention undeclared ones (I don't know how you call them), which are still pretty common here.
Interesting. Good to know. That is alarming to hear honestly


Mr. Righteous
Idk. I would rather reserve judgement. I love MK too much and it sucks seeing all the negativity around NRS lately. But if this is true it ain’t right.
I find it funny that these people find the time MK11 is released to bring attention to this now. There's three sides to every story, his side, their side, and the truth.

Syd Barrett Lives

Italian Psychopath
Interesting. Good to know. That is alarming to hear honestly

Well, things are getting a little better in the last few years but given the economical and political situation there's a lot of people that bully workers into accepting unfair working conditions. Not everyone, of course, but a lot. And beside that, some of the things she said in her thread are the norm here anyway.


Mid-match beer sipper