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NRS Introduces Enhanced Online BETA For MKX; Sign-Ups Are Now Live

Second Saint

A man with too many names.
Why Jacqui though? I guess they needed to find a way to get more people to use her lol

Anyway this is awesome, its great to see them making an effort to improve online play.
I think it might honestly be because they needed a character in the beta that could zone, and Full Auto has endlessly been complained about for its zoning in lag. Seems reasonable to me that they'd want a character that could represent that.

Jeremy KO

*insert kotal kahn gibberish here*
It's 2016, it's time to have a console.

It's the exact opposite. The PS4 and Xbox One were released at LAUNCH as inferior consoles and are continuing to struggle running modern games such as The Witcher, Just Cause 3, and Fallout 4.

But that's not what this thread is about. I'm happy the netcode is getting improvements!


Mid-Tier 'Mancer Main


I really sincerely hope that that is just for the beta and that this netkode update will be implemented on PC when it's out of beta. However, NRS technically isn't the developer of the PC version so whether that happens is up to chance.

Regardless, happy for my console bros and hopefully this'll make ESL much more interesting.


bye felicia
being hype? you came in to this thread on a high horse expecting us to kiss ass, you were looking for a fight.

i've been playing games with good netcode for years. this isn't new technology for me. while it's great nrs community is in the 21st century now, my fanboyism for nrs doesn't cancel out the years of frustration with their previous games.

again it's good news but i'm not gonna pretend like 7 years didn't happen. go ahead and let me know when nrs invents a time machine, new injustice and mk9 netcode then maybe you'll have a leg to stand on about nrs being good listeners.
so you're saying NRS does listen to their fans? Hurray! I won the fight!


Regina George of discord
Now that I think about it those are some of the characters that are seen as godlike by scrubs so yeah... Their goal is to make scrubs happy.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
so you're saying NRS does listen to their fans? Hurray! I won the fight!
sure, but nrs seemed to "listen" in the same way that a deaf guy would "listen" if i told him to blink. in other words out of necessity, to their exhausted fans, and just the natural upgrades in hardware games recieve as they need to survive in modern gaming

this is good, just take your baggage somehwhere else with that inciting first post.
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My GT: UncappedWheel82
It seems pretty obvious.

Betas are never within the actual games, if you've ever signed up for any betas for things like Black Ops 3, SFV, Battlefront, etc. you'll see that they are separate apps with the games in very simplified forms.
I don't typically play in betas, so I'm wholly ignorant on how they are normally run.