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NRS Introduces Enhanced Online BETA For MKX; Sign-Ups Are Now Live


Likes nerds with big ...
Definitely not signing up for this beta because I don't even care for online but have fun everyone who is!

Oh but I am INSANELY surprised that the sole female of this beta is Jacquie! Like I would have expected it to be Sonya (since the other three debuted in 1 as well) or Kitana/Mileena (arguable the most iconic MK females and they are considered the "female Sub-Zero/Scorpion") or even the new hero Cassie!


bye felicia
Definitely not signing up for this beta because I don't even care for online but have fun everyone who is!

Oh but I am INSANELY surprised that the sole female of this beta is Jacquie! Like I would have expected it to be Sonya (since the other three debuted in 1 as well) or Kitana/Mileena (arguable the most iconic MK females and they are considered the "female Sub-Zero/Scorpion") or even the new hero Cassie!
I am confident the cast selection process was "Scorpion, then Sub Zero, then the first two characters we actually find a way to make work."


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That afk skinny dude, actually there were betas long before SFV buddy. NRS didn't bite off anyone, they merely listened to the fans. Tyler even says it lol.

Yes!! I'm very happy for a few reasons.

Better net play coming. Who can argue that?

More happy players.

Less bitching.

Props NRS! I look forward to it. Now in a perfect world, KP 3 with Fujin? lol But good job!
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YES! YES! YES!!!!! I've never been more happy to be proven wrong! I cant believe WB are letting them do this because a lot of time and money had to go into making this possible. This almost makes up for not having Fujin :p


My GT: UncappedWheel82

Also I can finally play Scorpion online without wanting to gouge my eyes out trying to run cancel with horrendous lag.

I feel you. I really wanted to use Liu, but lag got in my way. Lets hope that this "Enhanced Online" is worlds better.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
is it lonely up there on your pedestal? Cause we're hype down here.
being hype? you came in to this thread on a high horse expecting us to kiss ass, you were looking for a fight.

i've been playing games with good netcode for years. this isn't new technology for me. while it's great nrs community is in the 21st century now, my fanboyism for nrs doesn't cancel out the years of frustration with their previous games.

again it's good news but i'm not gonna pretend like 7 years didn't happen. go ahead and let me know when nrs invents a time machine, new injustice and mk9 netcode then maybe you'll have a leg to stand on about nrs being good listeners.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I feel you. I really wanted to use Liu, but lag got in my way. Lets hope that this "Enhanced Online" is worlds better.
I hear ya dude. Playing KL's and Mileenas online was rather annoying at times. Should be interesting to see how they play now once this is done hehe.:D


If NRS have abandoned PC version indeed (which by the way would be fine, because PC version is not of their concern, the port was made by other studio).

It's 2016, it's time to have a console.


But they might indeed just give everything to PC after it will be perfected on consoles.


That's weird... I could of sworn that certain community members stated several times that it was not technically possible to change the netcode on an already produced game. That some people were very adamant about their programming knowledge and expertise on the subject. I had thought that they were misinformed uneducated statements, or perhaps just blatant lies in order to look "smart". Maybe I just imagined it, that couldn't of actually happened... or did it?
Not to be a jerk, but it's could have, not could of.


Why Jacqui though? I guess they needed to find a way to get more people to use her lol

Anyway this is awesome, its great to see them making an effort to improve online play.


Regina George of discord
Why Jacqui though? I guess they needed to find a way to get more people to use her lol

Anyway this is awesome, its great to see them making an effort to improve online play.
She is a playable character, it could've been anyone, they probably chose them randomly except SZ and Scorpion of course. -_-