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No Rounds...Gain early life lead to win?


Really likes to throw things at you.
So as we all know Injustice will feature no "rounds" with a break in the action when a character reaches the end of his first lifebar and a victor decided when the second health bar is depleted. I feel as though the person who gets off to a faster start has a WAAAAAY larger margin for error and subsequently will lead to a blitzkrieg style of play. I personally am skeptical based off of the amount of times that I have been beaten by a shallow tatic in round one and been able to download the player, adjust, and win in rounds two and three, though that might not have happened if I had to make up a large life lead. In Injustice momentum seems to be the key, and that there will be far more "only a real master" moments becasue of the ability to retain your health through the "round" change, and I fear that will negativly impact competitive play.

I specifily am looking for feedback from anyone who has already played Injustice or has played a FG competitively (tournaments) that had this style of health.


Tired, But Strong
Vampire Savior's still got a pretty hefty culty following (particularly in Japan) using this style of health.

Plus, you can look at the flipside. If you lost a "round" by a sliver of a margin of health, the game is still essentially even. But I see where you're coming from. Depending on the game's speed (and it should be fast given this very facet of the gameplay), there's a slim chance they could make it a 3/5 set sort of game if people REALLY feel that there are too many undeserved losses. I don't foresee this happening but ya never know.

On a semi related note, do normals do chip in this game? I somewhat hope they don't with back 2 block and the problem Fractured suggests. It'd give a player that can block perfectly a somewhat better chance of coming back from an early health deficit if they can get their shit together without the implementation of a direct comeback mechanic (which i'm sure people loathe). I don't really consider Clash one, since it can easily backfire in the implementation we know of.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Given all the meter uses in this game you would have to blow it really insanely to have to make up the equivalent of near a full lifebar in the second wind of the match on your last lifebar. Stage hazards, meter burn abilities, gimmicks, and tools for footsies abound in this game in all of its characters. I'm not saying folks will play and get even matches all the time, but I am saying that games that have done this style of life before that have succeeded have done so WITHOUT this many tools.

Killer Instinct, and Vampire Savior were both brought up already and both are extremely hype. Comebacks blow up the entire room and solid play is a must in games like this as you CANNOT cheese a round to victory since each round is a marathon in such games. This game even has a breaker mechanic in its very revised clashes that come into play once a match between lifebars per character.

It'll be fine, but guys will commit a LOT more to their gameplan knowing they have a much taller mountain to climb to get to the finish line. Expect folks to play tightly. IF you ever see a perfect or a draw in this game it will be a match of the year contender guaranteed because to get it the match would require such perfect play that either situation would send the crowd into a frenzy.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
I honestly think this won't negatively affect the gameplay, I think it'll seriously make it an assload more exciting.

The way I think meter will work judging by the system is that you gain more meter if you are getting hit alot. If it is like this that means by the time you are on your second bar(this is when you get 1 clash oppurtunity) you'll most likely have more meter for clash than your opponent does. This will be the little added "maybe" comeback mechanic but not really because it's not even assured if you spent meter already or have the same as your opponent. No true comeback factor + this lifebar system means that the better player will be more likely to win more often which is just a serious dream come true for the competitive community who actually wants to win.

The round and clash system are two of my favotite things about the game. Those two things plus the fact that some special traits like Batman's electirc batarangs and Flash's time slow down suggest that this is going to be a very offensive and unforgiving game.


I think this is why everyone seems to have a decent dash or mobility to deal with laming it out. With huge stages and one health bar it would be easy to lame it ouy


On a semi related note, do normals do chip in this game?
Unfortunately they do.
There will be some attacks which do more than others or some stupid bullshit like that NRS came up with, but chip on normals is still chip on normals, probably for most of the characters.

That's really the main downer for me, when it comes to this game.
Great blocking won't reward you in this game and comebacks with a last pinch of health won't be as possible as in other fighting games, which is something that often makes him very hype.

Who remembers this?

Yeah, yeah, I know... Parry, but still.


Really likes to throw things at you.
Unfortunately they do.
There will be some attacks which do more than others or some stupid bullshit like that NRS came up with, but chip on normals is still chip on normals, probably for most of the characters.

That's really the main downer for me, when it comes to this game.
Great blocking won't reward you in this game and comebacks with a last pinch of health won't be as possible as in other fighting games, which is something that often makes him very hype.

Who remembers this?

Yeah, yeah, I know... Parry, but still.
That comback was (IMO) the most HYPE moment in FG history... people who don't play/understand SSF will not appreciate exactly what he did there.... but back on topic.... the chip on normals seems to be needed becasue as Treadmill said with some of the mechanics presented by NRS, a lame out style of play would be a little too easy...Though I see your point, that with the added mobility of players, chip on block, and no rounds, a rushdown style fo play seems to be more encouraged than a defensive/make reads and punish sytle.... this is great news to me because I'm a JC main lol...


That comback was (IMO) the most HYPE moment in FG history... people who don't play/understand SSF will not appreciate exactly what he did there.... but back on topic.... the chip on normals seems to be needed becasue as Treadmill said with some of the mechanics presented by NRS, a lame out style of play would be a little too easy...Though I see your point, that with the added mobility of players, chip on block, and no rounds, a rushdown style fo play seems to be more encouraged than a defensive/make reads and punish sytle.... this is great news to me because I'm a JC main lol...
yeah absolutely. I always favor chip damage. It rewards aggression. Nothing sucks more than to watch assholes trading fireballs for 45 secs in street fighter only to close the gap and block until they get thrown. I'm not saying eff street fighter I'm just saying IMO favoring attacking over defense makes the game much more enjoyable to play and watch.

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
people will need to adapt to this new step for NRS games, the no round match style is going to make everyone think even harder, micro manage meter/damage, damage/life/meter, spacing/life/meter/opponents meter.

I'm sure some people actually understand what i just said.

Its the ones that adapt the fastest will be on top

This message is brought to you by The Hateocracy


Part-Time Kano Hostage
didnt they change the clash system? how does it work again?
The way they explained it suggests that you only get 1 clash and it could only be used if you are on your second lifebar.
Besides this it is still a combo breaker that is capable of failing if you don't win the Wager system. The way the wager system works while in clash is whoever puts in more meter ends up actually doing damage through the clash.

I really like it because it creates this mindgame with meter that is really unique.
Lets say you put your opponent down to their second lifebar. They have 3 meters and you have 2 meters. You start a combo on them and they break it with a clash. At this point they are afraid that you might put in both your bars into the wager so they will be inclined to put all 3 of their meters in, but if you anticipate this you could use none of your meters at all and basically just made your opponent break 1 combo in the expense of 3 meters and their only clash AND you would have still have two meters afterward.

As time goes on it'll create those great "I know that you know that I know that you know" situations where each player will try to force the opponent to do something stupid. Like for example, if both players have 3 bars, and you clash but feel like your opponent isn't going to wager anything to keep his bars because he thinks you will waste all three of your bars so you waste just 1 bar and end up breaking the combo and dealing damage back to him for just 1 bar of meter.

This plus the way rounds work is seriously going to equal a really smart game.


Really likes to throw things at you.
Spin me up here bro, is the clash system the ONLY breaker system? I know there is the force parry but I'm almost certain you can't do that mid combo....


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Spin me up here bro, is the clash system the ONLY breaker system? I know there is the force parry but I'm almost certain you can't do that mid combo....

Clash system is the only combo breaker. The parry thing you are talking about is pushblock but that could only be used you are blocking an attack and it uses up meter(still hasn't been said how much meter). All the pushblock does is create space between you and the attacker. This will probably be really useful in situations like when Flash is trying to go mixup crazy while he slows down time.
Unfortunately they do.
There will be some attacks which do more than others or some stupid bullshit like that NRS came up with, but chip on normals is still chip on normals, probably for most of the characters.

That's really the main downer for me, when it comes to this game.
Great blocking won't reward you in this game and comebacks with a last pinch of health won't be as possible as in other fighting games, which is something that often makes him very hype.

Who remembers this?

Yeah, yeah, I know... Parry, but still.
Would you mind explaining what exactly happened there? i've never played SF3 so i'm not sure :\


Would you mind explaining what exactly happened there? i've never played SF3 so i'm not sure :\
Daigo basically had no life left, when Justin decided to throw out his super, which would have chipped him to death with the first touch, but Daigo started parrying all the hits like a god damn boss and if you parry (which isn't thaaaat easy to pull off on something like that), you negate their damage.
He jumped up, blocked the incoming attack, got him into a combo and finished him off with a super with basically no pixel life left. The best comeback ever and the crowd reaction pretty much shows it, aight :-D

Goosebumps of destruction.


This one's for you
I'm fine with it only being one long round, but the big thing I don't like so far is that we haven't seen a timer. If there isn't a timer in the final version of the game then you can't really rely on a lifelead which is pretty big imo.

Edit: Sorta fixed my post, I'm running on no sleep lol.
Daigo basically had no life left, when Justin decided to throw out his super, which would have chipped him to death with the first touch, but Daigo started parrying all the hits like a god damn boss and if you parry (which isn't thaaaat easy to pull off on something like that), you negate their damage.
He jumped up, blocked the incoming attack, got him into a combo and finished him off with a super with basically no pixel life left. The best comeback ever and the crowd reaction pretty much shows it, aight :-D

Goosebumps of destruction.
So did he have to parry every single hit of that super individually in order to not take any chip? And is parrying a special input, or a just-frame block, or what?


So did he have to parry every single hit of that super individually in order to not take any chip? And is parrying a special input, or a just-frame block, or what?
Yes, he did and it happens by tapping forward as soon as the attack connects, so the window is pretty tight.
There's no parry, you hold a direction + button towards where you're getting hit most likely and it'll push block. Unless they just macro it to RB or something for Casuals who can't figure out how to do it.