It's not really ending they're just doing this for any new people that bought UMK11 on PS5+PS4.
However it's a year's worth of repeats with no skins. That's a long time.
I get it and sure there's new gear and new brutalities, But they could add a 5th Bonus Skin for everyone.
Just to freshen things up and a better incentive for people that already played.
Tie it to a New Daily Requirement, something goofy, harmless and lighthearted like a Friendship a Day for 5 Days.
Lords knows they'll have the roster for it with the DLC included.
Think about this:
1-4: BLOOD D'vorah (For a Black Widow Look), TIME (Revenant) Kabal, REBORN Sindel, CHAOS Fujin
5-8 SORCERY Geras, CONQUEST Mileena, REVENANT Sub-Zero, GREED Jacqui
9-12: LOST SOULS Shang, SHADOWS Rain, ORDER Nightwolf, OSH-TEKK Sheeva
13-16: ROYALTY Cetrion, KYTINN Kollector, SAURIAN Liu Kang, OUTLAW Sonya
And with that Every MK DLC has a KL Skin and some base characters have more than 2-1 to pick from.