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New MK9(?) Trailer Incoming?


Who's "we"?

Because, y'know, I could not give less of a fuck about Fujin or Tremor, and I'd only play Tanya if she was decent/fun to use.

And Storms, if it makes you feel any better, there are two likely outcomes for the Vita version of MK9:

1) MK9 for the Vita is bound to have some kind of bonus content to rake in people who own MK9 but don't give a fuck about having it on a handheld for its own sake, so it may be a character.

2) If it IS a character and it isn't something retarded like a Sony exclusive (or even something as specific as a Vita exclusive), they'll more than likely be released as DLC for the consoles. Think Blazblue, where there were three DLC characters released for the console and the PSP exclusive just added them to the base roster. This would probably be like that, and it could mean one more season of DLC characters with the Vita exclusive being that they'll be included for free. I mean, it'd give them another piece of DLC for the consoles without actually needing to release anything new just for a Vita exclusive, so it'd make sense, right?

Keep your fingers crossed, man. I would be surprised if Shinnok gets added to either version unless the Vita continues the story, though. I wouldn't mind it since I've always thought Shinnok was pretty cool, but it seems unlikely to me, as Boon's openly stated that Shinnok is "always on and off the DLC list". You never know, though.

In either case, it's best that we all just remain cautiously optimistic until we know what's up.
"we" is about 90% of the Mortal Kombat community, good sir.


Dojo Trainee
He must have forgot that you speak for everyone. Plenty of other people have asked for those characters.

Back on topic, I was going to get Vita / MK Vita, so I wouldn't mind seeing something about that. I'm not always around my PS3. Hope its better than MK was on the Game Gear. :)
Except I've actually seen a fuckton of people say they wouldn't want Fujin, and Tremor has no love whatsoever outside of a very contained cult following.

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot YOU speak for everyone.


Dojo Trainee
MK on Vita would not surprise me. Fighting games on hand helds seems to be a big things these days.

Just look at it this way; If MK on Vita does well, that means that both NRS makes more money and the MK brand is firmly (re)established. A solid modern fanbase and good sales means that UMK9/MK10 will have more backing and resources available to it.

That's not to say that I wouldn't be a little disappointed by an MK on Vita announcement, though.


What did the majority of the Mortal Kombat community want?

Tanya, Tremor, Fujin, or Cyber Smoke.

What did we get?
None of the above.

That's really my point, I don't know why you are getting so butthurt, take a time out, eat a sandwich, drink some water, and calm down.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Except I've actually seen a fuckton of people say they wouldn't want Fujin, and Tremor has no love whatsoever outside of a very contained cult following.

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot YOU speak for everyone.
You're the anti-Canadian; you people are supposed to be super polite and friendly. Why're you always so cranky? What's this all aboot, eh?


Dojo Trainee
"we" is about 90% of the Mortal Kombat community, good sir.
Holy shit, this guy. This guy who thinks Sub Zero is bad because the ground freeze is bad, among other such brilliant notions.

You are high off your ass if you think that NINETY PERCENT OF THE COMMUNITY wants even one of those characters, let alone all four. If polls are any indication (and they're about the best indication we'll ever have), the most requested DLC characters are Shinnok and Cyber Smoke, with Tanya as somewhat of a distant third. I wouldn't even say FIFTY percent of the community voted on one or the other, let alone ninety.

I don't even know what to say to you at this point that wouldn't either be incredibly offensive or just decidedly dishonest.


Dojo Trainee
You're the anti-Canadian; you people are supposed to be super polite and friendly. Why're you always so cranky? What's this all aboot, eh?
Well, I don't have that accent either, so I guess I'm just bad at being a stereotype on every front.


Except I've actually seen a fuckton of people say they wouldn't want Fujin, and Tremor has no love whatsoever outside of a very contained cult following.

Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot YOU speak for everyone.
Yup, there's a lot of people that don't want them too. I never made it sound otherwise either.

MK on Vita would not surprise me. Fighting games on hand helds seems to be a big things these days.

Just look at it this way; If MK on Vita does well, that means that both NRS makes more money and the MK brand is firmly (re)established. A solid modern fanbase and good sales means that UMK9/MK10 will have more backing and resources available to it.

That's not to say that I wouldn't be a little disappointed by an MK on Vita announcement, though.
MK on Vita has already been announced and in the works. Its one of the Vita release games.


[MENTION=5151]Altaire[/MENTION] [MENTION=7479]Verstande[/MENTION]

I donlt care who started calling "each other names"... but for the sake of everyone here... shut up. :)


From what I remember, I did hear that if Freddy sold well, Jason would be out on Halloween.
this is all mind-fucking though... "no DLC is in production" so how would Jason be a possibility?

Fuck it, I;d rather have Jason than PS Vita MK9... at least it'd bring some more hype to MK9... as long as Jason doesn't require 50 patches to play right.


I don't remember hearing this from any official source.
Speculation and rumors...

Fucking NRS... lmao

If it's MK9 for Vita I'm gonna go find one of my neighbors cats... if it's Jason or fucking UMK9... I'm going to make some coffee while smiling.


Dojo Trainee
Speculation and rumors...

Fucking NRS... lmao

If it's MK9 for Vita I'm gonna go find one of my neighbors cats... if it's Jason or fucking UMK9... I'm going to make some coffee while smiling.
Like I said, there's about a 99.99999% chance it IS MK for Vita, but that doesn't necessarily mean it won't show off some new content and, well, they'd be retarded not to release that for the consoles unless it's something that necessarily has to be a Vita exclusive.

So hey, you may yet get what you want. Of course, with Halloween being so close, it's also entirely possible that it's some kind of Halloween DLC, so who knows.


If it's MK9 for Vita I'm gonna go find one of my neighbors cats... if it's Jason or fucking UMK9... I'm going to make some coffee while smiling.
If its Jason, I'll kill one of my neighbors' cats.
Why all the hate for cats? They didn't bring you MK for Vita. A person did! I agree with that other poster that say kick an ugly baby instead. Or any baby really.


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK

Let it be tournament mode!!!

If it's UMK9, i'm gonna destroy and kill things.


Two men enter, one man leaves!
Well, I don't have that accent either, so I guess I'm just bad at being a stereotype on every front.
Don't worry i'm pretty sure my Canadian-ness will just abooooot cover it :)

If it's a vita trailer and i see Tremor (The only character that will make me drop Raiden) as a Vita exclusive i will go flip the fuck out and snap my MK disc right then and there.


Dojo Trainee
Don't worry i'm pretty sure my Canadian-ness will just abooooot cover it :)

If it's a vita trailer and i see Tremor (The only character that will make me drop Raiden) as a Vita exclusive i will go flip the fuck out and snap my MK disc right then and there.
I wouldn't really mind if anyone added Tremor, but trust me, it'll never happen. Boon could not be any more opposed to Tremor for whatever reason.


And on-topic, I highly doubt it's a new character or UMK9. It's not gonna happen, people. Though if it does, I give you all right to quote me and rub it in.
Quoth Ed Boon: "MK9 isn't done yet!"

I very highly doubt Boon would troll about anything like this. The impression I got is that their DLC was only delayed for so long because they wanted to concentrate on the most recent patch, which is obviously out now. We're just in time for a winter season of DLC right now, incase you haven't noticed.


A prop on the stage of life.
this is all mind-fucking though... "no DLC is in production" so how would Jason be a possibility?

Fuck it, I;d rather have Jason than PS Vita MK9... at least it'd bring some more hype to MK9... as long as Jason doesn't require 50 patches to play right.
Boon is good for a trick like that. Sure they may have been telling the truth when they said no dlc was in production a month to a month and a half ago. But what about the tweets from Paulo with the motion capture studio? Did anyone find out what they were working on?