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New Mains Tournament on PS3 & Xbox360

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior

Just so you all know who you're about to be facing.
- The man who took down Ermac twice.
- The man who beat down Goro and Kintaro simultaneously
- The man who decided to kick an entire ninja clan's ass in order to take it over

Yeah. That man. You fools are stomped. Or should I say dive kicked?

You mean the man that got captured by four minion cyborgs and was forced to turn cyborg?
The man that was killed by an uppercut from an old lady?

That man?



I don't play Runescape
You mean the man that got captured by four minion cyborgs and was forced to turn cyborg?
The man that was killed by an uppercut from an old lady?

That man?

He was only captured because he was distracted and surprised during his fight with Scorpion. If they had not ambushed him like the cowards they were, they would have been put down.

Also the Lin Kuei is awful at building robots and CSZ was poorly made. A super charged punch from super Sindel killed Stryker in one blow, CSZ's terrible casing stood no chance since it was hard for him to get in thanks to all his "partners" screwing him up.

