This week is Player Appreciation Week in Mortal Kombat 11, as announced late last week. If you have no idea what that means (you shouldn't, unless you work for NRS) then have I got some news for you!
As you can see in the chart above, there's going to be stuff going on all week. Monday is giving everyone a shot at the most requested gear and skins in a rotating boss tower. Tuesday is for Brutalities, coming via those long towers with the multiple stages to get through. Wednesday and Thursday are just community outreach stuff via Discord and Twitch, so if you were looking for stuff to watch/do at those times that will be fun.
As you can see in the chart above, there's going to be stuff going on all week. Monday is giving everyone a shot at the most requested gear and skins in a rotating boss tower. Tuesday is for Brutalities, coming via those long towers with the multiple stages to get through. Wednesday and Thursday are just community outreach stuff via Discord and Twitch, so if you were looking for stuff to watch/do at those times that will be fun.