Black manta
Sub Zero (Killer frost ?)
Reptile (Killer Kroc skin ?)
Red Hood
Static Shock
Ocean master (Aquaman)
Clay Face (Swanp Thing)
BatGirl (Batman)
Zoom (Flash)
Prometheus (Robin)
Stephen Wolf (Darkside)
Metallo (Braniac)
Bizarro (Superman)
Spawn - Never going to happen I hope.
Hellboy - Cool, but never going to happen.
Roscharch - That would be cool... in fact a "watchmen" DLC with the entire team would be awesome.. In fact you know how people always ask for Spawn in Mortal Kombat and it is the worst idea in the history of guest DLC.. well if you going to have a comic DLC guest for MK, then maybe the Comedian would be a good pick?
Black manta - Sold.. I would really like that!
Sub Zero (Killer frost ?) - I would have thought Killer Frost was going to be in the game. She is a BIG part of the popular rebirth currently happening at DC comics and is moving form villain to hero. She is a member fo the JLA at the mo.. oh wait.. you mean MK's Frost? I dunno.. well.. I guess if they made Killer Frost they could use that move set in MK for Frost.. be a good way to make the game design stretch. Still when I saw Capitan Cold in action I basically thought Sub-Zero as DLC is just out.
Reptile (Killer Kroc skin ?) - Yeah cool. I'm down with that.. though I hope they use the big monster type versions. There is a serious lack of large bodies in this roster. Were is Grunde, Doomsday and the other big guys. I guess Bane and Grodd are the two largest so far. Still I would like to see some other big hulking guys.
Red Hood - This is a no-brainer... put him in.. do it .. do it NOW!!
Static Shock - I never understood this guys popularity.. I think he was in some cartoon, so it is a generational thing, like I was just to old for when this cartoon was on.. so sorta missed the boat on him.. I have no feelings positive or negative, though I would prefer the slots go to others. Still, us MK fans like a lightning based char.. so .. yeah.
Banshee- OMG .. yes, yes, yes, YES!! Banshee is just all win in all forms. The ghost monster version or the witch one or the funny one form power girl.. I just love this charicter and she would be a great addition. Problem is that her "power" is pretty similar to Black Carney.
Ocean master (Aquaman) - win!
Clay Face (Swanp Thing) - meh... maybe it could work.
BatGirl (Batman) - Narr... Bats should be Bats!! Maybe Talon would be a better choice?
Zoom (Flash) - For the love of all that is DC Comics.. the Flash TV show ruined Zoom.. .. Zoom IS NOT A SPEEDSTER. He power set has nothing to do with the flash. The Flash TV show just made up a 99% new character.. the only thing that is correct is the name. It would be a total fail to do this and make comic fans make fun of the game.
Prometheus (Robin) - Good call. I wouldn't have thought that but I could really see this working in theory. It depends on how "acrobatic" the new robin moves are. I'm thinking of the move when he jumps off the sword.. doesn't seam very much like Prometheus to me.
Stephen Wolf (Darkside) - There is only 1 Darkside!!
Metallo (Braniac) - No. I get they are both robots but Metallo would have to have moves that use some kind of chest beam. Many of his incarnations in comics he has the ability to turn his limbs and stuff into things.. so might be batter fit for Cyborg?
Bizarro (Superman) - Absolutely. If they wanted to be fun and not care about competitiveness all the move inputs should be backwards! lol