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Need help getting better at injustice 2?

Sup guys, GIO here.

For the newbies that keep getting their ass kicked and don't understand why, theres a few major things you want to do when stepping into any fighting game really.

1. If you dont know your matchups, you're going to lose to someone who does. Learn what frame data is, what it does, and how you can use it to your advantage with your character.

2. Go into practice mode, put the AI on hard and fight the :fk out of him. after about 15 minutes, put it on very hard and then keep fighting him. Expose yourself to every possible scenario that could possibly happen in a game, and learn how to convert random hits into full combos. This is a good way to learn a characters matchups(The AI will always expose your faulty moves), also a good way to learn new combos.

3. Play Ranked Online until your :fking thumbs bleed. You wont get any better just by learning, you have to get your ass kicked repeatedly. Even pro players get rusty, so make sure you dont fall off. :p

Thanks for reading! Feedback is encouraged!