Whoo damn, finally I can do a shoutouts post! *Man...NEC was absolutely fantastic.
Big, big, big ups to Big E for going hard with NEC. *You are the man!
A special shoutout to Tim. *I so wish you coulda made this one! *It was amazing!
Phil - Great to see you again! *Next time we're all together, we need to play UMK3 more, and I appreciate that you tried to get the 3D MKs going in tournaments, even though it didn't pan out that way. *Oh well, there's always next time. *
Matt - Also great to see you again! *I want to play that Reptile some more next time! *So, so hard to get in on without losing at least 40% of your life! *Fun stuff. *
Rob - Finally! *We got to meet! *Very awesome matches with you and great H.Smoke! *You're very cool and fun to hang out with.
Nit - Seriously, I have waaaay too much fun playing your Cyrax. *It's like UMK3 dodgeball with all those bombs! *Good times, man, good times!
Joe - Showing everyone once again how talented of a player you are. *Congrats on the high finishes, well deserved! *I wish we could've played more, man, especially in MKA.
Bill - I know you love the cheapness of Sareena...

*Definitely a pleasure to chill and talk with you again man, as well as play games. *Finally, MKDC has finally been played in a tournament!
Simon - Argh! *I wish I played you more! *Hell, I wish I hung out with you more. *But regardless, definitely fun to be around during the times we were chilling.
Scott - Damn I wish we had time for those interviews. *It was a great pleasure meeting you man. *Very good Raiden in MKDC. *I just wish we could've played some in the MK games there. *And hella props for bringing the mega cab and doing so much recording of the matches! *I can't wait to see the footage of inside the room...awesome convos while playing MK!
Jay - The man I wanted to meet and chill with after such a long time...I'm definitely glad I got the opportunity to hang with you. *Very, very chill and such a knowledgeable person. *Convos with you and Bill are always a blast...and your combo abilities and play skills are absolutely sick. *I'm glad I got to meet you after such a long time. *Fun, fun times playing matches after trying to get some in online. *So much footage caught, too! *Glad we filled up your hard drive with some good shit. *You and I both know that air throw on Sheeva was too sweet, also. *

*Definitely hope to be chilling with you again in February and hope you make it out to many more tournaments down the road!
Dan - Another person I wanted to meet after such a long time. *You're definitely awesome! *Great times man. *Playing your bitches in MK is always fun. *Soooo mad we didn't get to do those money matches! *Hope to see you at Winter Brawl if you can make it! *
Jago - I'm glad you were able to make it to NEC! *I know you had one hell of a time chilling with all of us and finally getting a chance to play offline. *You're very good in MK, man...keep it up and hope to see you at more tournaments down the road!
Riu - Awesome times with you and very fun games. Definitely glad you made it. Great games all around in whatever we played...and I hope to see you again at Winter Brawl!
Tyler - First UMK3 tournament and you make it so far man! *Congratulations! *It's a damn shame we didn't get to play at all. *Glad to see you also had fun with everything. *Hopefully you can make it to more tournaments also!
T - Maaaaan...I seriously wish we could've played some games and just hung out more in general. *Definitely a cool cat and a great player indeed.
Arez - Dude...you are absolutely hilarious man! *It's a shame we didn't get to see you at all later on Sunday. *Fun games and sick Sheeva in MKA and all around funny ass convos with you!
Red - Damn, I'm mad I didn't find out who you were until later on! *Definitely wanted to see you do some tourney play, man. *Good to meet you as well. *
Arion - Good to meet you dude. *Very good Kitana play...your use of her impresses me, reminds me a lot of when I got to play Kelly's Kitana back at SB. *Good stuff dude.
If I'm missing anyone, I sincerely apologize. *Very, very fun stuff all around...way better time than at SB, and it was the time of my life there! *I definitely want to be able to make it to NJ in February! *Every single one of you guys are awesome. *Much love to EVERYONE in the community. *Stay strong guys. *