To the original reviewer who loves to review reviews...dude what the fuck? I myself bought Injustice. It's just garbage. Of course you're SO much more credible than the game reviewer because you're part of this FANSITE for the Injustice game and the DC Universe...dude we're here because we're not impartial to these games. We're fanboys, and deny it all you being a Staffer here does not really bode well for your credibility.
Rather than stick to the game, you make fun of the reviewer's name (dude grow the fuck up) and also hardly INVALIDATE ANY OF HIS OPINION. Then you want to make a joke about his pedigree. I don't care much for education. I notice a lot of idiots talk about the lack of education (i.e. OP) but the guy graduated from Johns Hopkins ...last I checked it's an IVY League. Are you part of that? Not that everyone that goes to an Ivy League is smart (Bush is an idiot) but still....don't talk shit.
What spoilers? Lois Lane dying? That's not a spoiler...especially if you even followed the game during their PREVIEWS. they were openly talking about that crap. You're ridiculous bro.If your sensibilities weren't offended enough by this point (and you hadn't closed your browser in a fit of rage at the unnanounced storyline spoilers),
ALSO... Who gives a fuck? I don't even fucking care about IGN so why care about WhatIfGames (by the way amazing reader - it's WhatIfGaming - not "WhatIfGames" so -200 for reading comprehension you so amazingly have!!).
Advice to OP, stop being butt-hurt about the review. Stop being childish, learn to develop your opinion on it and stop reviewing a review. That's like being in the Special Olympics and losing...are you being paid by Warner Bros or something?
Injustice is a great concept but the game sucks dick. There's no doubt about it. I myself just TRADED this in for $30 and it was GIFTED to me. I still have all the comics, and am still a fan of the storyline..but the game was poor even for me and I'm a DIEHARD SUPERHERO FANBOY. It's just Mortal Kombat 9 with superheros.
Now be a great OPed ego moderator and delete my post LOL. Prove me right.