GL can punish all of those multiple location teleports. And even if he doesn't punish the far ones, the recovery on those is so long that a half decent GL player should at least make up any space he lost before Ares can move. The only way Ares is actually gaining anything off of those far teleports is with meter.Yeah, but remember Ares has those multiple teleport locations now.. So you can inch forward all you want, but if he wants to get away once you get in, he can usually do so. So most of the match against a good Ares isn't fought up close until it's on his terms.
Also, his trait can knock you out of the air with ease if you're using the jumping rocket, giving him time to do whatever.
Axe can knock GL out of the air, but if it does it usually only hits once and does less than 5% damage. Then Ares has to wait 9 seconds before the next one. Sword is similar, but it's less good at knocking you out of the air and by using it he's giving up combo damage and his ability to punish certain things for 9 more seconds.
Also, why are you jumping? The only reason you need to jump while you're getting in is if you jump a fireball, and that should be done on reaction - in which case you're not getting hit with trait