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Match-up Discussion My lex mu chart


Beaten, by this mere man
This is based off my experience but obviously every lex is different.
Flassh: 3-7 or a little worse. I just think flash shits on lex in almost every way...he has very quick multi hitting normals that have good range and advance him, Lex's 112 is suicide because flash low profiles and kills you with d1d2 even if you have armour. Also his bf2 goes over mines and lex's zoning is too small. Also if he blocks a vacuum he gets a b3 punish with his 2 hitting b3.
Nightwing:5-5. I previously believed nightwing wins 6-4 but I've grown to be patient in this mu and go even with great nightwing players most of the time.
Batman:5-5 or slight advantage to batman. If he reads an overhead he can parry and break armour but his wakeups are terrible so it averages out.
Lobo:6-4. Hook charge will only get you so far.
Joker:5-5 or slight advantage lex. Whoever develops momentum first will do great in that particular match. If lex doesn't get momentum first then jokers gun out zone lex.
Harley:4-6. She outzones lex and lex has a hard time getting in on her on point zoning.
Grundy:7-3 or 8-2. Lex eats zombies for breakfast...
Cyborg:6-4 I honestly have not struggled with this mu much. If lex is patient and takes his time getting in, once he's in and has momentum cyborg's in trouble.
Arrow:6-4. Arrow doesn't hurt lex enough with his zoning so lex doesn't struggle coming in much, also bow spin won't help much
Superman:4-6 or slightly worse. Lex can give superman some trouble once he gets in but lex has to manage his trait and take superman's into account for it to be 4-6 and not worse. Supermans zoning is quite effective against lex.
Mmh:5-5 or slight advantage lex. Lex can go lex in this mu but has to be wary of mms MBb3. Mmh has to be careful of his teleports.
Zod:4-6 or slightly worse. Zod gives lex a lot of trouble getting in and can counter rush down however if lex is traited to level 3 the overhead grab is more or less useless and zod can't chip him out. Be vary of mb lasers and pistols in this mu and you'll be ok but still find it difficult. If the instant zod balls is on point it's 3-7.
Cw:6-4 or 7-3.a patient cw can give lex trouble and if she times her mb dash well she can be a decent threat but besides that she gets bodied.
Deathstroke:3-7 trait is basically useless in this. Make your way in very patiently and punish whatever you can.
Raven:5-5 or slight advantage raven. Lex with momentum and shield hurts her but she outzones him and her walk back makes pressuring difficult.
Aquaman:4-6 he out footsies and out zones lex but isn't hard to get in on and also trait helps when they're trident rush happy, you can punish his scoop and FTD up close with f2 into whatever if he has trait otherwise into whatever. Also you can still get stuff on him while he's traited with the 22d1/22b3 50/50 and throws.
Ww:6-4 ww has difficulty dealing with lex's jump 3,probes, and shield but she does have decent answers to them so keep away from her.
Zatanna:4-6. her mobility is a problem.
Scorpion:6-4.not much experience here but my guess is slight advantage because
scorpions only real answer to shield is MB teleport.
Ares:5-5 good mobility and keep away ability. Both characters can give each other trouble.
Frost: 4-6. She has good tools to deal with lex. I've had experience with incredible frost players so maybe lex does a little better than this.
DD: 5-5 or slight advantage DD. dd has ways around lex and.An catch you traiting up with shoulder.
HG:6-4. Sorry, lex is a no fly zone
Shazam:6-4. Lex can punish shazam quite easily.
GL:4-6. GL gives lex trouble getting in.
BG:4-6 or slightly worse. Fuck BG
Sinestro:2-8. -_________________-
BA:5-5. Difficult for both
Bane:6-4. lex wins cause he has an answer for everything bane has except knockdown, whoever gets momentum first could even take the whole round.


@Name v.5.0
@any other lex

This outdated and a new chart has been made
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Name v.5.0

Iowa's Finest.
I think I'd have to disagree with the Superman and Frost matchups. I think they're closer to even than you think. I lump these into my "life lead or die MUs".


Come On Die Young
imo -

Harley - the more I play this and think about it the more I think it's even
Grundy - I definitely think Lex wins but I don't think it can be that bad. I'd leave it at 6-4 since I've never gotten to play Tyrant
Cyborg - a smart Cyborg player will give you trouble. Obviously random Cyborgs will be easy to get in on, but at a high level I think it's even at best or Cyborg wins
Catwoman - if you're equally as patient I don't see how Lex doesn't win
Deathstroke - trait is not useless in the mu. lex has ways of dealing with him from everywhere to some extent. definitely 4-6 for me.
Aquaman - I can argue for like forever that Lex wins this mu 6-4. Lex doesn't care about footsies. He gets a lot of free trait opportunities and can take advantage of Aquaman's lack of mobility really well
Raven - I'm more leaning to advantage Raven than 5-5
Frost - Everyone thinks a 2-hitting projectile is a big deal but I don't think so. I have it even.
Shazam - it could be Lex adv, but I have it even mostly because of teleport
Batgirl - i still don't see how batgirl wins this mu.
BA - it could be even, more leaning to Lex adv
Bane - Lex advantage imo. If Bane isn't right in your face he needs to go to lvl 3 early, which opens him up more on debuff since Lex can damage him from pretty much anywhere

everything else I agree with


Beaten, by this mere man
I guess I could go this far



@DreadKnight1 I played a solid Lex a few days back. I think his gamertag was Zodik. I wouldn't say it's a 7-3. Lex has the tools to keep you out and a good lex won't throw out moves randomly so I'd probably give it a 6-4 in flash's favor
However, it's a bad MU for CW. Armour is pretty tough to get through and his setups after a knockdown pretty much always work. The cw player should be awfully patient to even the MU a bit. I'd personally give it a 6-4 in lex's favor


Beaten, by this mere man
@DreadKnight1 I played a solid Lex a few days back. I think his gamertag was Zodik. I wouldn't say it's a 7-3. Lex has the tools to keep you out and a good lex won't throw out moves randomly so I'd probably give it a 6-4 in flash's favor
However, it's a bad MU for CW. Armour is pretty tough to get through and his setups after a knockdown pretty much always work. The cw player should be awfully patient to even the MU a bit. I'd personally give it a 6-4 in lex's favor
I still think lexs efforts aren't effective enough to make the lex mu better than 3-7. A good flash with the mu knowledge will give lex no breathing room and scout out you traiting up or throwing a mine

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
grundy isnt that bad vs lex , ive only been beaten that badly once by lex and that guy had far too many crazy set ups id never seen before , grundy loses but its not that easy for lex


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
I still think that Nightwing has a slight advantage - not 6-4 but not a 5-5 either imo. It just feels so much easier for Dick to have his way.

Billy Dha Kid

Day 1 phenomenal grab immune
grundy isnt that bad vs lex , ive only been beaten that badly once by lex and that guy had far too many crazy set ups id never seen before , grundy loses but its not that easy for lex
What I try doing against lex is wcc into d2 into wcc and hope that the d2 breaks his armor and I have enough time to get the second wc in

Billy Dha Kid

Day 1 phenomenal grab immune
try grave rot as often as u can in this match too the grave rot ticks use up the armour :)
Yeah I try but its hard because it takes time and usually he will end up throwing a bajillion things on the field in that time. What I find most annoying about this mu is his j3 not his armor
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@DreadKnight1 I know we've ran this MU quite a bit and I've seen it as even. Bane has more ways of breaking trait than just mashing to level 3 and trying to hit lex -_- and as usual if Bane knocks Lex down it means hell. 5-5 in my opinion.


Divekick x 1000
Dude wtf Lex doesn't beat Joker. If anything that matchup is even as hell. Trait is the only thing saving Lex from Joker winning that matchup.
Pretty much anyone with good zoning tools can rape Lex's trait so yeah. Lex is one of the most momentum based characters. If you can stop him from getting his setups he's in for a rough time.

Tony at Home

He can Hellfire if he catches Lex slippin.
If he hellfires during a forward trait dash cancel, Lex can catch him for a Corp Charge punish. Its practically a full screen punish with dash + corp charge.

And all trait dashes should be forward in that MU anyway so thats usually the case.

Also, hellfire damage is pennies, like the rest of Scorpions damage.


I write too much.
imo -

Harley - the more I play this and think about it the more I think it's even

Batgirl - i still don't see how batgirl wins this mu.
I don't play Lex nearly as much as I used to (But didn't end up dropping him after all; he's too much fun), but how in the hell are these MUs even? This is not to argue/disagree/whatever, I want to know the reasoning so I can stop failing at these MUs.

I don't feel like I can ever move against a good zoning Harley (Cupcakes catching our dashes thanks to our ginormous hitbox is BS btw). Once I'm in it's not bad, but oh god getting in can be hard...

I honestly have no idea what Lex can actually go against Batgirl.
Cartwheel gives me nightmares. I'm pretty sure I can punish it if I guess right with 11 (Need to go test it; I am bad as a player at punishing cartwheel anyway), but the move catches me from everywhere and destroys armor.
BG has ways to punish me for pressing buttons anywhere on the screen and can outzone me hard. So long as she doesn't let me get a probe out, she controls interactibles, and even if I do get a probe out, Bat Evade allows her to move/pressure while dodging the probes. She has better range with her B1 than Lex does. She does more damage than Lex does. She has better resets than Lex does.
I mean what does Lex have going for him in this MU?

Dude wtf Lex doesn't beat Joker. If anything that matchup is even as hell. Trait is the only thing saving Lex from Joker winning that matchup.
Wholeheartedly seconded. I'd even give it as a slight advantage to Joker myself considering how much harder Lex has to work to make up a life lead.

Tony at Home

I second the Batgirl frustration. If its even I really want to know how.

If she alternates between Bolas and Batarangs her zoning is a nightmare.

Cartwheel kills me, I hate having to give up my trait just to punish that as a wakeup.

Close mine takes away her ability to tele, but I don't see why she even needs to, given she can just chuck bolas all day, and similar to Sub Zeros ice ball, trades with her zoning always end up in her favor.

I hate the matchup. Feels like a root canal everytime.


Saltiest Joker Player
I would definitely say the Joker MU is even. The only thing that would best Joker in this MU is trait. Outside of parrying, Joker can't do shit about his trait. But if lex has meter to blow on health advantage the zone game can definitely be real on either side as well as the offense. Definitely a momentum based fight. 5-5. @Fromundaman @oNe87_Kentucky @EMP Dark
Reactions: Kyu


Joker waiting room
I would definitely say the Joker MU is even. The only thing that would best Joker in this MU is trait. Outside of parrying, Joker can't do shit about his trait. But if lex has meter to blow on health advantage the zone game can definitely be real on either side as well as the offense. Definitely a momentum based fight. 5-5. @Fromundaman @oNe87_Kentucky @EMP Dark
If you position teeth and use jump normals well then you can also wear out his trait.

I played this matchup for a long set offline a few times months ago and 2-3 sets with revolver. No trait is advantage for Joker, trait is advantage for Lex. Lex still must be careful of gunshot not wasting his trait from afar.


Saltiest Joker Player
If you position teeth and use jump normals well then you can also wear out his trait.

I played this matchup for a long set offline a few times months ago and 2-3 sets with revolver. No trait is advantage for Joker, trait is advantage for Lex. Lex still must be careful of gunshot not wasting his trait from afar.
I definitely agree. Though the lex players I play generally get a setup and cancel for trait in between strings to assure Joker can't wake upmaking him respect whats to come next. Lex- Joker MU even. Whoever gets the first hit will MOST likely win. All momentum. Does anyone disagree?