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My Halo 4 Review


I havent played it.. But at MLG it LOOKED just like halo reach. But, I havent seen how it plays firsthand.


i feel like some of the Character traits you can unlock later on might be slightly broken (More frequent Supply drops, and More starting grenades ect.) but that remains to be seen

Overall the Multiplayer is damn near perfect, i absolutely love it
The campaign (particularly the ending) Left much to be desired but was still entertaining as a whole and did answer alot of questions

imo, 9 to 9.5


Borrowed it from a friend for a few hours last night bought it today while at work I cant wait to try out multiplayer when I get home
So how is that bullshit sleight of hand perk working out? Is it broke as fuck? How about the wetwork ninja perk thing? I still don't have the game yet T_T

Big Frog

I also have a hard time saying CE is not my favorite, but good lord this one is insane. Easily the best campaign ever. The levels are mind blowing.


Brain Dead Bro
So how is that bullshit sleight of hand perk working out? Is it broke as fuck? How about the wetwork ninja perk thing? I still don't have the game yet T_T
I use that 'perk' and it's actually slower than in COD it's very fair. Same thing with Promethius Vision, it's SO good but balanced perfectly.

Ordinance system is great considering dropped weapons stay on the map for a limited time (from dead opponents) plus there's no set weapons on the map so it's definitely fair. They did an awesome job with the multiplayer.
So instead of requiring good teamwork to get power weapons you can just call them in when you get a certain amount of kills or points??? Please tell me there's a mmote balanced mode with weapons on maps please....