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Muffin Muggers - The Legend Continues

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Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i shall bring forth Great Justice in Injustice to the Mugger of Muffins o3o


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
I don't think i could handle Muffin muggers 321~slide tactics ;~; i'd be so confused i'd forget to block


The funny thing is he will post every now and again in the Florida MK Facebook ( he lives in tampa apparently) page about meeting up for casuals and then doesn't show fir whatever reason. Now he played one of my friends in sfxt claiming to be "the best reptile if America"


Axel_Redd @Pigofthehut @stbchongo

Lets see how many lies have been in this Post is ridiculous. First, if you guys are going to continue to make posts that aren't even relevant to this game, and bashing some player who you never had a problem with, which is 98% of you, breaks TYM's rules.. Second of all, This claim of me "posting on the MK florida" facebook is a complete lie. heres my facebook, send me a screen with any comment I even made on that facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/DanielGebs I commented on some videos 11 months ago? show the screen shots as I never recall me even liking lili as a character. Also, yes I did play 11 months ago, And then I dropped the game in the beginning with its sound cutting out issues and lag. I only played it for about a week and dropped it. now the game has updates making it better. From what I see, players who aren't relevant to this community are actually using my name, To make up some stupid lies, and then boost their own ego with it. Well known enough.... the only players who beat me were Pig, F0xy, Forever King, K7leetha that were announced as win/losses. After the whole "Pig vs MM" thing lots of people challenged me to ft5's, one result would be Derptile, I ass raped him on ranked. I did beat treadmill horribly bad, i told him ggs. And he gave me an honest opinion of what he thought about me. he said exactly this. "The only reason why people don't like you is because you became an asshole when you posted your final mix up video. You are actually a good player, your fun to watch. You are a really good reptile. But you let what others say get to your head. you should change your name and start over. I would be glad to see you on injustice honestly, if you werent an asshole." Thats what he told me. And I will never change my name. So I mean honestly. think about what you guys are saying.. lol. Pig beat me with mileena, 7-3 match up ONLINE. Foxy beat me with kung lao 7-3 ONLINE. All you guys care about is someone beating muffin muggers. But I mean cool, they beat me, they can have it. If you guys want me to say sorry, I'm sorry. But, making Up lies about stuff like you all are just to make the 'muffin muggers legend' more dramatic is completely pathetic. me commenting a facebook group, and all this nonsense where there is no proof of. is ridiculous. Also, Name this tournament I apparenty went to as "pillow talk." Pillow talk sounds like pillow slobber who is another tourney player. I live in Tampa Florida, i bet you the tournament for "pillow talk" is not even close to where I live, making this statment false by pig. I came across lots of players in ranked. 90% of them lost to me(who were tym community). So these claims of me doing 321 slide tactics are untrue clearly. All this talk is literally just getting annoying know, This is just getting to the point where you guys are harassing me. I'll ask you all to please stop. None of you know anything whats so ever, its known that Pig of the hut and Foxy grampa have ego's themselves. I've seen lots of times where they are both being assholes. I dont care Who I lose to. And in regards to skillz? Oh I have a right to talk shit to him, he was saying i was bad and I did beat him 10-0 I showed the replay channel which shows all my wins. In the battle log, you can't delete replays so its real anyways. plus he made excuses after i beat him. Also. most of these "MK" players I really know Will not Like injustice or be good at it as its an entirely different game and feel.. I've already played it. it feels more like a capcom game, faster frames, back to block. I think most of the street fighter players will be good. Like TS Sabin, so on and so on. Also, theres a rumor of projecticles colliding.


Dead Kings Rise
I said what needed to be said this post by Stb is 90% false and is just stupid. the fact Pig is trying to do detective work on me and is stalking my internet foot print is a bit Scary, Nerd, and is beginning to sound like he has no life.
Cool story bro.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
After doing a little detective work that even Pig Of The Hut would be proud of, I am here to show you that Muffin Muggers is at it again...albeit in a different community.

While scrolling through the SF X T salt thread on shoryuken I came across a user named dgebs2589 who proceeded to proclaim that they only played the game for a month and linked a video of him 10-0'ing someone and "exposing them".

I clicked on the video which brought me to the youtube page, low and behold it was the one and only MUFFIN MUGGERS. Basically, the video contained him annotating certain portions and saying how bad the player was, and once again reiterating that he has only been playing for a month.

Here is said video:

Knowing his history I checked his uploaded videos. On January 9th he uploaded THIS video of him playing the same characters:

Interestingly enough, in this video (it's hard to make out) he seems to have OVER 3000 battle points, which would take a little bit of time to accumulate once you factor in training time, wins + losses etc.

Basically, he played for over 2 months since the second video, most likely more considering the amount of battle points.

Then, as if it wasn't Muggers enough, he creates an account on Shoryuken and with his first post starts shit talking and lying.

Oh Muffin Muggers, your legend continues to grow.

Link to shoryuken post: http://forums.shoryuken.com/discussion/155690/what-do-players-message-you-after-you-beat-them-sfxt-edition/p45


These comments were posted on the video


"Betterthayouality commented 10 months ago
woah! didn't even knew you recorded this, he man we should definitly rematch! i've gotten a lot better. Muffin Muggers."
"Betterthayouality commented 11 months ago
lol FUCK im taking off kazuya off my time for law/lili that'll be SEX. lol thanks for the vid time to copy these :D"

Pig Of The Hut
A F0xy Grampa


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
im quite sure Pig of the Holmes can fit finding you into his busy busy schedual....ya know...since its so easy and what not :p
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