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Mortal Kombat's Rising Stars - Interview w/ xKhaotikx

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Just re-read interview, I love this energy building behind the "New Breed" and "newcomer top players" I think its this type of energy we need for our game to remain strong and our scene to grow even deeper.

Everyone he mentioned he's right about, everyone is stepping their games up making it harder for player that are comfortable making top 8 question it more. Look at crosstalk and jupiter this weekend, THEY WERE SO CLOSE to pulling off quite possibly the biggest upsets in MK9 history.

Things are getting tighter and those who continue on w that drive and determination like no other will be the ones rising to the top and remaining.

Im excited for this challenge and opportunity - Khaotik btw responded extremely f ing well after the lashing he took to losing to a baraka. That speaks volumes about him as a competitor. He could have gotten all emo and went away for months in fear of losing again.

BTW i too use dark knight rises as a motivator :) lol that was tight.

Also the hype surrounding the 16 bit vs khaotik eventual tourney match is huge right now and will continue to grow

xKhaoTikx one more question, what jaxs did you train with to get comfortable for tyrant? I suspect emp dark? And how does emp dark compare


Man I've held back on propping this guy cause
A: He's my buddies "rival". But thats more playful shit than serious, I've got nothing against Khaotikx personally
B: I'm jealous I can't go out to some of these tournies he's at (budget doesn't always allow it)
C: We play one of the same characters and there's a bit of an unspoken pride/ego clash that goes with that

This stops now, xKhaoTikx I'm officially giving you props. You study you're ass off, you crunch the numbers, you put in the time, you go out and compete against some very big names and most importantly, after a very emberassing loss you dusted yourself off, leveled up and bodied people like that shit never even happened. When I saw those consistent ex lifts on crossover reaction I just knew... This kid is for real... And I better run this matchup with bit a lot more. Congrats on your WB placing you deserve it and you deserve the spotlight right now.

I'll see you at Civil War


The Ignore Button Is Free
Just re-read interview, I love this energy building behind the "New Breed" and "newcomer top players" I think its this type of energy we need for our game to remain strong and our scene to grow even deeper.

Everyone he mentioned he's right about, everyone is stepping their games up making it harder for player that are comfortable making top 8 question it more. Look at crosstalk and jupiter this weekend, THEY WERE SO CLOSE to pulling off quite possibly the biggest upsets in MK9 history.

Things are getting tighter and those who continue on w that drive and determination like no other will be the ones rising to the top and remaining.

Im excited for this challenge and opportunity - Khaotik btw responded extremely f ing well after the lashing he took to losing to a baraka. That speaks volumes about him as a competitor. He could have gotten all emo and went away for months in fear of losing again.

BTW i too use dark knight rises as a motivator :) lol that was tight.

Also the hype surrounding the 16 bit vs khaotik eventual tourney match is huge right now and will continue to grow

xKhaoTikx one more question, what jaxs did you train with to get comfortable for tyrant? I suspect emp dark? And how does emp dark compare
I've only played Dark's Jax once and that was last year lol. I remember thinking it was a good jax, but I don't think it was on Tyrant's level.

TBH, I barely play Jax players. CURBOLICOUS taught me the matchup earlier last year and I just adapted from what I learned from him.


Lose without excuses
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BDMao88 xKhaoTikx

This is between you two. In order to keep this thread from derailing further, please take this to PM. Thanks.