Hey everyone, I'm the guy makin this.
Just wanna say thanks to everyone for their comments so far, they've been really useful!
I'll cover what everybody's been asking so far:
1 - for those who prefer controls different to those that are set up at the moment, there will be an option to change the controls to anything you like.
2 - you'll have to forgive me but what is aaP? I understand all the others, but not that one :-P.
3 - Sub's infinite. The string PPKKK can be blocked anywhere up until the first kick (so it can be stopped), but the AI at the moment doesn't know how to block, so yes it is an infinite at this stage.
Incidentally, doing the string B+K,K,K is the guarenteed infinite as after the first kick connects it cannot be interrupted.
This will be fixed. The ice kick is meant to have a significant time delay before you can do it again after doing it once.
4 - I've just uploaded a new version yesterday that should have fixed all of the fatality problems - though I have noticed that Sub-Zero's (very rarely) still freezes and I'm not sure why yet :-S. Still, they should for the most part be working correctly now.
5 - the last throw, Noob's Shadow Rush is D,D,F,K incase anyone was interested :-P.
6 - I'm hoping to incorporate throw escapes as well - if they work out that is.
7 - the AI at the moment needs a fair amount of work. It cannot yet block. It can jump, but only straight up and it doesn't attack you at all when you're on the floor. You could stay lieing down for ever and it wouldn't move a muscle.
8 - undecided if there will be stages with deathtraps/multi-tiered arenas yet.
9 - EDIT: forgot about this one. Kitana. I was aware that she's capable of some pretty "long" stuff, though had no idea quite as much as you guys found. Her damage may be reduced, or her properties altered to cap this a little.
Sooooo... yeah think that's about it.
Thanks to everyone again, and to Iori for posting this over here in the first place.
Any suggestions/comments/help feel free