Because no one wants to read through all that shit, and all the conversations happening only regard the best variation anyways.
I was gonna put him in A+, then I went through the forums and saw what people were saying about him. Then I objectively looked at what tools he could bring to the table compared to other characters and conferred with my panel of experts and came to an agreement that he belongs in S tier.
Also Kung Lao most likely wasn't even top 5 prepatch, just saying.
Have you considered the points I listed to Nausea?
No Spectral will be able to handle all MU's well enough to win a tournament like the ones you put on S-tier, therefore he does not qualify being in that bracket. Ermac globally has bad MU's that don't magically disappear by swapping variations, only thing that really changes is his preferred offensive area. He has to sacrifice threat in one area to excel in another, but because his offensive in Spectral is so strong he can't get the respect to closing distances which he would in Mystic/MoS, thus addressing his neutral weakness directly. Strikes me as a balanced character which is uncharacteristic of an S-tier placement (imo), I will admit if his go-to offense was easier accessible, he would definitely be S-tier.
Going by your system, (using strongest variation per character), I would place Kitana, Kung Lao and Jacqui higher, Ermac, Sub and Triborg lower and would add an S+ tier, because some offense/defense ratio still significantly overwhelms some of the others.
About your Kung Lao point, that's what was being played at the time, got results and that's what the community decided was #1 but yeah, he probably wasn't.
I didn't think 6 words on my elation of Ermac being top tier in Derps tier list would merit a book and a personal insult, but there you go! I would take offence if your opinion mattered to me, which it does not. (Sorry if that sounds offensive, Its not supposed to.)
"Longest"? Why the quotations? I either am or I am not that you know of. Yes I agree with his tier placement and this is where it gets a bit personal eh? I have had no results what so ever? I placed top 16 at my first Major at RFD (October 2015) (using a PS4 pad which made my hands cry) Won a few regionals, missed Viennality due to funds unfortunately and placed 13th at Hypespotting being put out by UsedForGlue's Mileena (which is an awful MU for Spectral) where did you place at these 3 majors out of curiosity? I play online alot yes and granted, there aren't alot of high level players available to play on XB1 but it dosen't stop me from finding good/great players and grinding MU's. I play alot offline also and attend my local every week to grind match ups with great players such as
@Youphemism &
@Scott The Scot who are also now great friends to me

So yeah, you are wrong to assume these things and to assume I have had no results.
I'll answer the rest later. DINNERS OOT!
Alright man. Lemme clarify, by "longest" quotations I meant out of the TYM board, that probably doesn't make you the longest (or best) Spectral main.
I tried being as polite as I can trying to get my point across, I wanted to state facts and as mentioned I apologize if it came off as offensive. I think it's important to keep a neutral perspective on these things, and the things I brought up do matter (and still do, as I don't qualify that as results, doesn't mean I'm attacking you as a person/player, I'm addressing what Ermac lacks in MKX).
I'll just admit right now, that I also care very little about your opinion as I already know I've done my homework, I'm just pointing it out because I know you won't be able to give me a straightforward answer to the fundamental problems Ermac has. When someone claims a character is S-tier and it happens to be the one I've been using day 1 and the person being referred to as the #1 Spectral player is validating that idea, I will request why he thinks that.. Not for me, I know why not, but I just wanted you to give an answer that you can't give (and won't).
I didn't play offline anywhere recently, just online Challengers and ESL (bad results), watching BeyondToxin, BigD and Ermok's (and previous abandoners of Ermac) performances it boils down to: you don't win tournaments just with Ermac (let alone, just with Spectral) it's best to know that soon and learn multiple characters and avoid running into a brick wall. Not S-tier.
Dare you to prove me wrong, though.