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Discussion MKXL Post 3/29/16 Tier List Thread


I'm a lover, not a fighter
S: Alien, Johnny, Mileena, D'Vorah

A+: Kano, Takeda, Sonya, Jax, Ermac, Cassie, Kung Jin

A: Ferra/Tor, Shinnok, Sub Zero, Reptile, Liu Kang, Kotal Khan, Jacqui Briggs, Predator, Quan Chi

A-: Scorpion, Tremor, Erron Black, Goro, Kung Lao, Jason, Triborg, Leatherface, Kitana, Bo Rai Cho

B+: Raiden, Kenshi

B: Tanya

You'll notice that's it's very middle heavy. That's because a large majority of the cast are viable and around the same level. For the record, I think everyone above Tanya is viable, albeit you'll probably need a secondary for A- and below.
This is the one!!!! Pretty much on point
Only minor change I'd make is Bo down to B+


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Switch Mileena with Shinnok because Mileena is clearly in the top 3 and Shinnok is good, top 5 - but not top 3.

Move Kotal Kahn up two groups.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Also dont think it's fair to list triborg as his own character considering how drastically different each variation is.
I used to think this but their variation differences affecting the actual base metagame and gameplan aren't really much different to War God/Blood God, Ruthless/Lackey, Hish Qu Ten/Warrior etc. If not less so.

If you look closely, they're placed by variation as well
I doubt it, some of those templates are variationless.

And I mean, even if it was, some of those are slightly, if not very questionable:

- Ninjutsu over Hellfire?
- Impostor over Bone Shaper?
- Flame Fist over Dragon's Fire?
- Wrestler over Heavy Weapons?
- Mystic over Spectral/Master of Souls?
- Noxious over Deceptive/Nimble?!?!?!?


God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
interesting australian tier list but there i fixed it for you

S: Alien, Johnny, Mileena, Kano

A+: Dvorah, Takeda, Sonya, Jax, Ermac, Cassie, Kung Jin, Shinnok

A: Ferra/Tor, Sub Zero, Reptile, Liu Kang, Kotal Khan, Jacqui Briggs, Predator, Quan Chi, Scorpion, Erron Black

A-: Tremor, Goro, Kung Lao, Jason, Triborg, Leatherface, Kitana, Kenshi

B+: Raiden, ,Bo Rai Cho, Tanya

the one in the op is a mess
Move DVo, Ermac, and Reptile up one tier each, swap Tremor with Shinnok, and you have stumbled upon perfection

Fair warning: am also Australian


Publicly Educated
Because Spectral is (soap bar in my mouth) apparently, I personally haven't ever seen a good Spectral but I think it has safe 50/50s and 4-way 50/50s off of flight cancels.
I actually invested time to play Spectral offline with my friends. I got free wins at first, but then I told them about the matchups and issues I had with hit confirming then I got bodied. But I wasn't good enough so I can't blame it on Spectral.
Btw, I also think that Spectral's 50/50 can be made safe on read, however opponents can also punish it on read. Different characters have different tools to do it, so in my tier list Spectral is still slightly worse than MoS. It's fun in some matchups though, like I can rape Covert Ops easily


Everybody is saying the list is wrong but nobody is giving an explanation as to why.
Back up your opinions with some evidence people. This applies to the op as well.

I love learning about the game and some basic explanations would further my knowledge.

I'm coming to the conclusion that I personally hate tier list. While it's true that some characters have more tools than others; or better match ups, list like these only give extra excuses to bad players. I also think a lot of casuals read tier list wrong and think automatic easy win for "top tiers" without taking the player's experience, execution, and game knowledge into account.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Move DVo, Ermac, and Reptile up one tier each, swap Tremor with Shinnok, and you have stumbled upon perfection

Fair warning: am also Australian
Shinnok isn't S tier, but he's A+. There is also no way that Tremor is anything more than upper-mid tier as he is right now.
I find it highly ironic that the day MKXL patch came out and i touched Tanya, i said that Kobu became garbage and that Pyromancer turned into her best variation due to universal nerfs and 2 buffs that it recieved. I got jumped for saying that Tanya was bottom 5, saying that i dont know what i am talking about "Dragon Naginata is still very good Vak" and all of those.

Now, according to commets you all seem to agree that she is on the lowest tier of the game, thus making Tanya not really viable for tournaments. (Boy do i have to outplay someone to win) I just find it funny how i got jumped and attacked and now y'all seem to agree that she is bottom 5.

Thats all.


AUS FGC represent!
I find it highly ironic that the day MKXL patch came out and i touched Tanya, i said that Kobu became garbage and that Pyromancer turned into her best variation due to universal nerfs and 2 buffs that it recieved. I got jumped for saying that Tanya was bottom 5, saying that i dont know what i am talking about "Dragon Naginata is still very good Vak" and all of those.

Now, according to commets you all seem to agree that she is on the lowest tier of the game, thus making Tanya not really viable for tournaments. (Boy do i have to outplay someone to win) I just find it funny how i got jumped and attacked and now y'all seem to agree that she is bottom 5.

Thats all.
To be fair, I thought exactly the same things day 1 of XL patch too. But then again, I played both pyro and Kobu, so I picked up on it quickly.


Kitana and Goro are located in acceptable spots.

A lot of this is very perplexing, but at least those two placements are within the sphere of realism.

I just don't see how Shinnok is a tier above Takeda, Mileena, D'Vorah, Kano or even Sonya. He might be good, but not top 3 good.


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
S: Alien, Johnny, Mileena, D'Vorah

A+: Kano, Takeda, Sonya, Jax, Ermac, Cassie, Kung Jin

A: Ferra/Tor, Shinnok, Sub Zero, Reptile, Liu Kang, Kotal Khan, Jacqui Briggs, Predator, Quan Chi

A-: Scorpion, Tremor, Erron Black, Goro, Kung Lao, Jason, Leatherface, Kitana, Sektor, Smoke

B+: Raiden, Kenshi, Tanya, Bo Rai Cho, Cyrax, Cyber Sub Zero

this is what mine looks like
and in this one even B+ is viable, and A- and below you need a Pocket


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
one thing i know for sure, no matter what tier list, it won't matter what they are placed in, this is TYM where noone can agree on a tier list and has never agreed on MKX tier list and never will.

ill pop in from time to time for enjoyment. :coffee:


Ready to lose your head?
Now that the hornets nest has been rattled for a bit, here's the thing with the letters and some placements, and I'll edit the OP over the next half hour or so to show it. Admittedly, some placements were for shock factor, such as Shinnok and Tremor, and for various others, it was really a coin flip, hence the discussion. Such as Kenshi, Erron, Quan, Jason, Leatherface and Bo Rai Cho. Coin flips because despite buffs or normalizations, there hasn't been a great deal of info OR footage on how these characters fair currently, so that was taken into account as well as what we generally know of these character's tools.

As for the damn letters, I knew it would create a storm, so I left it looking crazy at the start. And yeah, S- was retarded, but seeing how letters are literally being thrown everywhere, was essentially why I even attempted throwing that in. S in "normal" standards are considered the best, and have everything they need and more. Current "A+" has that, hence why it WAS S before. But current A and A- dont even fit that category because again, of all the tools they have, with only select MUs giving them a hard time, so theres my main question.

How is anyone basing their letters? Is it by relativity or by what they apply to, because the way the comments or going, theres no clear line at all.

Tis all for now :)


What I like about Derptile is that he seems to not care about the consensus opinions. It doesn't matter how many times Tom pushes his "Sub Zero sucks" agenda, Derptile knows that the character is still good. He also put Kung Lao low which helps my agenda nah mean?

So yeah this is probably the best tier list that we've seen.

The only thing that I strongly disagree with at this point, is Goro not being at least A tier. If we're going by best variation, Dragon's Fangs is nyyyyce.

Edit: Kenjutsu is likely not lower than A either, but if you fight against Pig's agenda you become Hitler's brother who is the forum version of Hitler.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
If you don't know anything about a character then just say you don't know anything about said character and then omit them from your list lol. I hate it when people don't know anything about a character then try to rank where they are. Like if you're placing a character in a certain place just for shock factor then how can anybody take anything you say seriously about this? Seems silly to me.

As for the name of the tiers. Am I the only one who doesn't care? You can name it by animal or colour for all I care lol. If the highest tier is red then it goes down to bottom tier blue, then I still know which tier they're in and how the cast compares to each other. Just give a description of what each tier is.