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MKX training/practice mode. What do you want to see?


King of the Bill
Injustice has a nice training mode, even an online practice version which is very helpful. It also implemented frame data and the ability to mark combos and moves on the screen so you don't have to go back to menu. What would you like to see in mkx? I personally would like to see frame data and hit boxes as well as a way to record inputs for x amount of seconds and then have the AI replay it and loop similar to street fighter. Also, perhaps a challenge mode with hard to hit combos that get progressively harder and harder. Just throwing ideas out there.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Better Practice mode than MK 9 please. I like being able to switch to the CPU character. Correct Frame Data Pls. Being able to do reversal Normal Moves would be amazing. Im pretty much happen with the Injustice Practice mode. It had a lot of options.
I like your ideas.

The IGAU practice mode was solid. I'd like to see that + a couple new features like you mentioned and I'd be happy


And on of the key features I love in tekken's practice mode is it tells you when you have punished a move. It literally says punish at the bottom corner. This goes for counterhits and clean hits as well. Plus the 5 record features that can be randomized at will (with about 30 seconds of record time for each one) and having a system showing when your character can move (recovery, block stun).


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
And on of the key features I love in tekken's practice mode is it tell you when you have punished a move. It literally says punish at the bottom corner. This goes for counterhits and clean hits as well. Plus the 5 record features that can be randomized at will (with about 30 seconds of record time for each one) and having a system showing when your character can move (recovery, block stun).
That shit sounds too complicated for NRS :p


King of the Bill
I also hated in mk9 how practice wasn't the first option in the training menu. Id always hate hitting A too fast without scrolling past "tutorial" and "fatality training" bullshit first. Plain practice mode should always be the first one in the menu because once you go through basic training mode and fatality mode, you never need to go in there again


NRS listened to the MK9 heads here and applied it to IGAU's practice/training mode(s) and it turned out really well. I think MKX will either be identical to IGAU in terms of practice and OR they will build on top it and add maybe even a few more options/tweaks.


I also hated in mk9 how practice wasn't the first option in the training menu. Id always hate hitting A too fast without scrolling past "tutorial" and "fatality training" bullshit first. Plain practice mode should always be the first one in the menu because once you go through basic training mode and fatality mode, you never need to go in there again

very good point ...

@colt please ?


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
They could get cute and add an option to have lag in the practice mode. So you can get used to playing online. Like in UMVC3.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Injustice Training mode with a few improvements.
First off, Online Delay Simulator would also be good.
An Inking system that paints off any move set or setup to a character to spot frame disadvantage, string and setup gaps, and also to spot when such character is vulnerable.

Fully Green, means the character is with frame advantage.
Fully Blue, is neutral on block
Fully red, is at advantage.

Of course we could choose to turn on and off this option.

Audio cue to customize setups, like, we could set to play everytime we press inputs and record it, so we would know at earlier air move restrition so we could know how fast we could do a iaMove, it would help zoners a lot, and we could set for example to timing juggles, we could know the right time to execute a reset.

Record and Playblack should return as well has the position setup, wich it was one of my favourites in Injustice, it was possible to switch sides or go straight into corner, this time on, if we could lock a custom position and reset on that set position to practice especific setups would be good too.

Also i would like to have the return of cancel advantage on frame data and all its moves proprieties, but correct frame data pls, a good way to do this, is by when coding the data is gathered straight from the code instead of being posted as a notation, so if in any case something needs to be changed, it will change in the notes as well. like database and PhP relationship.

And a Trial mode, where we could go for each move from the character, from basic to intermadiarie to advanced combos, this could replace the challenge tower.

And then i could be happy
They should have EVERYTHING

An initial tutorial that is extremely in depth (I think Killer Instinct's dojo mode is a good example)
Frame data, included in the pause menu and the option to have it shown real-time (similar to Virtua Fighter, DoA, and KI)
Hit-stun, recovery, and block stun overlays to indicate when a character is in whatever state- this helps understand certain moves having variable block/hitstun (similar to Tekken Tag 2's system)
Hitbox data
Meter-building data
AI recording
Multi-move recording and randomization (similar to Tekken Tag 2's)
Basic programmable states for the AI: Auto block, Block Low, Block High, Jump, Jump Forward, Jump back
Lag simulation
Auto reversals
Programmable reversals (you can record what move the AI does exactly after blocking an attack)
Tech rolls, wakeups, meter-burn wakeups as well. Should also be able to program the AI to do whatever we record it to as soon as it gets out of a knockdown.
Backdash as a reversal option, and for something the AI should do immediately upon getting up.
Basic in-training guides for the characters (similar to Soul Calibur)
Move training that works similar to the excellent move-training in DoA. Where if you press one button it will show all possible followups.
Challenges and missions specific to each character (Similar to SF4 and MVC3)
Online training mode so we can practice with online friends.
I should still be able to pin overlays of certain strings and special moves to be constantly shown under my lifebar- same as it was in Injustice.

The more features, the better.


Basically I want Injustice's training mode with the ability to have the AI run the basic strings without having to record them.
I want quick character selections for myself and dummy opponent. I don't want to have to go to character selection, just let me change within the standard menu for quicker loading and quicker access.
Two things:

1: the ability to see hitboxes

2: I'd like a way to record playback a unique set of inputs randomly ad infinitum. For example, lets say you're learning to block Doomsday's Earthshake inputs. Well, you can record a set of yourself doing d1xxearthshake, raw earthshake, 22 earthshake, throw, and so on...but eventually when you switch to blocking it the pattern will start to set in and it will mess with your ability to learn to react to it raw. If you could record those inputs seperately and have the system mix it up for you it would be a *massive* help.


King of the Bill
Basically I want Injustice's training mode with the ability to have the AI run the basic strings without having to record them.
This is sorta like what I'm talking about. Recording an input of commands and having the AI repeat it. It would be helpful to learn block strings and frame traps without having to bother a friend to sit there and keep doing it as a dummy until you figure it out. I spend a lot of time in the lab and many things I figure out I have no idea if it works in real scenarios