Ok have to admit NRS proved me wrong with Bo, he looks a lot better than I imagined.
Sektor omg, I haven't been playing this game that much of late between what they did to Ermac and no Fujin but that perked my interest again. Those missile combos omg...amazing.
And Cyber Smoke mixed with human MK 9 Smoke=oh my.

Not to mention restand spears? ohh you know he's going to have resets lol.
I wonder if Cyrax will be as OP as he was in MK 9, going to say no. I think he'll be pretty good but won't have the insane easy resets. I hope Sektor still has his seeking missile, I'm going to take a guess and say that ex missile which kind of keeps you in the air is his ex normal missile now but just animated differently instead of "straight duel missiles" like MK 9. His tp looks the same, sweet!
My guess on the KP2 tier rank(just speculation of course) based off this trailer.
Triborg Cyber Smoke>Alien(hard to tell alien looks fast as fuck up close)>Bo Rai Cho>>>Leatherface
We'll see though.