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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


I'll bleed you, real quick.
I made a video with some combos, let me know if they are any good

It's very hard for me to get anything goin after the teleport but the d1, any tips ? Thanks


Really hate how a lot of links to soul ball in a juggle miss in the corner.... F3 never works for me, F4 is sketchy and 22 only works at a certain height.


Was playing around in practice since I just got back playing again after like 4 weeks and ended up with a 41% meterless corner combo for MoS which also keeps them in the corner.

F4, Soulball, dash/walk back a bit, Ji2, F21D2, J2, B21, B321. 41% (42% with Ji)
B3 starter ends up with 39% and with Ji 40%

Easy to execute.
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You will BOW to me!
If you dont want to reset the cool down of the orbs, you can do, jip, f4, tp, d1, f4, soul ball, jip, f21d2, rc, b321. Deals 42 or 43% dmg meterless IIRC.
This is one combo video I made. Not the greatest but notation for the combos:

1 JiP, 2,2,2, soul ball, JiP f2,1,d2, J3, db4, b321 (41% no meter)
2 JiP, 2,2,2, EX soul ball, JiP f2,1,d2, J3, db4, b321 (42% 1 bar...not worth it IMO)
3 JiP, f4, db3, d1, EX soul ball, JiP f2,1,d2, run cancel, b321 (42% 1 bar)
4 JiP, f4, db3, d1, soul ball, JiP f2,1,d2, f4, soul ball (40% no meter)
5 JiP, f4, db3, d1, soul ball, JiP f2,1,d2, f4, XRAY (52% all meter)

As has been mentioned a couple times, adding f4 after the d1 into soul ball adds 2-3% in all combos HOWEVER it is difficult to pull off on a lot of the cast and can be very risky for the extra 3ish % especially. I recommend when playing online or competitively to not use that unless you feel VERY certain you can do it consistently (Which excluding F/T and Gorro, *I* do not feel comfortable doing it)


I'll bleed you, real quick.
How the hell do you guys connect F4 after teleport d1? I been practicing like 20 minutes and I cant figure it out... Please help
How the hell do you guys connect F4 after teleport d1? I been practicing like 20 minutes and I cant figure it out... Please help
It's hard. Very hard mind you and I only go for it when playing offline and I still mess up. Best advice I can give is RIGHT AFTER teleport take all fingers off the controller and just go d1,f4 as soon as you see the animation for teleport to hit them at the exact second you see them airborne. Then the f4 should connect and you can soul ball

But yes it is VERY difficult to do consistently so I avoid it altogether


I'll bleed you, real quick.
Yeah after a few more minutes i managed to get it, it's very very hard. I doubt it will ever work online, thanks.


KH Fusion
Alright guys sorry I'm getting this info out so late, been doing this combo as my go-to corner bnb off his overhead for about a week now but I'm just now getting to posting it. (also, if anyone already posted this or knew about it, I apologize but as far as I know it was undiscovered)


50% 1 Bar Corner Combo in MoS:

F4 soul ball, walk/jump/dash back, jip f21d2, 4 up blast, 222 ex lift, rc uppercut, uppercut.

does 50% with or w/o a jip to start. (you can get 49% ending in a grab if you don't want to risk the second uppercut, but beware of throw techs) also does 48% off his low starter. very easy to perform and often times leads to "Nerf Ermac!" cries. Most importantly... works on all members of the cast with no changes in timing/height.

only thing to note is you have to get the run cancel space correct for the two uppercuts to leave them in the corner. if you don't have the spacing correct, either the first uppercut or the second one will hit them out of the corner. If spaced/timed correctly, they stay in the corner every time.

Edit: this combo now does 51% post patch. (50% with grab ender)
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KH Fusion
48% METERLESS corner combo. (post patch soul burst damage buff)

jip f21d2, 4 up blast, 222 soul ball, small step backwards, soul release (bf1), uppercut, f4 soul burst.

does 47% if you end in f4 lift or grab. does 46% if you choose to do 22 soul ball instead of 222 (more consistent, less risk of dropping)

subtract 1% if you start w/o a jip.


Is there a certain timing for f21d2 f3 tp f4? I cant seem to land the f3 tp into d4 constently any tips?
Yea there is. If you input f3 at the wrong time the teleport or the f4 will whiff.
The opponent needs to be on the way down from f21d2. Meaning dont input f3 immediately after f21d2.
If your timing is right you can connect f3~teleport, b12, f4 after it.


So you spend 1 bar of meter to add 5% damage...doesn't seems right
Agreed, unless it kills them I'd save the meter for EX Blast, a breaker or EX lift as a reversal (punishes quite a lot of things).... 41% meterless is more than enough for me.


Very easy mid-screen 40% with MoS (No teleport, depending on the connection I tend to miss the teleport combo's online, especially with my hand still healing from a fracture, so tried looking for solutions without the teleport)

F4, Soulball, Ji2, F21D2, Run cancel, B21, B21, F4, Soulburst


Its obviously not useful at all as u can get 40-45% meterless and u use 2 bars to get 30
Very useful. The move has armor. Also, this can be used to close out a round.
38%. This move has armor
Very easy mid-screen 40% with MoS (No teleport, depending on the connection I tend to miss the teleport combo's online, especially with my hand still healing from a fracture, so tried looking for solutions without the teleport)

F4, Soulball, Ji2, F21D2, Run cancel, B21, B21, F4, Soulburst
Nice dude!