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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
You can also add this one if nobody mentioned it yet for the MoS variation off an AA uppercut:
Damage: AA Uppercut > EX-TKL > F21D2 > RunCancel > 22 > Soul Ball > Dash > Soul release > Uppercut (35%)
Reset: AA Uppercut > EX-TKL > F21D2 > RunCancel > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 (32% if I remember)

Are you doing f3 into up soul ball because if not it won't work. Just practice because it can lead to 46% meterless, it's handy to have if you can get your opponent in the corner. However I have only landed it once in an actual match.
Damn yea I think I'll stick with my usual. 46% is nice but the confirm is too hard


Character Loyalist
@Kindred and @Etoroguy : First of all thanks to you guys for all the effort you have put into this thread. I have just started using Ermac and I can't tell you how grateful I am for your Combos. Now I got somewhere to start from! :)

@Afumba : If you would share your list, this would be highly appreciated! I also think that Ermac-Combos aren't too hard to do, thus I would be really interested in the most damaging ones out there.


You can also add this one if nobody mentioned it yet for the MoS variation off an AA uppercut:
Damage: AA Uppercut > EX-TKL > F21D2 > RunCancel > 22 > Soul Ball > Dash > Soul release > Uppercut (35%)
Reset: AA Uppercut > EX-TKL > F21D2 > RunCancel > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 (32% if I remember)

Damn yea I think I'll stick with my usual. 46% is nice but the confirm is too hard
Had that one. Thanks anyways. You can get 38% out of the uppercut AA too.
--> Uppercut, ex lift, 4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 lift (38%)

@Kindred and @Etoroguy : First of all thanks to you guys for all the effort you have put into this thread. I have just started using Ermac and I can't tell you how grateful I am for your Combos. Now I got somewhere to start from! :)

@Afumba : If you would share your list, this would be highly appreciated! I also think that Ermac-Combos aren't too hard to do, thus I would be really interested in the most damaging ones out there.
Sure - i can post it here as well.


@jokey77 here my list. X-Ray combos and AA´s are missing though. Cant find the page atm.

F21D2 Starter

f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, jip b321 (40%); 41% with jip)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, uppercut (40%; 41% with jip)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, njp, b1d2 (38% hard knockdown; 40% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 soulball, bf1, uppercut (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease uppercut (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, jik, teleport, f4 SoulBall, jip b321 (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, f3 SoulBall, jip b321 (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 teleport, d1 lift (37%; 39% with jip)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b321 (39%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease, njp, run cancel uppercut (39%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, f4 burst (38%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, b1d2 (38% - hard knockdown; 39% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease uppercut (40%; with jip 41%)
f21f2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip 34 ex lift, uppercut (40%; with jio 41%)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease, uppercut, ex lift, uppercut (40%; with jip 41%)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, f4 ex lift, uppercut (41%; with jip 42%)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, uppercut, ex lift, uppercut (42%; with jip 43%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, uppercut, ex lift, uppercut (43%; with jip 43%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip 34 ex lift, uppercut (43%; with jip 44%)

222 Starter (222 teleport whiffs on small hitbox characters)

222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12 f4 burst (39% ;40% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift (38%; 39% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 burst (37%; 39% with jip)
222 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f12d2, b12, f4 Burst (37%; 39% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 ex lift run cancel uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
222 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)

F4 Starter

f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 burst (40%; 41% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst(40%; 41% with jip)
f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12 b12 f4 burst (40%; 41% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 burst (40%; with jip 41%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 uppercut (42%; with jip 43%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 f4 burst (41%; with jip 42%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (45%; 46% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, 4 ex lift, b321 (42%; 42% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut (43%, 44% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 burst (44%; 45% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (45%; 45% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (43%; with jip 44%)

B3 Starter

b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12 b12 f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 burst (38%; with jip 39%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 uppercut (40%; with jip 41%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 f4 burst (39%; with jip 40%)
1 Bar
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (43%; 44% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, 4 ex lift, b321 (40%; 41% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut (41%, 42% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 burst (42%, 43% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (43%; 43% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (41%; with jip 42%)

34 Starter

34 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 Burst (36%; 37% with jip)
1 Bar
34 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (39%; 40% with jip)

114 Starter

114, f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 burst (36%; 38% with jip)
114, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 Burst (36%; 38% with jip)
114, f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (40%; 41% with jip)
114, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 ex lift, uppercut (39%; 40% with jip)
114 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 2 SoulBall, jip b12 (34% for vortex; 36% with jip)

Naked SoulBall

SoulBall, jip f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, 222 burst (36%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst (34%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 burst (34%)
SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, njp, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel f4 burst (31%)
SoulBall, SoulRelease, teleport, b321 (27%) (if you cant get to your opponent in time)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (40%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (39%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, 222 ex lift, uppercut (39%)
SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, njp, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel f4 ex lift, uppercut (34%)
SoulBall, SoulRelease, teleport, f4 ex lift, f21d2 run cancel uppercut (34%) (if you cant get to your opponent in time)

Neutral Jump Punch

NJP, jik teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel uppercut (34%)
NJP, jik teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, 4 ex lift, uppercut (36%)

teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, b321 (34%)
air teleport, 222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, b1d2 (33%)
1 Bar
teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (38%)
air teleport, 222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (37%)
ex teleport, F4 SoulBall, jip F21D2, jik teleport, F4 lift (38%)

Uppercut, ex lift, 4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 lift (38%)

For Vortex

222 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b12 (27%; with jip 29%) (doesnt work on females)
222 SoulBall, jip b12 (23%; with jip 26%)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (34%; with jip 35%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (36% for Vortex; 37% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel, b12, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (33%; 35% with jip)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (31%; with jip 33%)
f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b12 (26%; with jip 29%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (29%; with jip 31%)
b3 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b12 (24%; with jip 27%)
NJP, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (30%)
222 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall (35%; with jip 37%) (doesnt work on females)
222 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (33%; with jip 34%)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (37%; with jip 39%)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (36%; with jip 37%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (39%; with jip 40%)
f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (36%; with jip 37%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (39%: with jip 40%)
b3 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (34%; with jip 35%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (37%: with jip 38%)
NJP, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel 4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (33%)
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2, run cancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (32%)


f21d2, b12, b12, s4 SoulBall, SoulRelease, uppercut, uppercut (42%; 42% with jip)
f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, f4 SoulBall, SoulRelease, uppercut 222 burst or second uppercut (43%, with jip 44% doesnt work on females)
f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, 222 SoulBall, SoulRelease, uppercut 222 burst or second uppercut (44%, with jip 44%)
f4, SoulBall, jip 114, f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (43%; 43% with jip)
f4, SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
b3, SoulBall, jip 114, f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (41%; 42% with jip)
b3, SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (40%; 41% with jip)
222, SoulBlast up, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, uppercut, uppercut (43%; 43% with jip)
jip, 222, SoulBlast up ,222, bf2, jip, f21d2, njp, 22 lift. 43% meterless that keeps them in the corner.
jip, 222, SoulBlast up, 222, bf2, jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, d1 lift. 46% meterless that hits them out of the corner.
1 Bar
f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (47%; 47% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (45%; 46% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (45%; 45% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (43%; 44% with jip)
jip, f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, 222 SoulBall, crossover jip b12 teleport, d1 ex lift, uppercut, 2 lift (47%)
jip, f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, 222 SoulBall, crossover jip b12 teleport, d1 ex lift, uppercut, uppercut (48%)
jip, f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, f4 SoulBall, crossover jip b12 teleport, d1 ex lift, uppercut, uppercut (48%; doesnt work on females)
When in corner
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, 4 ex lift uppercut, uppercut (48%; 46% with 1 uppercut)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, 4 ex lift uppercut, uppercut (46%; 44% with 1 uppercut)


MoS combo list has been updated.

If anyone wants to drop me the list for Mystic or what they have for spectral I will gladly update the OP


Character Loyalist

Wow, this is even better than everything I hoped for. just logged in from my mobile so I can give you a huge "Thank You" asap!!

This subforum could very well be the most supportive on Tym!


KH Fusion
49% 1 bar corner combo for MoS. been trying to push it to 50+ but so far no luck. (even tried doing it on Torr to maybe squeeze in a few more hits, but nope lol) maybe someone else can.

f4 soulball, crossover jip f21d2 quick runcancel f3 teleport, b12, 222 exlift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut.

does the same damage whether you start with a jip or not. starts with your opponent in the corner, then you jump in the corner, then you teleport out and ends with your opponent back in the corner (sometimes the second uppercut knocks them back out of the corner, most likely a spacing/timing thing on the second uppercut)


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
49% 1 bar corner combo for MoS. been trying to push it to 50+ but so far no luck. (even tried doing it on Torr to maybe squeeze in a few more hits, but nope lol) maybe someone else can.

f4 soulball, crossover jip f21d2 quick runcancel f3 teleport, b12, 222 exlift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut.

does the same damage whether you start with a jip or not. starts with your opponent in the corner, then you jump in the corner, then you teleport out and ends with your opponent back in the corner (sometimes the second uppercut knocks them back out of the corner, most likely a spacing/timing thing on the second uppercut)
have you tried replacing the F3 into tp with a 4 into tp? 4 seems to scale less... I'm not home so I can't try it out.
I must say though, fucking beast combo :D


MoS combo list has been updated.

If anyone wants to drop me the list for Mystic or what they have for spectral I will gladly update the OP
Havent updated my Mystic list since the last time.
I have sent you one for Spectral - its not all too much though. On the other hand i doubt there is all that much.


Why isn't Jax's Farm a playable stage?
Would you be willing to spend another bar to get 50%? That could work. If not I'll try to get that damage to 50% for one bar.


I love Kitana
Uppercut, ex lift, 4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 lift (38%) how on gods green earth do you get this it's like get the lift I am inputing the lift and he only blocks at best.


Let's fighting love
Uppercut, ex lift, 4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 lift (38%) how on gods green earth do you get this it's like get the lift I am inputing the lift and he only blocks at best.
The EX lift? I don't think it will hit unless the uppercut hits the opponent in the air. I can't see any other situation where the opponent would be able to block the lift... Usually if you AA with uppercut and do lift too late it will just miss, not even get blocked.

If you want a great visual indicator for when you should input ex lift, set AI to jump in on you, do an uppercut, then hold block. This way you get a visual indicator on when you recover from the uppercut.


I love Kitana
The EX lift? I don't think it will hit unless the uppercut hits the opponent in the air. I can't see any other situation where the opponent would be able to block the lift... Usually if you AA with uppercut and do lift too late it will just miss, not even get blocked.

If you want a great visual indicator for when you should input ex lift, set AI to jump in on you, do an uppercut, then hold block. This way you get a visual indicator on when you recover from the uppercut.
I set the AI to jump and i uppercut him I was not catching him what I mean to say is when I was inputing ex lift only the block for the ex move came out. I even tried throwing out a jab after the lift and there is some big delay in recovery.

Dope Dojo

The Bomb Diggity
Any Ermac players managed to get to 40% off of air conversions? Best I could do was 36%

Ji3 xxx teleport ~ 4 xxx Soul ball ~ ji2 ~ F2 D1 2~ B12 B12 Soul ball.

The only downside I found is that for the stand 4 to hit you gotta catch them fairly high in the jump arc. Other wise you're better off doing a b12 loop or f4.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem

does not beat jump kicks, but it does seem pretty handy for punches.
Sick combo wow. I usually go into F4 after the D4.

D4 > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > TKL (39%)

I recently discovered how sick D4 was as an AA lol
AA in this game isnt as easy as in MK9 I find so most often it fails but I keep practicing :D


Check out the combos I use when I play Master of Souls Ermac guys!!!

As you posted this in about 10 Threads i think you really really really want feedback on it.

So my first feedback is: I doubt there is much reason to post it in all Ermac Threads.

Beside that, thanks for the video. Unofortunateky the combos are not optimal. In several you miss out on damage and/or waste a bar.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
Also I'd like to see a combo guide video with a simple fade to black between each combo or a clear cut. Kind of a waste of time when we have to watch you scroll through your previously recorded stuff. Also inputs would be nice if you insist on calling your video a Combo GUIDE.
In addition, and this might be my video production degree talking, but a cluttered screen annoys me so I would remove the buttons pressed on the right and the dmg every hit does. Just a final damage and the inputs written with numbers is enough.

The way I see it, you have 3 types of MK video
- Combo Guides; like I described above
- Strategy videos; Like the one Zaf did for the vortex
- Combo videos; That serve to highlight flashy combos like this classic:
@Kidigital (Cyber Subby Wubby owns :D )