@jokey77 here my list. X-Ray combos and AA´s are missing though. Cant find the page atm.
F21D2 Starter
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, jip b321 (40%); 41% with jip)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, uppercut (40%; 41% with jip)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, njp, b1d2 (38% hard knockdown; 40% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 soulball, bf1, uppercut (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease uppercut (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, jik, teleport, f4 SoulBall, jip b321 (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, f3 SoulBall, jip b321 (37%; 38% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 teleport, d1 lift (37%; 39% with jip)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b321 (39%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease, njp, run cancel uppercut (39%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, f4 burst (38%; 40% with jip)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, b1d2 (38% - hard knockdown; 39% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease uppercut (40%; with jip 41%)
f21f2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip 34 ex lift, uppercut (40%; with jio 41%)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, run cancel SoulRelease, uppercut, ex lift, uppercut (40%; with jip 41%)
f21d2, 4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, njp, jik, teleport, f4 ex lift, uppercut (41%; with jip 42%)
f21d2, 4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, uppercut, ex lift, uppercut (42%; with jip 43%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, f4 SoulBall, run cancel, SoulRelease, uppercut, ex lift, uppercut (43%; with jip 43%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip 34 ex lift, uppercut (43%; with jip 44%)
222 Starter (222 teleport whiffs on small hitbox characters)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12 f4 burst (39% ;40% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift (38%; 39% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 burst (37%; 39% with jip)
222 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f12d2, b12, f4 Burst (37%; 39% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
222 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, f4 ex lift run cancel uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
222 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
F4 Starter
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 burst (40%; 41% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst(40%; 41% with jip)
f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12 b12 f4 burst (40%; 41% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 burst (40%; with jip 41%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 uppercut (42%; with jip 43%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 f4 burst (41%; with jip 42%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (45%; 46% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, 4 ex lift, b321 (42%; 42% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut (43%, 44% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 burst (44%; 45% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (45%; 45% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (43%; with jip 44%)
B3 Starter
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12 b12 f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 burst (38%; with jip 39%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 uppercut (40%; with jip 41%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 f4 burst (39%; with jip 40%)
1 Bar
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (43%; 44% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, 4 ex lift, b321 (40%; 41% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut (41%, 42% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 burst (42%, 43% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (43%; 43% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (41%; with jip 42%)
34 Starter
34 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 Burst (36%; 37% with jip)
1 Bar
34 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (39%; 40% with jip)
114 Starter
114, f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 burst (36%; 38% with jip)
114, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 Burst (36%; 38% with jip)
114, f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (40%; 41% with jip)
114, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 ex lift, uppercut (39%; 40% with jip)
114 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 2 SoulBall, jip b12 (34% for vortex; 36% with jip)
Naked SoulBall
SoulBall, jip f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, 222 burst (36%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 burst (34%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, f4 burst (34%)
SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, njp, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel f4 burst (31%)
SoulBall, SoulRelease, teleport, b321 (27%) (if you cant get to your opponent in time)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (40%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (39%)
SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, b12, 222 ex lift, uppercut (39%)
SoulBall, runcancel SoulRelease, njp, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel f4 ex lift, uppercut (34%)
SoulBall, SoulRelease, teleport, f4 ex lift, f21d2 run cancel uppercut (34%) (if you cant get to your opponent in time)
Neutral Jump Punch
NJP, jik teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel uppercut (34%)
NJP, jik teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, 4 ex lift, uppercut (36%)
teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, b321 (34%)
air teleport, 222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, b1d2 (33%)
1 Bar
teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (38%)
air teleport, 222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (37%)
ex teleport, F4 SoulBall, jip F21D2, jik teleport, F4 lift (38%)
Uppercut, ex lift, 4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, f4 lift (38%)
For Vortex
222 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b12 (27%; with jip 29%) (doesnt work on females)
222 SoulBall, jip b12 (23%; with jip 26%)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (34%; with jip 35%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (36% for Vortex; 37% with jip)
f21d2, run cancel, b12, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (33%; 35% with jip)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (31%; with jip 33%)
f4 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b12 (26%; with jip 29%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip b12 (29%; with jip 31%)
b3 teleport, d1 SoulBall, jip b12 (24%; with jip 27%)
NJP, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (30%)
222 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall (35%; with jip 37%) (doesnt work on females)
222 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (33%; with jip 34%)
f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (37%; with jip 39%)
f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (36%; with jip 37%)
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (39%; with jip 40%)
f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (36%; with jip 37%)
f4 teleport, d1, f4 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (39%: with jip 40%)
b3 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (34%; with jip 35%)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (37%: with jip 38%)
NJP, jik teleport, f21d2, run cancel 4 ex lift, b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (33%)
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2, run cancel b12 SoulBall, jip b12 (32%)
f21d2, b12, b12, s4 SoulBall, SoulRelease, uppercut, uppercut (42%; 42% with jip)
f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, f4 SoulBall, SoulRelease, uppercut 222 burst or second uppercut (43%, with jip 44% doesnt work on females)
f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, 222 SoulBall, SoulRelease, uppercut 222 burst or second uppercut (44%, with jip 44%)
f4, SoulBall, jip 114, f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (43%; 43% with jip)
f4, SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (42%; 43% with jip)
b3, SoulBall, jip 114, f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (41%; 42% with jip)
b3, SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, uppercut (40%; 41% with jip)
222, SoulBlast up, d1 SoulBall, jip f21d2, uppercut, uppercut (43%; 43% with jip)
jip, 222, SoulBlast up ,222, bf2, jip, f21d2, njp, 22 lift. 43% meterless that keeps them in the corner.
jip, 222, SoulBlast up, 222, bf2, jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut, d1 lift. 46% meterless that hits them out of the corner.
1 Bar
f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (47%; 47% with jip)
f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (45%; 46% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, b12, b12, s4 ex lift, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (45%; 45% with jip)
b3 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, uppercut, b12, f4 ex lift uppercut (43%; 44% with jip)
jip, f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, 222 SoulBall, crossover jip b12 teleport, d1 ex lift, uppercut, 2 lift (47%)
jip, f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, 222 SoulBall, crossover jip b12 teleport, d1 ex lift, uppercut, uppercut (48%)
jip, f21d2, f3 SoulBurst UP, f4 SoulBall, crossover jip b12 teleport, d1 ex lift, uppercut, uppercut (48%; doesnt work on females)
When in corner
f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, 4 ex lift uppercut, uppercut (48%; 46% with 1 uppercut)
b3 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, njp, 4 ex lift uppercut, uppercut (46%; 44% with 1 uppercut)