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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Tried a few thing with the combo but for some reason i am having trouble connecting both uppercuts... even though i dont have too much trouble with the other 2 uppercut combos :O

Anyways - replacing f4 with s4 or 222 give you 46% before the second uppercut. Perhaps it goes up to 49% with both uppercuts.

On females i dont think its worth the hassle. One can add a njp and use 2 SoulBall/22 SoulBall but the timings are so weird for me that i wouldnt bother.


Tried a few thing with the combo but for some reason i am having trouble connecting both uppercuts... even though i dont have too much trouble with the other 2 uppercut combos :O

Anyways - replacing f4 with s4 or 222 give you 46% before the second uppercut. Perhaps it goes up to 49% with both uppercuts.

On females i dont think its worth the hassle. One can add a njp and use 2 SoulBall/22 SoulBall but the timings are so weird for me that i wouldnt bother.
Lol I had the same idea about 222
Hello All,
I've been at the lab all night, sorry if i sound noobish (im new at this), but can this be done?:
f21d2, ex lift, b21, 222, Soul ball, bf1.... and on...

Im having a hard time throwing the soul ball after the 222 string. I've manged to do it with only 22, but when i get him on the soul ball, seems like whatever i do after wont work (because the opponent falls to the floor right away)

Can you guys throw the soul ball with 222? and if not, how do you follow it with after 22~soulball?


Hello All,
I've been at the lab all night, sorry if i sound noobish (im new at this), but can this be done?:
f21d2, ex lift, b21, 222, Soul ball, bf1.... and on...

Im having a hard time throwing the soul ball after the 222 string. I've manged to do it with only 22, but when i get him on the soul ball, seems like whatever i do after wont work (because the opponent falls to the floor right away)

Can you guys throw the soul ball with 222? and if not, how do you follow it with after 22~soulball?
I am pretty sure you cant connect the SoulBall after the 222 in your combo. Also after the bf1 you wouldnt be able to do much more.
Beside that you shouldnt go ex lift after a f21d2, its a bit of a waste. They are lots of better options and yield similar even without a bar.


Hello All,
I've been at the lab all night, sorry if i sound noobish (im new at this), but can this be done?:
f21d2, ex lift, b21, 222, Soul ball, bf1.... and on...

Im having a hard time throwing the soul ball after the 222 string. I've manged to do it with only 22, but when i get him on the soul ball, seems like whatever i do after wont work (because the opponent falls to the floor right away)

Can you guys throw the soul ball with 222? and if not, how do you follow it with after 22~soulball?
I think you mean B12 not B21 and if so, EX lift is unnecessary... you can do F21D2 Run cancel B12 B12 F4 soul ball or B12 22 soul ball

Even easier is F21D2 JK tele B12 F4 soul ball.... I think that's 28% before you go into the next part of your combo


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
I figured I'd put my highest damaging combos I use for Resets or Max dmg

Off NjP
Reset: NjP > F21D2 > rc > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 30%
Dmg: F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > TKL - 36%

Reset: JiP > 222 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 34%
Dmg: JiP > 222 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > Soul Blast - 39%

Dmg: EX-tp > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > TKL - 38%

Reset: EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 29%
Dmg: EX-TKL > JiK > tp > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > F4 > TKL - 32%

Reset: JiP > B3 > tp > D1 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 35%
Dmg: JiP > B3 > tp > D1 > Soul Ball > Soul Release > NjP > F21D2 > rc > F4 > Soul Blast - 37%

Reset: JiP > F4 > tp > D1 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 37%
Dmg: JiP > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > 222 > TKL - 40%
Dmg2: JiP > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > EX-TKL > uppercut - 42%

Reset: JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > B12 > F4 > bf2 > JiP > B12 - 35%
Dmg: JiP > F21D2 > F4 > Soul Ball > dash > Soul Release > JiK > tp > F4 > TKL - 40%

JiP > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > F4 > X-Ray - 52%
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For online matches midscreen I'm using
starter>soulball>jip>f21d2>f3>f4 super easy, transfers them from middle all the way to corner and does 34-36%dmg.


I see a lot of combos for masters of souls but what are his bnb's? My execution is decent
I´d say the most damaging one as most of his combos arent that hard to do. Also several times its preference as you can do the same damage different ways.

The first page has most of his highest combos & most of them are not that hard to do. They are also easily modified for vortex.
I think first page only misses the corner combos that Biggs posted on the last few pages & the "f4, teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall"-combos as far as damage goes. The latter is probably the thing i consider the hardest combo-wise for a few extra %.

So i suggest you try them out those combos & pick the ones you are most comfortable with.


I love Kitana
so far I am rocking with this

222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift (38%; 39% with jip)

What I don't understand is combos like this

b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)

is like like b12, overhead burst or is it like b12F4? it kicks them so far away.

More Questions with this combo

222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift

It works with f+4 --->SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift

or b+3 --> SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift

looking at trying to add this.
Reset: JiP > 222 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 34%

is it my understanding that you need a bar of meter to reset any thing or do the vortex?
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so far I am rocking with this

222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift (38%; 39% with jip)

What I don't understand is combos like this

b3 SoulBall, jip, f21d2, jik, tp, b12, f4 burst (38%; 39% with jip)

is like like b12, overhead burst or is it like b12F4? it kicks them so far away.

More Questions with this combo

222 SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift

It works with f+4 --->SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift

or b+3 --> SoulBall, jip f21d2, jik teleport, 222 lift

looking at trying to add this.
Reset: JiP > 222 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 34%

is it my understanding that you need a bar of meter to reset any thing or do the vortex?
The 222 combo you mentioned can be done out of evey starter. Only the part before the SoulBall changes basically.
Also you can end in b12, f4 burst instead of 222 lift for 1 extra %.
--> "b12, f4 burst" means b12, the overhead (which is f4) then burst (db2). You have to hit input burst fast after f4.

No, you dont need meter to but them into vortex. Vortex is basically ending the combo with SoulBall, jip b12. This leaves them standing with enough advantage to keep going with something else. There is a specific thread about the vortex with a video and more info. You should check that out.
Here an exmaple combo for vortex setup without bar:
f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, f4 SoulBall, jip b12


I love Kitana
I found a more optimal combo than the 222 one I was using off 222 so now damage is not a problem with ermac now I am trying to make them suffer :D.

Kindreads bnb where good for resets and combos but it seems like they all used meter.
Reset: JiP > 222 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 34% for example


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
I found a more optimal combo than the 222 one I was using off 222 so now damage is not a problem with ermac now I am trying to make them suffer :D.

Kindreads bnb where good for resets and combos but it seems like they all used meter.
Reset: JiP > 222 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 34% for example
Yea the max damage are meterless but the reset require 1 bar to inflict as much damage as possible before the soul ball. Or else you end up with:
JiP > 222 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - Thats like 20-something only


I love Kitana
Yea the max damage are meterless but the reset require 1 bar to inflict as much damage as possible before the soul ball. Or else you end up with:
JiP > 222 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - Thats like 20-something only
thank you for clarifying so I have my meterless damage 38~40 just damage.

Now I need to learn

Reset: JiP > 222 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 34%

so that I can 50/50 one of my combos. over head or low if I am understanding correctly. So 34% + 1 Reset overhead combo example that is dealing 40% I'm dealing 74% for one bar.
I figured I'd put my highest damaging combos I use for Resets or Max dmg

Off NjP
Reset: NjP > F21D2 > rc > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 30%
Dmg: F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > TKL - 36%

Reset: JiP > 222 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 34%
Dmg: JiP > 222 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > Soul Blast - 39%

Dmg: EX-tp > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > TKL - 38%

Reset: EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 29%
Dmg: EX-TKL > JiK > tp > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > F4 > TKL - 32%

Reset: JiP > B3 > tp > D1 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 35%
Dmg: JiP > B3 > tp > D1 > Soul Ball > Soul Release > NjP > F21D2 > rc > F4 > Soul Blast - 37%

Reset: JiP > F4 > tp > D1 > EX-TKL > F21D2 > rc > 22 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 37%
Dmg: JiP > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > 222 > TKL - 40%
Dmg2: JiP > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F4 > EX-TKL > uppercut - 42%

Reset: JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > B12 > F4 > bf2 > JiP > B12 - 35%
Dmg: JiP > F21D2 > F4 > Soul Ball > dash > Soul Release > JiK > tp > F4 > TKL - 40%

JiP > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > F4 > X-Ray - 52%
Idk if you care but if you just switch the second f4 with a standing 4 you get 53%. I mean its just as easy and more damage even if only 1% ,but thats the point of x-ray xombos right?