My GT: UncappedWheel82
Would it be better if I said this "chapter" was lame? Whether this "chapter" is a part of a larger "print issue" is irrelevant as the (my) sentiment is still the same; nothing happened here...in the thing I bought...which is disappointing.Once again, this was NOT an issue. It was the first part of the print issue. These online chapters are basically one print issue split up into three.
I'd just like to point out here that you called the "chapter" in question here an "issue" like I did, and that there are people who 'liked' your post, and also liked the one I quoted above, which tells me that there are many others who also see these digital "issues" / "chapters" as semi stand alone products as that is how they are being sold. It is sort of like how people can watch an episode of TV show and be disappointed in that episode even though that particular "chapter" is a part of a larger whole. Episodes or chapters can be disappointing even if they are meant to be taken as a part of a larger whole. It still comes down to pacing and story telling...which this chapter is a dismal job conveying IMO.Of course it was a "tease", how else are they going to get you interested in the next issue? Fucking hell, you just can't please some people. You would have been complaining if they had given you what you wanted and we saw Scorpion and Sub-Zero brawl saying the exact opposite to what you are now.
The issue was 8/10. We learned a little more about the relationship between Papa and Mama Cage, the Shokan waged war on Kotal so that'll be intense and we got a build up (or as some jackasses are complaining, a "tease") to what's going to be an epic and seemingly crucial to the plot brawl.
Regardless, my only point was that NOTHING HAPPENED and thus it was VERY DISSAPPOINTING to which most people, even the people who are tying to oppose my post, seemingly agree.
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