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MKX Arcade Machine Project


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Decided to change up the buttons a bit. I had some extra black buttons and to offset all the 'white', I changed out the button shells to black. Thinking about changing the joystick dust washers out to black as well, or the whole joystick assemblies to black because as nice as the white sticks look, they will get very dirty quite easily. What do you guys think?

I also installed new locks and the bezel 'instruction card.' I'm going to do a full move set bezel like I did with all my other MK cabs, but I can't design or get started on it until the game comes out and I have access to all the move lists for all the characters. I need to include all possible characters including the DLC ones, so I won't be able to get one done for a while. Until then, the bezel instruction card will have to do.



Decided to change up the buttons a bit. I had some extra black buttons and to offset all the 'white', I changed out the button shells to black. Thinking about changing the joystick dust washers out to black as well, or the whole joystick assemblies to black because as nice as the white sticks look, they will get very dirty quite easily. What do you guys think?

I also installed new locks and the bezel 'instruction card.' I'm going to do a full move set bezel like I did with all my other MK cabs, but I can't design or get started on it until the game comes out and I have access to all the move lists for all the characters. I need to include all possible characters including the DLC ones, so I won't be able to get one done for a while. Until then, the bezel instruction card will have to do.

Personally I really liked the all-white setup for the buttons and surrounding bezels. I would leave them but you're right they will get dirty quickly.

Your collection is absolutely amazing man, I love it so much. :)


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
So I wasn't pleased with the quality of the print on the custom Instruction Card, so today I got it professionally printed on high-quality glossy photo paper. Looks MUCH better. Just wanted to share.

Now, you'll also notice that the joysticks have been changed out to black. The control panel will be an ever-evolving process until the game comes out because I don't know exactly how it's going to end up needing to be. As good as the white sticks looked, there was just no way they wouldn't get filthy from use and I don't want to have to constantly clean them. I am sure you all understand what I mean.

Here are some pics of the new sticks and the new Instruction Card...



Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
So I can't make a bezel with all the characters and their move sets until the game is released and the moves, etc are made known, so until then, I threw this together real quick. It includes the original seizure label as well as the custom instruction card. Nothing too fancy. Just something to add a little detail to the bare bezel. Thoughts from those that are interested?



@KdashDigital/Raiko Digital
Awesome dude. watching the progress was really entertaining, inspiring even. NR community is the best hands down.


Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
Man. Long night. I've been working on comping up with a layout/design for the MKX LED monitor bezel that I can use to feature all the characters from the game. Normally, it wouldn't be an issue with a CRT monitor because I'd have nearly 3 inches on each side for space. With the LED monitor, I only have about half an inch on each side, resulting in ALL the characters needing to be on the top and bottom parts of the bezel.

Since I don't have access to MKX character renders and full move sets, I used all the characters/move sets from MK9. It appears that everything should fit nicely. I even had a little room to put a 'key' stating what all the abbreviations stand for (J = Jump, etc). So check out the pictures and let me know what you think. Just imagine all the characters and whatnot as MKX characters....



Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
So based on how good the 27" LED monitor looks in the MKX cabinet, I decided today to go buy two more of the same make/model and install them in the MK9 and Injustice machines. All three of my custom Netherrealm machines now have a gorgeous 27" LED monitor.

I originally went with CRTs in the MK9 and Injustice because I wanted the original arcade feel while playing the games, and they provided just that, but I was doing an "injustice" to them by not using a proper widescreen display. I also had to completely redo the full character move set bezel art for both games because of the bezel size changing so drastically.

So that all being said, here are some pics. Just wanted to share. Thanks!




Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
I've been busy the last 13 hours finishing up the move set bezel. It's as complete as I can make it at the current time. When the DLC characters become available and I unlock one of the hidden characters, I'll re-edit those character blocks when the time comes, but for now, it's complete. Now it's time for some game play videos...



Your Source For All Things MK Arcade Related
So I attended the 5th annual Shang Tsung's Fight Night this past weekend at the Galloping Ghost Arcade. There were a number of Netherrealm people on hand and they were kind enough to sign my MKX machine. Not only that, but ETC McFly and Carl "Perfect Legend" White were there as well for the MKX tournament and also signed the machine. THAT was one of, if not the best highlights of the evening. All told, the signatures I got on the machine were

-) Carl "Perfect Legend" White
-) ETC McFly
-) Carlos Pesina (Lead Motion Capture/Art Lead Animation
-) Tyler Lansdown (Community Specialist)
-) Rigo Cortes (Head of Social Media and Community Manager)
-) 16Bit (Quality Assurance and Game Tester)
-) John Vogel (Designer)
-) Derek Kirtzic (Not sure what he does)

Thought this would be worth sharing. Here are some pictures...

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MK Slash

Useful Idiot look at the flick of the wrist
man those new led screens look awesome good stuff on the custom cabinets mike


Casual Warrior
That front sticker is wrong, it says mxk not mkx :DOGE
It's really just a matter of opinion. If you look at the marquees for some of the previous Mortal Kombat machines, the number would be placed in the middle. To me, it looks like the 'X' is placed behind the title of 'Mortal Kombat'. I reckon the first thing most people will see when they look at that marquee is 'Mortal Kombat', followed by the 'X'.