I had a chat with RatonMalo about this Shock, he said most of your info is being used for MKP 5.0 I believe you'll be credited for it.
About MKP 4.1 this is a version with little work done, almost like an unofficial version, that's why you saw nothing of your contributions in there.
So, you can be happy... I believe, about MKBlood Storm... this is like the MK2 version, those guys used everyone's work without asking, in my case they didn't even credited me for what they used, still a surprising game I belive the real players will realize this is nothing but a KOF + MK unbalanced and crappy game.
The question RatonMalo asked you about blood wasn't like he didn't read and pay attention to your contribution, he was asking for your opinion about other matters as well, now the Blood system in MKP is better than any 2D MK game in MK history, you can see how it works on the betas I released some post ago, or in gameplay videos.
I believe it would be good if you guys chat with RatonMalo, specially after the release of 5.0 to help with gameplay, balancing the characters and other technical info. Eventually you might see as I do the beneficts of working in a single project helping to make it perfect instead creating more and more short-living projects.
One last recomendation: if you decide to start your own MK mugen project it would be wise to wait for the official release of MKP 5.0 so you can have a better understanding of what I said.