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MKAK: first impressions


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

VA380 said:
The fact you can't rematch a ranked game is good, prevents scrubs from boosting they rank up.

* Lag is unbearable
* Sound is shitty
* Rage quitters don't get penalized for quitting at the end

COMBOTIME AND GINGERMAGIC, ya'll pussies both on blast for that bullshit. Take ur L cuzzos!
lol combotime was the last guy that rage quit on me, douchbag.. wow gingermagic raged too? im not really all that surprised, i knew he was a douchbag too.. we are probably going to have to make a list for these idiots
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

VA380 said:
The fact you can't rematch a ranked game is good, prevents scrubs from boosting they rank up.

* Lag is unbearable
* Sound is shitty
* Rage quitters don't get penalized for quitting at the end

COMBOTIME AND GINGERMAGIC, ya'll pussies both on blast for that bullshit. Take ur L cuzzos!
Agreed... By the way, I never added Gingermagic as a friend because of his shady tactics, you just proved my point.


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Anybody elses system freezing with this BS? I haven't been able to get a single match in for the last 20 min. pathetic!

Completely agree cuzzo, that scurrrd ass shit leaving just cuz you think you gonna get beat before the match even begins is some bullshit! If they wanna play ranked, then they should be forced to play.

Damn, i would of rather waited another year for this shit to get it right. Back to Ghost Recon on the 360.
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

The bashing of the game is as though it has been established and running for months without any fixes. It hasn't; it's day 1, server issues are to be expected. Let's not give up on day 1.
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

ZAQ said:
I kind of feel like corner uppercuts are weird in this?
If you guys play each other try blocking someones uppercut in the corner, I swear it felt different to me. Maybe it was the lag and it being Jax upper and Raiden uppers.

But I was in an awkward corner moment with this guy and uppercutted him (while he blocked) and I felt like the recovery was less.

What game? I've had something which you described happen to me online in MK1.
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

The bashing of the game is as though it has been established and running for months without any fixes. It hasn't; it's day 1, server issues are to be expected. Let's not give up on day 1.

BTW anyone know what version/revision MKAK MKII is? Something is up with this version. Its not as smooth and crisp as released BONE MKII.

Tim Static

MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Good shit.

Another thing that annoys me is that in the button config, even when playing Mk1 or MK2, you must have a button assigned to Run. So lame.


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Woohoo! Just downloaded it, can't wait to complain about this shit! not.

I have a video game night w/a bunch of guys & gals this week so this def. came out in a good time.

I'm upgrading my internet to 24Mbps, shit's going to def. help when the fix the lag (score!)

Can't wait to go back to MK2 mode -- MK9 is so much fun, but there's so much random shit that can still happen during the game and decide the matches.

OK "download complete"! TTYL doodz!


10 ft Tall Roadblock
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

I'm interested to hear how this plays on XBL. It's god awful on PS3. Laggy, choppy and the controls just seem awkward. I'm not sure all that can be fixed with a patch can it??

MK1 runs pretty smooth eh?? Atleast it seemed like it to me. I was winning pretty much at will and I haven't played the game in 15 years.

Lots of Mileena whoring on MK2 to rank up. What these clowns don't realize is that most of us have been playing this online on PS3 since 2007.

UMK3 is unbearable online. All the games look good though. I really really hope they get these gameplay issues worked out.


A living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Man most of the posts on this thread are extremely discouraging... at least they run nicely offline like AC said? I didn't expect nothing good from online department to be honest. I just wanted button configuration & arcade perfect games. Hope to play this soon on 360


Forum General Emeritus
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Kensidj said:
I'm interested to hear how this plays on XBL. It's god awful on PS3. Laggy, choppy and the controls just seem awkward. I'm not sure all that can be fixed with a patch can it??

MK1 runs pretty smooth eh?? Atleast it seemed like it to me. I was winning pretty much at will and I haven't played the game in 15 years.

Lots of Mileena whoring on MK2 to rank up. What these clowns don't realize is that most of us have been playing this online on PS3 since 2007.

UMK3 is unbearable online. All the games look good though. I really really hope they get these gameplay issues worked out.
When I played yesterday, it was a shit ton of Scorpion players. I didn't mind at all, though. I just took Liu Kang and his 8:2 win ratio, baited those clowns into uppercuts all day and yawned my way up to #3 (until Zaq and Kensi passed me after I stopped playing, damn you!)

Aside from the usual crew, the only non-CMK/TYM player I played that was any good was a guy named "Chrunks." Hope to run into him again.


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

I never had high expectations for online...never....I'm happy that we'll finally play UMK3 with "bring your own controler" instead of preset sticks and pad no one likes....also the arcade filter and monitor fucking rocks!!!!!!!!!


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Hmm I jus downloaded trial version on xbox 360. But the charcater keeps jumping. Also on the Character select screen when i press down. It automatcailly goes up. This happens on all 3 games.

Btw controller works fine on other games.

Is any havin the same issue on xbox 360
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

My first impressions for the MKAK on XBL.

Offline, I really don't like how the game looks on my tube tv. I can't edit the screen ratio, aka stretch it, like you can in the stand alone UMK3 on XBLA version. So it's full screen for me and some of the stuff on the edges is cut-off. The graphics look faded even on painted.

The menu's are pretty bad. The font is super tiny. It's also white font with a white'ish background, so it blends in to the background on top of it being small. Even the pause menu has this problem.

The ranking system seems to be like the UMK DS version, which I'm not sure I like. The leaderboards go by longest streak? That's just asking for boosters.

Finally, the online is complete gutter trash. Not only is there massive lag and delay, the features aren't there either. No lobbies aka spectating, no kombat kodes online (which means first round can't have Human Smoke), and no Gamer Tags under the lifebars. My very first match was actually not too bad with little lag and delay, but compared to the UMK3 stand alone version, that match would have been labeled a "laggy match" by me on there.

The offline mode does seem to be really solid though as far as gameplay. It just looks pretty weak on my TV. Also, MK1 online isn't bad at all really... so I guess that's something....

David Gem

MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Not sounding good. Makes me think of those fan made pics from a year ago. What a decline. lol. Spectator mode should have been a given imo, and can someone explain how the gameplay is different? I know it's like the arcade, so maybe it runs like it does on Kaillera? Or does it feel like offline on a tube TV? Cause I'll never get used to that...

And what's up with the sound? How could they fuck up the sound? I don't have it yet, but someone explain...
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Kensidj said:
I'm interested to hear how this plays on XBL. It's god awful on PS3. Laggy, choppy and the controls just seem awkward. I'm not sure all that can be fixed with a patch can it??
Played on XBL for about 20 minutes this morning... MK was pretty smooth, MK2 was a little bit choppy, and UMK3 was unbearable, especially vs. Smoke. I'm sure it will get better, but right now it's tough to play. I didn't have any issues with the controls, but the gameplay does feel a bit awkward.


10 ft Tall Roadblock
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

I think we have a solid foundation here. It just needs some tweaking. Don't they test this stuff out?? Why put out a half-assed collection like this? Could I do any better? Probably not, but this is what these people get paid to do.

They should seriously consider taking care of their fans that have supported them and helped them earn those paychecks throughout the years. Get it right NRS...


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

I can't figure out the fact that they HAD to of tested this out, and must of said "FUCK IT, RELEASE THE SHIT TOMORROW" .... we sell 10,000 copies at 10 bucks we make a quick 100k.
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Im actually so happy that this was not released in europe PSN store after hearing your comments, they need to fix this asap.


10 ft Tall Roadblock
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

VA380 said:
I can't figure out the fact that they HAD to of tested this out, and must of said "FUCK IT, RELEASE THE SHIT TOMORROW" .... we sell 10,000 copies at 10 bucks we make a quick 100k.
Sad but true
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Been playing this for a good hour and I'm not impressed... even offline the emulation feels shoddy. UMK3 doesn't seem smooth and feels slower, MK2 has numerous sound bugs. MK1 seems spot on but that game is butt. Online.... Wow. I know it's day one but this is just ridiculous. One annoying thing that's happened in MK2 online: Random select makes that DUN DUN DUN noise play over and over and over again, the entire fucking match. GG NRS. I should say though, I'm very pleased with the overall look with the menus and borders and stuff, it looks nice. Too bad the emulation/netcode isn't as polished. I'm salty.

oh and nice laggy game to VA380, I thought I recognized your name. As you can tell I'm so disheartened I'm random selecting in ranked matches... Time to troll with low toes I guess.
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

On a side note, while I could be wrong because of all the sound issues going on, it almost seems as if the UMK3 internal test menu volume was never raised. Some sounds are louder than others... ugh hell if I know. This is a really strange "port".

Edit- With all the complaints it's getting, I really am starting to think that the games are being emulated inside the Unreal Engine. I mean they have to add the 3D monitor curving somehow... and the symptoms are there. I honestly don't know who would use something so taxing for something that uses such little resources. This whole game is a headache. If this is true, it kind of is a sign of super lazy programming. Why waste time coding something when we can just throw it inside something else and let it do all the work?


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

Davey_8000 said:
Random select makes that DUN DUN DUN noise play over and over and over again, the entire fucking match.
Wait, you landed on Raiden? LMAO, I heard that random shit going off and started laughing my ass off. That shit was truly fuckin hilarious to me.


MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

I swear i just beat a Scorpion player and the shit said "FINISH HER" LMAO, WTF is going on!


Dojo Trainee
MKAK: first impressions (ps3)

OJuggernaut0 said:
The ranking system seems to be like the UMK DS version, which I'm not sure I like. The leaderboards go by longest streak? That's just asking for boosters.
Is this true?? Leaderboards go by longest streak and not win/loss?? If so what a fuckin JOKE.