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MK9 Top 5 Hypest Tournament Matches of All Time


Your ego betrays you.
tyrant vs gamerblake might have been the best set of any fighting game ive ever seen before. i remember watching it live i always cheered for tyrant but felt bad for blake lol, that comeback was insane.


Coward Character User

This match was so hype. You can see Aris in the back actually enjoying himself, and he even said this event kinda made him want to play again lol. So many great sets in this thread.


My personal fav's are:

  • DetroitBalln vs. CDjr at Final Round (The tournament scene first saw Detroit at iirc)
  • Curbo vs. PL at MLG (the baby blowup and the rise of Cage + Curbo)
  • myself vs. REO (shameless self-plug because i loved that tournament lol)
  • CDjr vs. Tyrant mirror match FT5.
  • Tyrant vs. Blake (above gif at MLG)
  • BigD vs. CDjr (showing of BigD and nightwolf)
  • The entire IKizzLE gauntlet that he ran at the one tournament, dude legit played like 6 matches straight and won them all. I know someone remembers this lol.
  • REO vs. DJT at EVO 2013
then theres a whole bunch of games that players like Tom, Pig and 16Bit played that i know were great, but I can't remember any specifically atm.
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My mom tells me I'm pretty
Okay, my top 5 of all time:
1) REO vs PL EVO 2013 - The runback that everyone wanted to see, but no one wanted to continue watching because of the slaughter
2) Tom vs FOREVER KING at Powerup - Sub-Zero comeback of the year
3) Big D vs CDjr
4) DJT vs PL
5) Xblades vs anyone


Nightwolf wannabe
It still hurts to talk about it.
Man that happened to me so many times. I lost to freakin deviljim because of that crap went right through her and stuck my self in the corner at comicpalooza. I wanted to pull my hair out. So is thi life of a NW/Sindel player vs Mileena.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
You say "rested on their laurels," I say "got their backs blown out by Perfect Legend."
Please, Pl got his back blown out at MLG Columbus worse than VSM vs team Midwest. Well maybe not that bad but just the same. Then what happened in 2013. He didn't even win one ROUND on REO. Basically for about a 2 year time period the East coast wasn't on top for about 2 months. June and July 2012. But from August 2011 to July 2012 and then from August 2012 until Mach 2013 the east coast won every single major and MLG they were in attendance for except ONE and CD jr got second at NEC 2011. NOT FUCKING BAD.

Plus I don't want to hear a god damn thing about PL anymore after he dodged REO in 2012 and he's STILL dodging him now after CONSTANTLY putting REO down and all his accomplishments. REO would play him or anyone any time anywhere he's not scared to lose like a bitch.


missiles are coming
I can't think of five off the top of my head, but there's this one. I've made it start at 14:48 (It's, like, a 37 minute long video) 'cause there was Losers Finals first between Blackula and SwiftTomHanks.

I was rooting and getting hyped for Blackula the first time I watched it. He resets the bracket, cuts through all Kabal's shit and goes to the last game of the second set. And this guy had the nerve to Babality him constantly (for me a big no-no unless it's between friends). This match was what solidified my hatred for Kabal lol.

Can't get the imagine source since I'm on iPad.

Just glad to be remembered :(


Please, Pl got his back blown out at MLG Columbus worse than VSM vs team Midwest. Well maybe not that bad but just the same. Then what happened in 2013. He didn't even win one ROUND on REO. Basically for about a 2 year time period the East coast wasn't on top for about 2 months. June and July 2012. But from August 2011 to July 2012 and then from August 2012 until Mach 2013 the east coast won every single major and MLG they were in attendance for except ONE and CD jr got second at NEC 2011. NOT FUCKING BAD.

Plus I don't want to hear a god damn thing about PL anymore after he dodged REO in 2012 and he's STILL dodging him now after CONSTANTLY putting REO down and all his accomplishments. REO would play him or anyone any time anywhere he's not scared to lose like a bitch.
Good thing we were only talking about the Columbus-Evo phase. I agree about everything you said, but that was never the point. The point is everyone on the East Coast does not want to concede that the hypest era in MK history was characterized by PL losing at Columbus, everyone calling him a fraud, before shutting them up by making New York his bitch.

I cringe at PL's character, ego, excuse making, and overall obnoxiousness. As a player though, everyone has got to hold that.


Impact Clash, ATL Redd vs Chris G.

MLG Raleigh, off-stream, GlassSword and Beeneeweenees were watching as well. Detroit vs Clint. They both kept switching characters.

It started with Clint using Freddy to beat one of Detroit's characters. Then m2dave said, "Don't do it," with a half-joking plea. Detroit said something in response to the affect of "I'm gonna do it," with a confident grin on his face. Switched to Smoke.
As the match played out, everyone but Clint was confused (due to Clint's lack of reading TYM), but Clint kept fighting in a relatively relaxed manner and beat Detroit's Smoke with Freddy.

Detroit went to Kabal, I'm not exactly sure how the atmosphere was going at this point, but Detroit beat Clint's Freddy with Kabal. Clint decided to pick Reptile in response. The match kept going back and forth, everyone in the crowd understanding how dominating Detroit's Kabal played(Still is IIRC, unless he dropped the game). However, again confusion, as the last match to get into Top 8 was on the line, leaving this Kabal/Reptile match-up to be the deciding factor.

Each of them left to their final pixel of health, on right side of Shao Kahn's stage, it was very calm. Sort of an unnerving calm, as the main stage's matches played out with a clamor on the background. Detroit's Kabal stood there over Clint's grounded Reptile, ready to deliver the final blow, he had a bar of meter resting on what everyone could terrifyingly assume was an enhanced Nomad Dash to stuff Clint's options on wake-up. Then it was time to strike back, Clint woke-up with an enhanced Reptile Dash, the invincibility on wake-up saving him from getting eliminated by an enhance Nomad Dash, and finally jumping as if in tune with Detroit's response, Clint finished the match with a jump-kick.

I can't think of any others off the top of my head, so feel free to safely assume any match from Final Round 15 to fill in the rest.


I would have to think about Top 5 out of every tournament and make another post, but my hypest match in MK9 tournament was me vs Kevo Da Man at MLG Raleigh where I bodied him. Sadly, it was off stream and I still can't find a video of it. I remember seeing someone recording it, but can't find a video anywhere.

Also, me vs Pig in Grand Finals where I got my first Battle And Brew MK9 tournament win was pretty hype too.
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meh...i can't think of a match that stands out. or even a good one that i was in or recorded (i played pretty bad at tournaments under pressure, even though i placed well). it's basically ssdd tbqh.

and no, the sheeva mirror wasn't that great imo.

not mk, but this is the best match i ever had that was recorded lol

spoiler: so bascially when i realized i was about to lose the set, i remembered how to play this game lol