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MK9 Scorpion Thread

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Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
I've thought about this but I'm wondering if hellfire will be any good at catching tech rolls on wakeup. It sure hits low enough, and looks safe. It looks like its homing, but I really don't know the rules of that, or if a roll will be fast enough to avoid it.

I haven't looked how much Frame advantage it might give you on hit, but I suppose if it keeps them from running, like sektor, and missile zoning you again.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Few newer things I've noticed about Scorp of late:

1. His spear is UBER safe on block and retracts FAST! hehe

2. His spear grapple IS apparently a throw

3. He can combo into spear via 2 in 1

4. Looks to have a fire punch move like the teleport but isn't, hmmm just a normal punch or move.
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