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MK11 Single Player Modes and Grind Discussion (Towers of Time, Augments, and Krypt) - Towers are Fixed.


You know what... didn't watch them due to spoilers. Glad I did thanks to this comment. The op's gameplay indeed comes across as a bit impatient. Doesn't look that hard tbh. Its hard to judge without trying it yourself.
A bit "impatient"? Doesn't look that hard? I'm choking, are you kidding?


So let me see if I'm understanding all of this correctly. To unlock a skin, you have to:
  • Most likely going to have to beat a series of 5 or so towers.
  • The first fights are going to be easy, but the later ones are ridiculous.
  • Going to have to use konsumables pretty much guaranteed.
  • Probably going to have to spend Koins and Souls.
  • Have to meet some BS requirements like 50 Brutalities preformed, or something similar.
  • In the end, you get only 1 or 2 skins.
  • Said skins might as well be random.


Did you watch the Baraka fight?

Min 17:00

Unblockable stun arrow + fireballs + high damage high defense opponent.
This is like the Ice Spikes in Injustice 2 on steroids.

I don't get it. All of this content is meant to give the game longevity to offline single player casuals. I'd like to enjoy it as well but I will easily get hundreds of of MK11 without it. But the difficulty will drive people away and the padding will make people bored. And whoever's left...I guess they're really counting on them buying skip fight tokens and shit.


Mortal Kombat-phile
Okay, I'm a big enough person to admit when I'm wrong, especially after watching that recently posted Baraka fight. That's some grade-A bullshit difficulty. I don't see a viable path to beat that without buying aid.

I'm fine with difficulty spikes, but that literally is a pay wall. If you cannot realistically beat an opponent even when playing cautiously and after repeated attempts, the difficulty is way too high.

Not okay.


Wow this looks very un-fun.. I still play injustice 2 to this day and have 3 mains and guess what? I still haven’t unlocked everything for those characters, not even close to everything. So yeah this will def stretch the longevity lol and not in a good way. There’s a difference between fair grinding and random never ending grinding.



Game has loot boxes

Goddam at least be discreet when you're trying to lie.

I'm more on the competitive aspects of the game, so alot of this single player stuff isn't really going to affect me. But this is some slimey ass shit NRS is pulling.


Plus Frame Enjoyer
Thanks for your input. Still, i feel like within a week people will have guides to beating towers and unlocking things. Or theyl be a glitch. Wel see


proud TERF!
I wish people would protest loud and clear about it, but I think that for every person who protests, another is buying the skip-match koins with real money.


proud TERF!
Its nice to read a different perspective tbh. This guy makes it sound reasonable. We'll see when the game comes out.
THAT guy is a liar. Believe me.

I have the game and it is with ZERO exaggeration that I say the towers of time are literally unbeatable.

Let's see how casual players will feel about it. If I struggle with those towers, casual players are going to re-sell the game after finishing story mode.
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