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MK11 Single Player Modes and Grind Discussion (Towers of Time, Augments, and Krypt) - Towers are Fixed.

Prateek Shekhar

Speaking of reddit, there are posters in this thread strawmanning me by saying I said every fight is bullshit and I'm exaggerating to make the game look bad.
I've pointed out that most are doable by me without konsumables, and maybe 5% are BS. But they pop at random times in the middle of the tower, and gatekeep you from proceeding to the end. The bosses in the towers are generally easier than some of the grunts earlier on. The AI isn't what makes these towers bad. The assists they give the AI do.

They're saying I'm BSing based on an OP that just says 'I played the game for 2 days its not bad'. Meanwhile there are others players with the game on Resetera and here who can back up what I'm saying. Really disappointing the attitude some people have towards me on Reddit, even though I've said that this game is the best MK ever made for someone like me who doesn't care much for single player content.

These towers of time definitely look like Injustice Legendary Multiverse : /
Keep in mind these are the character towers. The timed towers are like the regular IJ2 multiverses.

The gameplay loop is: Finish the tutorial -> Unlock your first character tower -> Look at the requirements -> Farm those requirements in the other towers of time or other modes if possible (haven't tested) -> complete the current stage of character tower -> unlock the next -> repeat

At least that's how I'm choosing to do it.

Can you make the AI to complete towers for you like in Inj2?
Yes you can. When you select a tower and select your fighter, you can choose to relinquish control to the AI. I haven't done it, but there are people on Resetera who have, but it hasn't been a success so far.


Speaking of reddit, there are posters in this thread strawmanning me by saying I said every fight is bullshit and I'm exaggerating to make the game look bad.
I'm really sorry for you, you didn't deserve all this negativity. Tuesday they'll look really stupid. Thank God a lot of people in this thread still have brains, for example :
"I don't wanna be a dick but are people in this thread actually fucking brain damaged? This dude just says "well I played it and I think its ok" and everyone is like OH THANK GOD I KNEW IT WASNT TRUE. 0 evidence or anything. The OP on TYM posted a novel and a 30 minute video and numerous other examples of the garbage tower modifiers but "theres no proof, its he said she said". I understand MK has the largest casual community out of all fighting games but these towers being so bad IS DIRECTLY AFFECTING MAINLY THAT COMMUNITY. Why the fuck else do you think they showed absolutely NOTHING about the single player content or krypt? They knew. They know what they did. Tuesday will be hilarious. See you all then."


Big boi Shao <3
The AI works better for me. I use noob because hes using his teleport mid combo and that makes him hard to hit with rockets and stuff. Still not ideal and often he needs konsumables to come out victorious.

I dont feel the need to do the towers myself because I'm allergic to bullshit. Especially unblockable bullshit.

Edit: typos

Prateek Shekhar

The AI works better for me. I use noob because hes using his teleport mid combo and that makes him hard to hit with rockets and stuff. Still not ideal and often he needs konsumables to come out victorious.

I dont feel the need to do the towers myself because I'm allergic to bullshit. Especially unblockable bullshit.

Edit: typos
I should try that. Does it still let you use konsumables when you pick AI? Or does the AI choose it automatically?
Side note, the amount of words starting with K in this game is overkill. I feel like a dweeb having to type konsumable everywhere.


Big boi Shao <3
I should try that. Does it still let you use konsumables when you pick AI? Or does the AI choose it automatically?
Side note, the amount of words starting with K in this game is overkill. I feel like a dweeb having to type konsumable everywhere.
Haha same. It happens automatically now with the silly K's.

The AI uses the konsumables theirselves. Its not perfect but it's something.


@Prateek Shekhar

Don't worry about reddit or even some people on their discord. It's a circle jerk of mostly morons talking and defending some of this crap without even having the game to experience what people like you are talking about. I've seen them go through crazy mental gymnastics to try to convince others that it's not bad and that everything is ok. Sure some of them are grindaholics and are probably ok with this mess, but most just defend it blindly because they love MK and are being fanboyish.

Having said that, I've had the game for 5 days now and I wanted to come on and make a thread like this as well discussing the krypt and towers of time but thankfully you did a much better job at that than I possibly could have. I 110% agree with everything you said in this thread and in your videos. I gave up on towers and krypt too, fuck that shit. It's basically a F2P Korean MMO type of grind.

Queen Sindel

Divine Enlightenment
Well well, its so disappointing. I am not even hyped now about possible Sindel in DLC. It just killed all my hype for the game.
I will make this clear: i played Hearthstone before for years, spent dozens of money and time grinding. I quit, because its never-ending story.(it sort of felt as an escape from the prison) I didn't like the way they tease you with nice golden cards, but to get one you have to pay and grind as hell. But hearthstone at least is "free".

Now i see the same shit in MK11!! They tease you with nice things, but all these whistles and blowers are locked for you, even if you payed 100 euros already!!!

I have a rule never pre-order games, only exception was MK11.Because its MK!! Now i feel deceived. just once i trusted gaming company, and get fooled immediately. I am not going to cancel pre-order, but lesson learned.

..But yes, we can play this game we payed for, and trying not to pay attention on all this content, wchich meant to be for fun, but apparently is not...
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All this that i am reading and seeing in last few days kinda killed all the hype i had for the game. I can't even explain how i feel about it all.

There is no need for microtransactions in a game like MK at all! One of my favorite franchises ever... i can't stop wondering how did we come to this?...
Microtransactions will always influence the game that has them, no matter what and no one can prove me wrong.

I just really hope that reviewers won't give WB/NRS free pass on this! WB really is one of the worst publishers in recent years and this franchise deserves better!


Agent of Chaosrealm
I hope they nerf the assists, or at least provide other ways to unlock the prizes in the character specific towers. In MKX Moble for example, you can unlock a character by completing a challenge which has him as a prize, buy him with souls in the 'characters' daily sale, or simply get him by chance via loot. There are options. Not ideal, but there are.

I hope they implement this here as well, and not end up with "You either fork 5 bucks for that skin, or you must beat a Baraka with five times your health, who does triple damage and is assisted by an unblockable barrage of bullshit."


proud TERF!
Speaking of reddit, there are posters in this thread strawmanning me by saying I said every fight is bullshit and I'm exaggerating to make the game look bad.
I've pointed out that most are doable by me without konsumables, and maybe 5% are BS. But they pop at random times in the middle of the tower, and gatekeep you from proceeding to the end. The bosses in the towers are generally easier than some of the grunts earlier on. The AI isn't what makes these towers bad. The assists they give the AI do.

They're saying I'm BSing based on an OP that just says 'I played the game for 2 days its not bad'. Meanwhile there are others players with the game on Resetera and here who can back up what I'm saying. Really disappointing the attitude some people have towards me on Reddit, even though I've said that this game is the best MK ever made for someone like me who doesn't care much for single player content.

Keep in mind these are the character towers. The timed towers are like the regular IJ2 multiverses.

The gameplay loop is: Finish the tutorial -> Unlock your first character tower -> Look at the requirements -> Farm those requirements in the other towers of time or other modes if possible (haven't tested) -> complete the current stage of character tower -> unlock the next -> repeat

At least that's how I'm choosing to do it.

Yes you can. When you select a tower and select your fighter, you can choose to relinquish control to the AI. I haven't done it, but there are people on Resetera who have, but it hasn't been a success so far.

Ignore Reddit, it's a hive of complete idiocy.
People there are defending this shameful practice. Because most of them are kids.

Prateek Shekhar

This game still looks and plays amazing.

Also silver lining is that it'll take the NRS devs 1 day worth of work on this. They just have to modify their spreadsheet and make sure some of these modifiers don't show up together. Also turn 'BLOCK_=0' to 'BLOCK_=1' for them. Once they modify the numbers, it would take 10 minutes to hotfix the servers, since all of this is on the server, not on the client (your console or PC).

Having said that, the Krypt has deeper issues and the fix for that won't be so easy. But if Towers become easier, money and tower-exclusive gear would come by easier, and the Krypt would become less valuable.

My guess is they would ride the wave for a couple of weeks, tweet out "We hear you. We are working on a fix" then release the fix a couple of months later and bask in the adulation of fans while saying "We heard you. We love you.". Meanwhile, for those weeks and months people who lack the fortitude to resist would buy stuff with real money, and NRS would meet the targets they promised WB.

If this is how things work out, I can't really blame NRS. Fighting games don't get to be this expensive and ambitious without a few promises and compromises. Blame capitalism and the AAA industry.

Prateek Shekhar

Lol - I'm watching a guy who is streaming his gameplay. He plays Kabal towers where he is assaulted by unblockable missiles which cause his character to be paralyzed every two seconds. What cheap spiking difficulty bullshit.
Is it TinoTrading? He seems to have either beat or skipped that fight. But now he's struggling on Sonya + Johnny assist combo. I haven't had trouble with fights like this, but if this is the state of the average gamer, I'd love to see the salt on reddit when they suffer like this streamer is suffering.

I won't lie. It's cathartic to see others going through the struggle.


Agent of Chaosrealm
Is it TinoTrading? He seems to have either beat or skipped that fight. But now he's struggling on Sonya + Johnny assist combo. I haven't had trouble with fights like this, but if this is the state of the average gamer, I'd love to see the salt on reddit when they suffer like this streamer is suffering.

I won't lie. It's cathartic to see others going through the struggle.
Yeah, that's the guy. This is horrendous. I don't stand a chance against those towers.


Cheap Kollector Rip Off
The guy doesnt look the best tbh (Not downplaying the tower fight bullshit, but he could have handeled the sonya fight with Johnny assist much better than that


Agent of Chaosrealm
The guy doesnt look the best tbh (Not downplaying the tower fight bullshit, but he could have handeled the sonya fight with Johnny assist much better than that
He didn't use Kabal's speed at all, granted. But still, one second you're open and Sonya/Johnny dropping your health by 35%? That's bull.


Agent of Chaosrealm
Oh yeah. He's a normie, like 90% of the people who will buy this game.

That particular fight isn't that hard for degenerates like us. Just keep spamming jump ins into your biggest BnB.
I'm what you would describe a hardcore casual. I love games, own hundreds of them, but never become an AAA class player.

Still, I managed to beat the Fume Knight in Dark Souls II, and that's no small feat. :)


Agent of Chaosrealm
… Okay, I'm better than our German friend. But still, no AAA player.

EDIT: He just told someone on the chat that this is his first MK game.


Greenlord Memelord
This now sounds like an awful lot of incentive for a Battle Pass function even more now. Unless, of course, that was debunked too. I hope it was debunked.
I think it speaks volumes how you react if someone gives a different view on the grinding-theme.
And of course, some guy just shows up with "Ignore redit, cause..." bla bla f*cking blaaaa.
It's like this one guy on Steam with the same reaction as soon as I brought up gamefaqs.

It's nice to have a different perspective... it's not so nice that the "Tower-Grinding-Is-Terrible"-guy acted suddenly like a baby, but it is how it is.
Sure, it looks really bad, especialy how you made it look like... but I think there was no effort involved in getting stuff to beat these towers.
It's like: "Nah... skip thise things I don't care about... let's start with the most difficult things!"
"Waaaaah, they are difficult!"
Here a little tip: If you play "Dragon Quest 1", don't cross any bridge before level 10. You'll get murdered, especialy with your mindset. :)