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MK1 Bugs & Glitches Report and Feedback


I keep getting a "crash" when I play online, on PC, for a short period of time, probably 2-3 matches average. This match also happened when I try practice mode, but it's not as often as play online.


Frozen Soul
The daily quests and weekly quests don't seem to work properly for me. Some of them keep resetting.

Kameo Sub-Zero's first brutality isn't working for me. Tried it several time now.


PSN: B1G-Husker
Lost sound in every 1v1 in story mode about halfway through. Cut scenes played fine, but there were no hit sounds, just the sounds of the moves themselves. I closed the game, turned it back on and it was fine. Not sure if this is a worthy glitch to take a look at.


Lost sound in every 1v1 in story mode about halfway through. Cut scenes played fine, but there were no hit sounds, just the sounds of the moves themselves. I closed the game, turned it back on and it was fine. Not sure if this is a worthy glitch to take a look at.
What platform are you playing on?


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Lost sound in every 1v1 in story mode about halfway through. Cut scenes played fine, but there were no hit sounds, just the sounds of the moves themselves. I closed the game, turned it back on and it was fine. Not sure if this is a worthy glitch to take a look at.
Yeah they actually tweeted about this last weekend I believe. It’s a known issue. Wish I knew that just resetting the game/my console would’ve fixed it. I just kept going.


Juiced Moose On The Loose
Lead Moderator
When you do Mileena's ball roll corner in the combo, and Mileena is placed in the corner when she comes out of it, if you call the Sonya Square Wave assist she comes out the wrong direction and it whiffs the opponent completely.

Pretty sure Shujinko copying Raiden is bugged; the teleport doesn't take your character with Shujinko unless you cancel into it from one of his summon attacks, even on whiff. Yet the character can be seen flickering and turning around briefly as if they had moved.
At least on PC, anyway.

He'll still launch them though.


This is driving me crazy

In some characters the air combo works, and in this case it glitches and keeps repositioning Mileena on the ground


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
Tanyas buff timer doesn't reset when you go from level 1 to level 2. So if you have level 1 for like 5 seconds before getting level 2, it will just go as soon as you get it. Doesn't seem like that would be intentional


Minor but setting Kombat Kard background is bugged and will desync the preview image with your actual on-screen choice.

Like I said, minor but this is an embarrassing UI bug to have as a AAA game...


it seems like the game sometimes overrides my mute of someone. if i hear someone with mic in the pre-game lobby, i mute them via xbox but i can still hear them.


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
Sometimes the game doesn't know which side I'm on so I kind of wobble back and forth in the same spot when I'm holding one direction.

I noticed it with Sindel/Frost. If you do the orb, then sindels b3 into it (the big sweep looking move that throws the opponent behind her) when I try move towards my frozen foe the game gets very confused about which direction I want to walk


Story mode had one subtitle line showing MK12.223,627 - or something like that, during a Sindel line. Odd that it was missed...

But quite minor compare to some of the others mentioned. Like wrong inputs entered for brutalities??? WTF? Do the guys and gals there not not have a master list to work from so the UI guys know what the coders have implemented?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

So, Sub-Zero is an absolute mess.

Part of me is still sad that I had to be fiscally responsible and put off upgrading to Lé PS5 until tax season, but most of me is glad that, with any hope, I will be climbing in the pool right around when the first big balance patches and fixes come around for stuff like the current state of Bi-Han.


Make triple skulls input BDF or DF Hold F
Shang input "bug". Dont know if its a bug but I dont think it should work like this.

Even FoxyGrampa is suffering from this. You see him do F4 [The knee] and then form change with nothing after. https://youtu.be/fQ6iGcaHozY?t=769 This is only 1 instance of it but it happens several times throughout this set.

Example https://streamable.com/kaczwv

Doing a form change in-between things eats inputs.
  1. Doing Form Change+Special eats the Down input. Doing DB1 and form changing on the Down eats the down input so you have to input the special again. A work around to this is doing Down>DownBack>Back. The form change will eat the first down the but the downback back will still count as the special. This isnt so much of an issue with DB but it becomes really noticeable when doing his Form Change+DBF.
  2. This happens with all his strings but F4121 is the most prominent example. If you're already in old and do the F412 as fast as possible it comes out as to be expected but if you start in Young and do the form swap at the same time you press 1 and then 2 immediately after before you go into Old form it just gives you the the F4+Form change.
No other string works like this in MK1 afaik. You can dial up strings as fast as you want with no issues and in some cases its required to press buttons in rapid succession like Baraka's 444444 string.

Another issue that is harder to show is inputs not reading as well the longer the combo is. An example is the Raiden/Jax loop into Fatal Blow. Doing EX DF2 into FB raw is very easy to confirm but doing it late in a combo is much harder for some reason. It feels as if the inputs are not being read until later. If you want to test it for yourself test these 2 combos together.
  1. 3 EX DB2 FB
  2. 2421 DB2 Jax Air Grab F34 242 DB2 Jax Air Grab 3 EX DB2 FB
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issue with raiden and scorpion kameo: up kameo and down kameo ambushes should be able to combo from raidens backthrow, but they spawn on the wrong side of raiden, way off-screen.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
On Xbox:

  • Game goes to black screen and desyncs upon rematch (Frequency: often)
  • First match of the set has no audio effects but the second match upon rematch has normal audio