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MK: X Mini Facts


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
if you guys really want to dash block or dash cancel into d4 like sonya and mileena in MK9 all you have to do in this game is FF block, then proceed to do what ever you did in MK9, did you dash up d3 a lot like online scrubs? FF block d3, yay!!!! guess what though kids its going to require stamina and execution!!!

on a serious note the runs look hella fast and will be a very good way to play footsies in MKX, run cancel jump will stop a lot of people from trying to punish dashes like injustice, but it can still be done and is one skill i will personally transfer over from INJ. this game looks hella footsies oriented and characters like cassie who have 4 different anti airs (depending on the variations, brawler has anti air grab for full combo, spec ops has ther EX missile aka hidden missles) will dominate footsies. looks like she also has a lunging forward punch thats really fast and launches and her F3 also launches, GG everyone no re.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Max confirmed the following things on his stream.

- Kotal Khan plays like Abel (Very slow character)
Well as an Abel main I'd say that he's got some decent mobility.

But regardless this sounds very interesting. I would wuv some more step->50/50


I want Kronika to step on my face
All ninjas can use interactable jumps.

Ice clone can be thrown by both players.

Sub's X-Ray charges forward, not a parry.

The tree branch can be held as a weapon, one swing and it's gone.

The energy meter recharges at different rates depending on what you used it for.
Are you sure about Subby's X-Ray? That is really good news.


Are you sure about Subby's X-Ray? That is really good news.
well in the first few gameplay vids his X-Ray parried the other guy's attacks but in the gamespot gameplay shown today he did the X-Ray and it charged forward like in MK9. so I'm assuming it's like his MK9 X-Ray but while he's charging it it's like a parry.


well in the first few gameplay vids his X-Ray parried the other guy's attacks but in the gamespot gameplay shown today he did the X-Ray and it charged forward like in MK9. so I'm assuming it's like his MK9 X-Ray but while he's charging it it's like a parry.
That seems more plausible.
For SZ's clone, I'm guessing it works like an interactable object that just favors SZ: he can walk through it, attack through it, or throw it. The opponent can throw it with the interactable button, but if the opponent touches it in moving or using any other button, he gets frozen. Also, I think that if the opponent tries to throw it, SZ can use his ground pound to detonate it for free damage and knockdown.
actually looking back at today's footage, D'Vorah threw a barrel at Sub while he was charging it, then she froze and he did the MK9 charge. idk...
It seems like some/all X-Rays are chargeable. I dunno if it adds damage or just delays to create guessing games, but I'm betting that's what you're seeing: you can hold it for the parry or release for the charge.


For SZ's clone, I'm guessing it works like an interactable object that just favors SZ: he can walk through it, attack through it, or throw it. The opponent can throw it with the interactable button, but if the opponent touches it in moving or using any other button, he gets frozen. Also, I think that if the opponent tries to throw it, SZ can use his ground pound to detonate it for free damage and knockdown.
Man! If thats true Sub-Zero might be a force to reckon with.
Man! If thats true Sub-Zero might be a force to reckon with.
Here's hoping!

I can tell you for sure that I've seen the following: SZ can move through the clone, he can throw the clone, he can detonate the clone with his ground stomp move, and the clone freezes the opponent on contact.

I have NOT seen the opponent throw the clone, but reliable sources say it's possible. I have also NOT seen SZ detonate the clone WHILE someone else is throwing it (obviously), but I think it's safe to assume that he doesn't lose that ability just because they grab it.


Here's hoping!

I can tell you for sure that I've seen the following: SZ can move through the clone, he can throw the clone, he can detonate the clone with his ground stomp move, and the clone freezes the opponent on contact.

I have NOT seen the opponent throw the clone, but reliable sources say it's possible. I have also NOT seen SZ detonate the clone WHILE someone else is throwing it (obviously), but I think it's safe to assume that he doesn't lose that ability just because they grab it.
Basically its a bomb waiting to go off.....fucking genius NRS.

On the latest OBS podcast someone (forgot who said this) said the clone becomes a interactable and (me assuming here) the opponent can throw it BEFORE they touch it or other wise they will get frozen.

To the Point: Press the Interactable button before you decide to throw the clone or you gonna be eating a combo.


Play Monster Hunter!
Rip on Avoiding the puddle show thing was giving some info about MKX.

Normal moves do not have any wake up invincibility, only EX attacks.

He also said something, but he kinda explained it weird and I'm not sure if I understood right, but, you can EX scorpions spear, and then meter burn it? So I guess that costs 2 bars of meter? Ya... IDK.


Play Monster Hunter!
So basically for a bar of meter, every character will have the opportunity of a safe wake-up?

Not safe, just invincible, though I'm sure some might be safe.
You can still always bait it out, and punish them even if it's invincible.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Not safe, just invincible, though I'm sure some might be safe.
You can still always bait it out, and punish them even if it's invincible.
Okay, gotcha. So, again, why would people bitch about this, I think it's great. Unless there's aspects I don't fully comprehend?