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MK ver 1.03 out for PS3


This is some SERIOUS BULL!! NRS FIX THE LAG!!! The only reason I bought it on Ps3 was because tournaments are using that version. All of my buddies on the 360 says their is little to no lag for them so WHY......WHY is the playstation 3 suffering?

Is it NRS or is it Sony crappy service?

THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!! I GOT DESYNCHRONIZED FOR 18/20 MATCHES!!! This game is turning me off, I just want to play the game.
Geez I just saw Perfect Legend even commenting on how he's getting rid of his ps3 altogether because the online is garbage!

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
This is some SERIOUS BULL!! NRS FIX THE LAG!!! The only reason I bought it on Ps3 was because tournaments are using that version. All of my buddies on the 360 says their is little to no lag for them so WHY......WHY is the playstation 3 suffering?

Is it NRS or is it Sony crappy service?

THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!! I GOT DESYNCHRONIZED FOR 18/20 MATCHES!!! This game is turning me off, I just want to play the game.
Geez I just saw Perfect Legend even commenting on how he's getting rid of his ps3 altogether because the online is garbage!
Crappy Sony service.


Dojo Trainee
This is some SERIOUS BULL!! NRS FIX THE LAG!!! The only reason I bought it on Ps3 was because tournaments are using that version. All of my buddies on the 360 says their is little to no lag for them so WHY......WHY is the playstation 3 suffering?

Is it NRS or is it Sony crappy service?

THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!! I GOT DESYNCHRONIZED FOR 18/20 MATCHES!!! This game is turning me off, I just want to play the game.
Geez I just saw Perfect Legend even commenting on how he's getting rid of his ps3 altogether because the online is garbage!

I agree, input delay is rediculous at this point. All these other games are able to have near perfect online.
Simple solution. . .

XBOX Live = No shitty Gamespy, and no shitty Sony online shenanigans = Fun for all. Join us.


I think it has to do more with a persons online connection. Yeah the netcode sucks, that I don't disagree with. I just wish the online portion of mk would be able to connect you to the BEST possible host. 4 bars doesn't cut it, we need more information. Maybe if they were to show their ping relative to the user. Btw, it's not a matter of PSN or xBL. I've honestly played players who have wayyy better connection than any xbl player I've played. But at the same time, there are more players on PSN who opt to use wiFI and like any online player knows. WiFI connectivity degrades your your performance tenfold.

In addition, recently I have experienced little lag/No input lag. But at the sametime if I do come accross a player who has horrendous connection, I ignore them for all eternity. I have both xBL and PSN. And I notice more Input lag on xBL, More general lag on Psn. But when you pair up with the right player, the lag is nearly unseen.


Focused Grace and Intensity
But when you pair up with the right player, the lag is nearly unseen.
This is true, Im in Toronto and played guys who werent even that far north in the states, like Oklahoma and Rochester and had offline like connections. A couple things are still1/5 secs off but no biggie and not a general theme of those play sessions.


Focused Grace and Intensity
Dont know if this has to do with the patch, but I noticed that kit's xray is randomly down 1% dmg in her naked xray.


Dojo Trainee
That would be a figment of your imagination.
a game can have near perfect online. he didn't say perfect online because there is no such thing. its online. no doubt online will never be offline, but games like tekken and ae don't have NEARLY as much visual or input lag as mk does, when you play on a good connection. unfortunately, i still can't see my connection outside of chat rooms and koth. this is seriously bothering me.


^^^Looks like im 1 in a million. On ps3, online is great for me, most matches have minimal lag and are very playable, don't feel much input lag and get most of my juggles, barely had any desynchs, had a few opponent has left the game when I don't think they actually did but that happening in less then 1 in 10 games.

IMO MK online feels better to me than T6 online does. Also you can usually detect any major lag on the character select screen so you can always just back out if its gonna be a laggy match.


Play Monster Hunter!
I think it would help the lag issues on PS3 a lot if they fixed the ping bars so they actually work and show your opponents connection instead of just staying at 4 forever, so you could avoid people with less then 3 bars.


Ready for Freddy
I think it would help the lag issues on PS3 a lot if they fixed the ping bars so they actually work and show your opponents connection instead of just staying at 4 forever, so you could avoid people with less then 3 bars.
I think that's it: if I get a really good connection it's fine, but I've gotten laggy ones that were supposedly 4 bars.


Twitch - 12DollarStreamMonster
I must give credit when it is due. NRS fixed most online problems for me. There are still games/people that I cant connect to, but I think that has to do with the fact that it always shows me 4 bars as the connection. The person im trying to connect to probably has 1 bar or something.. thus why I cant connect.

I wish they would make it easier to connect to each other.. but I think for now they have it to a point where its at least playable for me.