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MK Character Stereotypes

Lt. Boxy Angelman

It's times like this that I wish there was a heavily-German character in MK so I would have a perfectly reasonable excuse to say "xXx Players LOVE DAVID HASSELHOFF."


The Ignore Button Is Free
Johnny Cage Players - Loud, obnoxious, cocky players at heart. Johnny Cage players are usually the ones to brag during casuals , attempt babalities, or other arrogant tasks. <------ CURBO-FUCKING-LICOUS!

on a side note...I'm definitely a kitana player lol


I thought Sub Zero players were genuinely cowardly, who are utterly afraid of being rushed down and don't know how to deal with rush down?

Haha, the Baraka one is quite apt. I think the Baraka analogy can be applied to Sheeva, Stryker, Jade, Kano..maybe Noob Saibot. I think there is a kind of stubborness in these players in wanting to prove that their character CAN tangle with everyone else.


Character Stereotypes

Sektor Players - Bipolar, racing thought, emotional rollercoasters. Sektor players are usually always thinking of multiple things at once, they also tend to go from happiness to angry in blink of an eye.

Anyone else notice any character stereotypes? Post yours.
one of the sektor players i know has serious raging issues haha....but the other one i know is like the nicest most calm mannered person on the planet

i think
sub-zero players: are always objective and realistic, will flesh every matchup out if they have too, they pay almost too much attention to detail, yet they have an average joe mentality, they also are paranoid if they put any time into another character, which is why it takes them forever to get a secondary
raiden players:literally have a god-like faith in the character and strive for perfection, they are generally bizarre and few and far between.
reptile players: always try to make game breaking tech and do things noone else has done before
kung lao: strive to please the crowd, fight with flash, desire for glory
mileena players: will do anything to win, love to get under the opponents skin and play dirty.
Kabal Players - Loud, obnoxious, cocky players at heart. Kabal players are usually the ones to brag during casuals , attempt babalities, or other arrogant tasks.

Johnny Cage Players - Classy, helpful, complicated players. Cage players usually can lead a team into success, or lead a team into utter failure.

Fixed. Its easy to get mixed up being so full of ones self I suppose.


I'm a literal Sloth
The Mileena one is my exact description, which is retarded.

I also agree with the Ermac one on the first page, sounds exactly like zaf


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Character Stereotypes

Sektor Players - Bipolar, racing thought, emotional rollercoasters. Sektor players are usually always thinking of multiple things at once, they also tend to go from happiness to angry in blink of an eye.
What. The. Fuck. I play Sektor and this.. honestly describes me down to the tee :confused: TELL ME FUCKING MORE


Freddy Players- Honest, kind, and pensive. They really are nice people, however the fact that they troll so much gives others a wrong impression. They just like having fun.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
To add to Quan Chi though; those true intentions are trolling and catching your ass in a runetrap while we smile on the inside and probably "Woolay!" quietly under our breath! We enjoy watching your frustration form on your face while Cage players just enjoy screaming in your face and babying you. We're the more calculating trolls. Those few seconds of your utmost saltiness motivates us to continue playing the character! Win/lose we're just happy that we got a reaction out of you of which we'll smile about before we fall asleep at the end of the night. Shujinkydink knows what I'm talking about!

Just think Ermac + Cage and that's basically the Quan player.