New Boss Character revealed. Mighty No. 5:

Demon Souls was called a "spiritual successor" to Kings Field and i think they nailed it. But it can be a tricky statement.They are calling this a, "Spiritual successor" of Megaman.
I'm putting that phrase in my back pocket. lol
Such a shame when these things happen.MortySeinfeld said:Megaman Legends 3 appeared to have been making good developmental progress, however had been cancelled abruptly. Several fans believe there was a conflict of interest between Inafune and the leadership at Capcom, because shortly after the project had been cancelled, there was an announcement of Inafune's departure with Capcom.
Not to mention the severe disappointment from the fanbase when Capcom had announced that they were cancelling the project.
I personally had originally purchased a 3DS with the intention of playing Megaman Legends 3 and was pretty disappointed when I had heard that it had been cancelled.
The Megaman IP has, since Inafune's departure not been utilized in its own stand alone game; And to some degree only seems to be utilized in a somewhat joking manner for other cross-over titles (UMvC3 Frank West Megaman Skin, Box Art Megaman in SFxT, etc.).
This Kick Starter project, to me, looks like what I would imagine the type of game a developer like Inafune has been wanting to create for several years to evolve the Megaman IP, however hasn't been allowed to create potentially because of a conflict of interest with leadership at Capcom, lack of belief in profit, etc.
$5,000 donated for a replica setting? I am a Brony, and I say: damn humans and their crazy-ass ideas! It's just a TV show.AK Black Preon said:And as someone said earlier with a publisher you can easily have your vision turned into something far off from your ideal and initial goals. Now yes there are some shady kickstarters much like those idiotic brony people who donated roughly 5,ooo bucks in hopes that this guy will buy and island and construct a replica setting of the MLP show and call it Brony island....
(here is a link to my friend ranting about it:) Just in case you don't believe me.