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mic night

Bumpity bump cuz I want in but will prolly forget so if any of you guys see me on hit me up pls.

All I need is one mic-Nas


We should def try this again. Infact, I think it shoud be a weekly or bi-weekly thing. I'll holla at you soy!


Forum General Emeritus
Hey Scheiss, I wonder if it's possible to have a banner or flyer run across the top of the MK2 forum indicating the mic night? It would only be for the designated day. If you want a good example of what I'm talking about and how it's done, goto http://www.fantasyfootballcafe.com and check out their forums. They have a News & Information section that mentions site happenings and stuff like that.

Probably requires a little PHP programming to get it working.


Note: A chatroom unfortunately (maybe fortunately) holds up to six people. So maybe I'll start up one chatroom and other people join another. Then maybe we can alternate between them if people wanted. I'm good for tonight btw.